
Terms for subject Technology containing STABILITY | all forms | exact matches only
absolute stability constant绝对稳定常数
absolutely connective stability绝对联结稳定性
accelerated test for color stability颜色稳定性加速试验
accelerated test for colour stability颜色稳定性加速试验
actual stability实在稳定性
aerodynamic stability气体动力学的稳定性
aerodynamic stability抗风稳定性
aerodynamic stability空气动力稳定性
aerodynamic stability气体动力稳定 (性)
aerodynamical stability空气动力稳定性
aerodynamical stability抗风稳定性
aerodynamical stability气体动力学的稳定性
aerodynamical stability气体动力稳定 (性)
aerodynamical stability气动稳定性
age stability老化稳定性
air dynamical stability of suspension bridge悬索桥空气动力稳定性
all-weather stability常年气候稳定性
all-weather stability常年稳定性
analysis of slope stability边坡稳定性分析
anti-vibrating stability抗震稳定性
area under residual static stability curve剩余静稳性面积
arm of stability稳定臂
arm of stability稳定力臂
armor stability coefficient护面块体稳定系数
armour stability coefficient护面块体稳定系数
aseismatic stability of bridge桥梁抗震设计
aseismic stability抗震稳定性
aseismic stability of bridge桥梁抗震设计
asymptotic stability渐近稳定度
asymptotical stability渐近稳定度
asymptotical stability渐近稳定性
athwartships stability横稳性【船】
automatic stability自动稳定性
bank stability河岸稳定性
basicity stability盐基度稳定性
beach stability海滩稳定
bed stability床的稳定性
bed stability factor河床稳定系数
bed stability factor河床稳定因素
bed stability index河床稳定性指标
bending stability挠曲稳定性
bending torsion stability抗弯扭稳定性
bin stability储[贮]存稳定性
bin stability耐储[贮]性
biologic stability生物稳定性
Bishop's and Morgenstern slope stability analysis method毕索与摩根斯坦边坡稳定分析
boundary stability边界稳定度
boundary stability边界稳定性
bubbling stability起泡稳定性
bubbling stability发气稳定性
buckling stability屈服稳定性
buckling stability抗弯稳定性
buckling stability压屈稳定 (性)
bulk stability容积稳
calculation of stability稳定计算
calculation of stability整体稳定性计算
calibration stability校准稳定性
can stability罐存稳定性
can stability罐藏稳定性
can stability储[贮]存稳定性
can stability有效期限
centrifugal stability离心稳定器
channel net loss stability通路净衰耗持恒度
channel net loss stability通路净损失持恒度
channel stability河槽稳定 (性)
channel stability渠道稳定性
channel stability通道稳定性
channel stability通路稳定度
channel stability航道稳定性
channel stability河床稳定性
chemical stability of fungicide杀菌剂化学稳定性
classification of rock stability岩石稳定性分级
coefficient of stability稳定率
coefficient of stability稳定性系数
cold crack stability冷裂稳定性
colloidal stability胶体安定性
colloidal stability胶态稳定性
colloidal stability胶质稳定性
color stability颜色稳定性
color stability颜色安定性
color stability呈色稳定性
color stability彩料的稳定性
color stability index颜色稳定性指数
colour stability颜色安定性
colour stability颜色稳定性
colour stability呈色稳定性
colour stability彩料的稳定性
colour stability index颜色稳定性指数
column stability柱稳定性
common stability基本稳定
community stability群落的稳定性
complexity-stability theory复杂性一稳定性理论
computing method of stability failure of rock slope岩质边坡稳定性计算方法
concrete with high early stability早期高稳定混凝土
concrete-spraying with high early stability具有超早期稳定性的喷射混凝土
condition of stability稳定性条件
cone penetration stability test锥贯入稳定性试验 (测定沥青混合料用)
configuration stability布局稳定性
convective stability对流稳定性
couple of stability稳性力偶
course stability index航向稳定性指数
crane stability起重机稳定性
criterion of bank stability岸坡稳定性标准
criterion stability准则稳定性
cross curves of stability性交叉曲线
cumulative stability constant累积稳定常数
damaged stability破舱稳性
damaged stability calculation report破舱稳性计算书
design of equal stability等稳定设计
diagram showing the stability field of components化合物稳定场图
dilution stability稀释安定性
dilution stability稀释稳定性
dimensional stability外形稳定性
dimensional stability尺寸恒定性
dimensional stability尺度稳定性
direction stability偏航安定性
distributional stability分布稳定性
domain stability畴稳定性
drawdown stability chart降落稳定图
