
Terms for subject Economy containing STABILITY | all forms | exact matches only
cobweb stability condition蛛网定定条件
cobweb stability condition蛛网安定条件
dynamic stability condition动态稳定条件
economic stability经济稳定
exchange stability兑换稳定性
financial stability财务稳定性
hyper stability超稳定性
index of stability稳定指数
inherent stability固有可靠度
long-term stability长期稳定
macroeconomic stability宏观经济稳定
margin of stability稳定系数
measure to increase economic stability促进经济稳定的措施
political stability政局稳定
political stability政治稳定性
prosperity and stability繁荣与稳定
relative stability相对稳定
secular stability长期稳定
stability analysis安定分析
stability analysis稳定性分析
stability of the measuring unit衡量单位的稳定性
term stability长期稳定性
the exchange stability外汇稳定
the exchange stability兑换率稳定
the price stability价格稳定
the stability and diversification of the export structure出口结构的稳定性和多样化
the stability of monetary unit assumption币值稳定的假设
the stability of monetary unit assumption币值不变的假定
theory of dynamic stability动态稳定论
theory of the stability of small-pensant farming小农经济稳固论
There are no doubts about the stability of the currency markets货币市场的稳定是无庸置疑的
unconditional stability无条件稳定