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Terms containing School of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
nurs.ability of fulfilling school assignment学习作业能力
gen.Adler Graduate School of Ontario, Inc.安大略省阿德勒研究所
gen.Adler School of Professional Psychology阿德勒专业心理学院
China, lawadmission to schools of a higher level升学
gen.Aegean Sea was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets在古代,爱琴海因拥有一群史诗诗人而著名
manag.American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business美国工商管理学院联合会
econ.Association of Heads of U. S. Petroleum Engineering Schools美国石油工程院系长协会
skiingAssociation of Ski School in Great Britain英国滑雪运动学校协会
gen.Atlantic School of Theology大西洋技术学院亚特兰大神学院
gen.Austin Graduate School of Theology奥斯汀神学研究生院
China, lawautonomy of running a school办学自主权
busin.behavior school of management行为管理学派
manag.behavior school of management thought管理思想行为学派
gen.Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis波士顿精神分析研究生院
earth.sc.camborne school of mines坎伯恩矿业学院
tech.child of school age学龄儿童组
gen.Church Divinity School of the Pacific太平洋神学院
econ.classical school of economics古典经济学派
busin.classical school of management古典管理学派
manag.classical school of management thoughts传统古典管理学派
busin.classical school of management thoughts古典管理思想学派
econ.classical school of political economy古典政治经济学
China, lawcolleges and schools of the Army军队所属院校
ed.Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业学院
earth.sc.Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业学院
gen.Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业学校
earth.sc.Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation科罗拉多矿业学院研究基金会
earth.sc.Colorado School of Mines Research Institute科罗拉多矿业学院研究所
oilColorado School of Mines Research Institute美国科罗拉多矿业学院研究所
gen.Colorado School of Mines Research Institute科罗拉多矿业学校研究所
China, lawcontract for the joint establishment and running of a school联合办学合同
China, lawcost of running a school办学成本
earth.sc.Council of Graduate Schools in the United States美国大学研究院委员会
nurs.counseling of school学校咨询
busin.decision school of management管理决策学派
manag.decision school of management thoughts管理决策学派
busin.decision school of management thoughts管理思想决策学派
stat.density of school鱼群密度
stat.density of school of fish鱼群密度
agric.detection of fish school鱼群探测
agric.detection of fish school鱼群侦察
gen.Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology多米尼加哲学与神学学院
China, lawdrop out of school辍学
busin.empiric school of management经验管理学派
busin.empirical school of management经验管理学派
China, lawenrollment, admission to schools of a higher level and employment入学、升学、就业
China, lawestablish and administer schools of various types举办各种学校
manag.experience school of management thought经验管理学派
manag.experiences school of management thought经验管理学派
gen.Franciscan School of Theology圣芳济会神学院
tech.free school of architecture义务建筑学校
manag.functional school of management thought管理职能功能学派
busin.functional school of management thought管理思想的职能学派
el.Global Internet School of Pubic Health全球因特网公共卫生学校
earth.sc.graduate school of oceanography海洋学研究生院
tech.green schools of food grains青苗
textileHigh School of Fashion Industries时装工业高等学校
econ.historical school of economics历史经济学派
manag.human behavior school of management人类行为管理学派
manag.human relation school of management thought人群关系管理的学派
busin.human relations school of management人群关系管理学派
busin.human relations school of management thought人群关系管理思想学派
corp.gov.International association of schools and institutes of administration管理学院和研究院国际联合会
busin.International Association of schools and Institutes of Administration国际管理学院和研究院联合会
gen.International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering国际原子能学校
org.name.Interstate School of Rural Equipment Engineers国家间农村设备工程人员学校
gen.Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley伯克利耶稣神学学院
manag.Latin American Council of Management Schools拉丁美洲管理学院委员会
China, lawlevel of running a school办学水平
China, lawlevel of the school办学层次
tech.location of fish school鱼群位置探索
fin., brit.London School of Economics伦敦经济学院
gen.Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago芝加哥路德神学院信义神学院
manag.management school of thoughts管理学派
gen.Manhattan School of Music曼哈顿音乐学院
econ.Marxist labour theory of value school马克思主义劳动价值理论学派
gen.Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology麻省专业心理学学院
agric.mean volume of school鱼群平均体积
univer.Milwaukee School of Engineering密尔瓦基工程学校
sport.Mini Tennis is a fun and easy recreational sport, which is accessible for all primary school children regardless of physical ability and exercise background小型网球是一种简易而有趣的康体运动,适合不同体格及不同运动背景的小学生参加
oilMissouri School of Mines美国密苏里矿业学院
earth.sc.Missouri School of Mines密苏里州矿业学院
earth.sc.Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy密苏里州矿冶学院
earth.sc.Missouri School of Mines Reactor密苏里州矿业学院反应堆
oilMontana School of Mines美国蒙大拿矿业学院
earth.sc.Montana School of Mines蒙大拿州矿业学院
gen.Montreal School of Higher Commercial Studies蒙特利尔高等商业研修学院
ed.Morehouse School of Medicine莫尔蒙斯医学院
sport.National Federation of State High School Athletic Association美国 州立高中体育协会全国联合会
sport.National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations美国州立高中体育协会联合会