dry stability干稳定性
dynamical course stability index航向动稳定性指数
dynamical stability动力稳定 (性)
dynamical stability动力学稳定性
dynamical stability动态稳定度
dynamical stability动态稳定
dynamical stability动力稳定 (度)
dynamical stability动态稳定性
dynamical stability characteristics动稳定性特性
dynamical stability control动稳定性控制
dynamical stability model动稳定性模型
early stability早期稳定性
ecologic stability生态稳定性
effect of stability稳定度影响
eigenvalue problem of elastic stability弹性稳定性的本征值问题
elastic stability弹性稳定 (度)
emulsion stability乳液稳定性
emulsion stability乳胶稳定度
emulsion stability乳化稳定性
emulsion stability乳剂稳定性
emulsion stability乳状液稳定度
emulsion stability test乳胶安定性试验
energy stability能量稳定度
envir on mental stability assessment based on remote sensing遥感环境稳定性评价
evaluation method of soil slope stability土坡稳定性评价方法
evaluation of stability of regional crust区域地壳稳定性评价
exponential asymptotical stability指数式渐近稳定
external stability外部固定
external stability外部稳定度
external stability number外固数
external stability of a solution解的外部稳定性
factor analysis of soil slope stability土坡稳定性因素分析
fibre dimensional stability光纤尺寸稳定性
field tests of stability稳定性的野外检验
film stability胶片稳定性
floatation stability浮选稳定性
floating stability漂浮稳定性
flotation stability浮选稳定性
flow stability水流稳定性
flow stability流态稳定性
foaming stability test泡沫稳定性试验
food stability食品储[贮]藏性能
form stability型状稳定性
frame stability刚架稳定性
freeze-thaw stability冻融稳定性
fringe stability条纹稳定性
fuel storage stability燃料长期储存稳定性
gain stability增益稳定性
gain stability margin增益稳定余量
gas storage stability汽油储存稳定性
gasoline storage stability汽油储存稳定性
general stability analysis整体稳定性分析
general stability computation整体稳定性计算
general stability criterion一般稳定性准则
geometric stability几何稳定性
geometrical stability几何稳定性
global asymptotic stability整体渐近稳定
global stability大范围稳定
global stability全局稳定性
good thermal stability coal热稳定性良好煤
grade of cave stability溶洞稳定性分级
grade of stability of regional crust区域地壳稳定性分级
grade stability纵坡稳定
granular stability颗粒稳定
gravity gradient stability重力梯度稳定
grease stability润滑脂稳定性
green stability未凝固稳定性
ground stability地面稳定 (性)
gyroscopic stability陀螺稳定性
habitat stability生境稳定性
high stability crystal oscillator高稳定度晶体振荡器
high stability quartz crystal oscillator高稳定度石英晶体振荡器
high stability temperature variation meter高稳定度变温仪
high-temperature stability test高温稳定性试验
hole wall stability井壁稳定性【岩】
hole wall stability孔壁稳定性【岩】
horizontal stability水平稳定 (性)
hull structural stability船结构稳定性
hydraulic stability水力稳定性
hydraulic stability液压稳定性
hydrodynamic stability流体动力稳定性
hydrodynamic stability动水稳定性
hydrodynamic stability水动力稳定性
hydrodynamic stability流体力学稳定性
hydrodynamical stability流体动力稳定性
hydrodynamical stability动水稳定性
hydrodynamical stability水动力稳定性
hydrodynamical stability流体力学稳定性
hydroelastic stability水力弹性稳定性
hydrolytic stability抗水解稳定性
hydrostatic stability静水稳定性
hypersonic stability特超声速稳定性
immersion Marshal stability浸水马氏稳定度
immersion stability test浸水稳定性试验
immersion stability test水浸安定度试验 (评价沥青混合物耐水性的试验方法)
impedance stability阻抗稳定性
incipient stability初始稳定
index of stability稳定指数
indifferent stability中性稳定 (度)
information stability信息稳定性
inherent stability自稳定性 (能)
inherent stability自身稳定 (性)
inherent stability固有稳定度
inherent stability原有稳定性
input energy stability输入能量稳定度
input stability输入稳定度
intact stability无损稳定性
interface stability分界面稳定性
interface stability界面稳定性
intrinsic stability固有稳定度
intrinsic stability内在稳定性
intrinsic stability固有稳定性
intrinsical stability固有稳定度
intrinsical stability内在稳定性
intrinsical stability固有稳定性
irradiation stability辐射稳定性
irradiation stability辐照稳定性
island of stability稳定岛
isoenergetic stability等能稳定性
kinetic stability动力稳定 (度)
kinetic stability动力平衡
