
Terms for subject Environment containing Satellite | all forms | exact matches only
artificial satellite Any man-made object placed in a near-periodic orbit in which it moves mainly under the gravitational influence of one celestial body, such as the earth, sun, another planet, or a planet's moon人造卫星 (任何放置在接近周期性轨道的人工物体,主要依靠某个天体的重力进行运动,比如地球,太阳,其他星球,以及某个星球的卫星。)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies气象卫星研究合作研究所
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies regional assimilation system气象卫星研究合作研究所地区同化系统
environmental survey satellite环境观测卫星
geostationary meteorological satellite对地静止的【同步】气象卫星
National Environmental Satellite Center美国国家环境卫星中心
National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service国家环境卫星数据和信息服务局
National Environmental Satellite Service美国国家环境卫星服务局
observation satellite Man-made device that orbits the earth, receiving, processing and transmitting signals and generating images such as weather pictures观测卫星 (沿地球轨道飞行的人造设备,接收、处理和传送信号,生成图像,如天气照片。)
pollution monitoring satellite污染监测卫星
satellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial records附加账户 (在特定领域揭露财务活动并对现存的财务报告做补充和独立的财政报告或声明。)
Satellite Data Services Division美国国家气象中心卫星资料服务处
satellite image A pictorial representation of data projected onto a two-dimensional grid of individual picture elements (pixels) and acquired from a human-made vessel placed in orbit round a planet, moon or star卫星图像 (一种图像显示,显示映射到独立的图形元素(像素)的二维网格中的数据。这些图像通过放置在行星、月亮或恒星轨道上的人造设备获得。)
satellite precipitation and cloud experiment卫星雨水和云雾实验
synchronous meteorological satellite同步气象卫星