spaceNational Higher School Of Aeronautics and Aerospace国家高等航空航天学院 (SUPAERO, 法国)
China, polit.National School of Administration国家行政学院
gen.New England School of Communications新英格兰通信学校
earth.sc.New Mexico School of Mines新墨西哥州矿业学院
gen.North Carolina School of the Arts北卡罗来纳艺术学院
gen.Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology橡树岭反应堆技术专科学校
gen.Oblate School of Theology献身教会者神学院
gen.of Quebec National School of Public Administration, University魁北克大学国家公共管理学院
sociol.out of school youth辍学青少年
heavy.eq.out-of-school sport校外体育
gen.Parsons School of Design帕森设计学院
China, polit.Party School of the CPC中央党校
China, lawplace for out-of-school activities校外活动场所
China, lawplan for the establishment of school学校设置规划
tech.playground of school校内场地
tech.playground of school学校院子
tech.playground of school校园
gen.Polytechnic School of Montreal蒙特利尔工艺学院
gen.Ponce School of Medicine庞塞医学院
busin.quantitative school of management定量管理学派
tech.reform of school administrative system学校管理体制改革
gen.Rhode Island School of Design罗德岛设计学院
gen.Ringling School of Art & Design瑞林艺术设计学校
earth.sc.Royal School of mines皇家矿业学院
gen.Royal School of Mines英国〔皇家〕采矿学校
gen.Sauder School of Businese尚德商学院
fin.saving bank school of thought储蓄银行学派
avia.school of aerospace medicine航空航天医学院
spaceSchool of Aerospace Medicine航空航天医学院 (美国空军)
gen.School of Aerospace Medicine宇航医疗学校
gen.school of air navigation空中导航学校
tech.school of applied art实用美术学校
tech.school of architecture建筑学院
gen.School of Army Cooperation陆空协同作战学校
el.school of automation local area network自动化局域网学校
gen.School of Aviation Medicine航空医疗学备
busin.school of business administration工商管理学院
tech.school of business administration商业管理学院
busin.school of business management工商管理学院
textileschool of commerce商业学校
textileschool of commerce商学院
textileschool of economic theory经济理论学派
busin.school of economic thought经济思想学派
auto.school of engineering技术学校
auto.school of engineering工学院
fish.farm.school of fish鱼群
gen.school of flying training航空学校
textileschool of foreign trade外贸学院
textileschool of foreign trade对外贸易学校
tech.school of general instruction正规学校
tech.school of general instruction普通学校
tech.school of general instruction专科学校
tech.school of general instruction职业学校
gen.School of Higher Technology, University of Quebec魁北克大学高等技术学院
tech.school of industrial administration工业管理学院
manag.school of industrial management工业管理学院
relig.School of Law法学院
econ.school of liberalist自由学派
tech.school of management管理学院
busin.school of management behavior管理行为学派
manag.school of management process管理功能学派
manag.school of management process管理过程学派
busin.school of management thought管理思维学派
busin.school of management thought管理学派
gen.School of Military Engineering军事工程学校
earth.sc.school of mineral industries矿产工业学会
earth.sc.school of mines and energy development矿业和能源开发研究所
auto.school of motoring汽车驾驶学校
gen.School of Nuclear Science and Engineering核子科学技术学校
tech.school of nurses护士学校
gen.School of Optometry验光配镜学院
gen.School of Oriental and African Studies伦敦大学亚非研究学院 (SOAS)
earth.sc.school of research and training in earthquake, university of roorkee鲁尔基大学地震工程研究及进修院印度
busin.school of technical training技术培训学校
gen.School of Technical Training技术训练学校
tech.school of technology工业学校
gen.School of Technology at Anderson Muncie安德森曼西技术学院
gen.School of Technology at Columbus Greensburg哥伦布格林斯堡技术学院
gen.School of Technology at Indianapolis印第安纳波利斯技术学院
gen.School of Technology at Kokomo科柯莫技术学院
gen.School of Technology at New Albany纽奥尔巴尼技术学院
gen.School of Technology at Richmond里奇蒙技术学院
ed.School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院
econ.school of thought学派
busin.school of thought思维学派
univer.School of Visual Arts视觉艺术学校
China, lawschool-age children of ethnic groups少数民族适龄儿童
arts.schools of thought几种观点
arts.schools of thought几个学派
arts.schools of thought几派意见
busin.social system school of management管理的社会制度学派
manag.social system school of management thoughts管理的社会制度学派
busin.social system school of management thoughts管理思想的社会制度学派
busin.socialist school of economy社会主义经济学派
earth.sc.South Dakota School of Mines and Technology南达科他州矿业工程学院
gen.South Dakota School of Mines & Technology南达科他矿业与技术学院
China, lawsponsors of privately-run schools民办学校举办者
multimed.Srishti school of art design and technologySrishti 艺术设计和科技学院
gen.The Chicago School of Professional Psychology芝加哥专业心理学校
econ.The company contributed 10% of annual profits to help build a school该公司捐助年利润10%来建立学校
gen.Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management雷鸟国际工商管理学院
gen.two schools of thought两种可能
gen.two schools of thought两个意见
avia.United States Air Force School of Aviation Medicine美国空军航空医疗学校
gen.University of London, London Business School伦敦大学伦敦商学院
anim.husb.University School of Agriculture美国大学农学院
anim.husb.University School of Agriculture大学农学院
adv.U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!"美国音乐学校、"当我坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925 (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
gen.Vancouver School of Theology温哥华技术学院
univer.Weston Jesuit School of Theology威士顿神学院
univer.Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology威斯康星职业心理学院