kinetic stability动力稳定 (性)
labor stability index人工稳定性指数
laboratory tests of stability稳定性的实验室检验
labour stability index人工稳定性指数
laser frequency stability激光频率稳定度
laser stability激光器稳定性
latent-image stability潜像稳定性
launching stability下水稳定性
leafing stability漂浮稳定性
leafing stability叶展稳定性
least thermal stability coal热稳定性极差煤
less thermal stability coal热稳定性较差煤
level stability水平稳定性
lever of stability回复力臂
leverarm of stability稳性力臂
Liapunov's stability李亚普诺夫稳定 (性)
light irradiation stability光照稳定性
light stability耐光性
limit of stability安定极限
limit of stability稳定限度
limited stability有限稳定性
linear dimensional stability线性尺寸稳定性
linear stability analysis线性稳定性分析
long period dynamic stability长周期运动稳定性
long period dynamical stability长周期运动稳定性
long relative stability stage长期稳定阶段
longitudinal stability纵稳定性
longitudinal stability纵向稳定 (性)
longitudinal stability criterion纵向安全性准则
longitudinal static stability纵向静力稳定性
long-term stability长时间稳定性
long-time stability长期稳定度
long-time stability长期稳定性
loss of stability失去安定性
lower limit of stability安定下限
lower limit of stability下限稳定性
magnitude stability震级稳定性
maneuvering stability机动稳定性
margin of stability稳定储备量
margin of stability稳定界限
margin of stability稳定裕量
marginal stability边际稳定性
marginal stability边界稳定度
marginal stability边界稳定性
Marshall stability马歇尔稳定度 (沥青混凝土强度的一种指标)
Marshall stability apparatus马歇尔稳定度仪
Marshall stability test马歇尔稳定度试验
Marshall stability value马歇尔稳定度值
masonry wall stability圬工墙的稳定性
maximum habitat stability最大生境稳定度
maximum-stability period和缓期
metal line stability玻璃液面稳定性
mid thermal stability coal热稳定性中等煤
minimum safety stability最小安全稳定性
model stability模型稳定性
moment of stability稳性力矩
monetary stability稳定币值
monolithic stability整体稳定
monolithic stability整体稳定性
morphologic stability形态稳定性
mould stability铸型稳定性
multiple stability多重稳定性
natural stability固有安定法
natural stability自然稳定 (性)
natural stability自然平衡状态
natural stability limit天然稳定极限
natural stability limit自然稳定极限
natural transient stability limit自然暂态稳定极限
negative stability负稳定法
network stability电力网稳定度
neutral stability中性稳定平衡
neutral stability中性稳定 (度)
neutral stability随遇稳定
neutral stability中性稳定 (性)
noise stability噪声稳定度
noise stability噪声稳定率
non-dimensional stability无维稳定性
non-linear stability非线性稳度
non-linear system stability非线性系统的稳定性
nuclear stability核稳定性
numeric stability数值的稳定性
numeric stability数值稳定性
numeric stability数字稳定性
numerical stability数值的稳定性
numerical stability数字稳定性
Nyquist's stability theorem乃奎斯特稳定性定理
oil oxidation stability油的氧化稳定性
oil stability油品安定性
operational stability操作稳定性
optimum stability最佳稳定度
orbital stability轨道〔公转〕稳定性
output energy stability输出能量稳定度
output power stability输出功率稳定度
output stability输出稳定度
oven stability test耐热稳定试验
overturning stability倾覆稳定 (性)
overturning stability piers and abutments墩台倾覆稳定
overturning stability test倾翻稳定性试验
oxidation stability test氧化稳定性试验
oxidizing stability氧化稳定性
pack stability存稳定性
package stability储藏耐久性
package stability包装稳定性
package stability存稳定性
parent ion stability母离子稳定性
pavement stability路面稳定性
peak stability number最大稳定参数
permanent stability永久稳定性
petrol storage stability汽油储存量的稳定性
phase stability自动稳相原理
phase stability相位稳定性
plastic stability塑性稳定性
plastic stability theory塑性稳定理论
plasticity stability塑性稳定性
policy stability政局稳定
Popov's stability criterion波波夫稳定性判据
positional stability定位稳定性
positional stability位置稳定性
pot stability活化稳定性
pour stability凝点安定性
pressure stability压力稳定
pressure stability压力稳定性
probability of stability稳定概率
probability of stability稳态概率
probable stability大概稳定性
probable stability可几稳定性
problem of stability foundation地基稳定问题
problem of stability of mountain bodies山体稳定问题
