
Terms for subject Business containing Science | all forms | exact matches only
actuarial science精算学
administrative science管理科学
Bachelor of Agricultural Science农业科学学士
Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences农业科学学士
Bachelor of Applied Science应用科学学士
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science社会科学学士
Bachelor of Building Science建筑学学士
Bachelor of Business Science商学士
Bachelor of Business Science工商管理学学士
Bachelor of Chemical Science化学学士
Bachelor of Commercial Science商学学士
Bachelor of Library Science图书馆学学士
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture农学学士
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration工商管理学学士
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering土木工程学学士
Bachelor of Science in Commerce商学学士
Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Economics商业和经济学学士
Bachelor of Science in Economics经济学学士
Bachelor of Science in Engineering工程学学士
blending of science and art科学与艺术的结晶
Bus Bachelor of Science in Business Administration工商管理学学士
classification of sciences科学分类
complex of science, industry and trade科工贸联合体
computer and information science计算机与信息科学
Computer and Information Sciences计算机信息科学
contemporary science of management现代管理学
contemporary science of statistics现代统计学
conversion of science and technology into productive forces科技转化为生产力
dismal science经济学
Doctor of Agricultural Science农业科学博士
Doctor of Applied Science应用科学博士
doctor of business science工商管理博士
Doctor of Commercial Science商科博士
Doctor of Engineering Science工程学博士
Doctor of Financial Science财政学博士
Doctor of Natural Science自然科学博士
Doctor of Science in Agriculture农学博士
Doctor of Science in Business Administration工商管理学博士
Doctor of Science in Commerce商科博士
Doctor of Science in Commerce商学博士
Doctor of Science in Economics经济学博士
Doctor of Science in Engineering工程学博士
Doctor of Science in Forestry林学博士
doctor of science in management管理学博士
Doctor of Social Science社会科学博士
Doctor of Technical Science科技博士
exact sciences精密科学
fiscal science财政学
Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology科技预测与评估
human behavior science行为科学
inexact science不精确科学
information science technology信息科学技术
information social science信息社会科学
integrated science and production corporation科学生产联合公司
leadership science领导科学
management science operations research管理科学运筹学
management science school管理科学学派
master of management science管理学硕士
Master of Science in Administration行政管理学硕士
Master of Science in Business商科硕士
Master of Science in Business商学硕士
Master of Science in Business Administration工商管理学硕士
Master of Science in Management管理学硕士
Master of Science in Social Service社会公益服务学硕士
Master of Social Science社会科学硕士
modern behavior science现代行为科学
modern management science现代管理科学
modern market science现代市场学
modern public relationship science现代公共关系学
most up-to-date science and technology最新科学技术成就
National Information System for Science and Technology全国科技信息处理系统
new science of management新管理学
new science of management decision新管理决策科学
Office of Science and Technology科技办公室
operation science运筹学
organization behavior science组织行为学
organization science组织科学
organizational behavior science组织行为科学
rim science边缘科学
Sci social science社会科学
science advisory board科学咨询委员会
science findings科学成果
Science in General Management普通管理科学
science of administration行政管理学
science of behavior行为科学
science of management管理科学
science of reliability可靠性学科
science of science科学之科学
science of statistics统计学
sideline science边缘科学
statistical package for the social science社会科学应用统计组合程序