problem of stability of regional earths crust区域地壳稳定问题
problem of stability of rock mass岩体稳定问题
problem of stability of slope边坡稳定问题
problem of stability of soil mass土体稳定问题
problem of stability underground excavation地下洞室稳定问题
prolonged can stability长期罐藏稳定性
punching shear stability test冲剪应力稳定性试验
quasi-asymptotical stability拟渐近稳定
racetrack stability跑道稳定性
radiation-damage stability耐辐照损伤性
radio-frequency stability射频稳定度
range of stability稳定阶段
reactor stability反应堆稳定性
region of connective stability联结稳定域
regional stability of mine矿山区域稳定性
release stability缓解稳定性
residual stability残余稳定性
residual-stability period余定期
righting arm of stability复原力臂
rock deformation and stability measurement岩石变形及稳定性测量
rock mass stability岩体的稳定性
rock remanent magnetization stability岩石剩余磁化稳定性
rock stability岩石稳定性
roll stability转动稳定性
room temperature stability室温稳定性
rotary kiln operating stability回转窑操作稳定性
sea-floor stability海底稳定性
sea-floor stability survey海底稳定性调查
secular stability长期稳定度
secular stability长期稳定性
sedimentation stability沉降稳定性
seismic stability地震稳定性
shape stability形状稳定性
shear stability剪切安定性
shear stability test剪节稳定性试验
short-term stability短时间稳定性
Showalter stability index肖沃特稳定指数
side slope stability边坡稳定 (性)
singing stability振鸣稳定度
site stability evaluation场地稳定性评价
skidding stability抗滑稳定性
slope stability边坡稳定 (性)
slope stability深层活动稳定性
slope stability坡面稳定性
slurry for stability稳定液
small parameter stability criterion小参数稳定准则
sound stability声稳定性
spin stability自旋稳定性
spinning stability自旋稳定
S/R machine stability有轨巷道堆垛稳定性
stage of stability稳定阶段
static stability静态稳定 (度)
static stability静力稳定
static stability静态稳定 (性)
static stability静稳
static stability characteristic静态安定性
static stability diagram静稳性曲线图
static stability of atmosphere大气静力稳定度
statical stability静力稳定
steady stability静态稳定 (度)
steady stability静态稳定 (性)
steady-state stability limit稳态稳定极限
steady-state stability margin稳态稳定储备量
steady-state stability margin稳态稳定系数
steady-state stability margin稳态稳定裕度
steering stability转向稳定性
stellar stability恒星稳定性
stepwise stability constant逐级稳定常数
stiff stability强稳定性
storage stability存稳定性
storage stability耐储存性
storage stability贮存安定性
storage stability蓄水稳定性
storage stability test耐储[贮]性试验
stream bank stability河岸稳定性
subsonic stability亚声速稳定性
surface of stability稳定表面
surface of stability稳定面
synchronous stability同步稳定性
system stability analysis系统稳定性分析
temperature stability热稳定性
temporary stability暂时稳定
thermal cycling stability热循环稳定性
thermal stability curve热稳定性曲线
thermal stability help out parameter热稳定性辅助指标
thermal stability measuration热稳定性测定法
thermal stability of raw meal nodules生料球的热稳定性
thermal stability parameter热稳定性指标
thermal stability test热稳定性试验
tilting stability倾覆稳定 (性)
transverse stability横稳性【船】
trim and stability booklet纵倾和稳定计算书
ultimate column stability柱的极限稳定性
ultraviolet stability抗紫外线稳定性
underground opening stability evaluation峒室稳定性评价
unstable stability负稳定法
unstable stability负稳定性
upward stability上稳定性
urban regional stability城市区域稳定性
vanishing point of stability稳定性消失点
variance stability方差稳定性
vertical stability竖向稳定 (性)
vertical stability竖向稳定 (度)
vertical stability垂直稳定 (性)
vertical stability垂直稳定 (度)
vertical stability竖直稳定 (性)
viscosity stability黏度稳定性
volume stability体积稳定 (性)
volume stability under high temperature高温体积稳定
vortex street stability涡道稳定性
wall stability墙壁稳定性
water stability水上稳定性
water stability水稳
water-immersion stability浸水稳定性试验
weak stability弱稳定性
weathercock stability方向稳定性
yaw direction stability航向稳定性
yaw stability偏航安定性
yaw stability航向稳定性
zero level stability零电平稳定性
zone of stability稳定地带
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