
Terms for subject Securities containing S | all forms | exact matches only
abbreviation of company's stock公司股票缩写
abridged auditor's report审计报告简略本
accountant's rate of return会计收益率=平均净利4-增量投资额
accountant's rate of return会计收益率= 平均净利 / 增量投资额
accountant's report rules会计师报告规则
act detrimental to shareholder's interest损害股东利益的行为
administrator's deed委任管理人文书
affixed with the company's seal盖有公司公章
Alexander's Filter Rule亚历山大过滤器法则一种资金管理法则
allay the market's fear缓解市场的担忧
analyst's conflicts of interest利益冲突分析员
annuitant's account年金受益人账户
anti-fishermen's method反渔夫撒网法
arm's index相关交易指数
arm's length公平竞争
arm's length彼此独立
arm's length公平交易
arm's length互相保持一臂距离
arm's length agreement正常交易
arm's length agreement公正协议
arm's length bargaining公平谈判
arm's length basis公平基础
arm's length basis正常基础
arm's length price公平市价
arm's length rule保持独立原则、公正原则
arm's length rule避免亲密原则
arm's length standard独立标准
arm's length standard公平标准
arm's length standard正常标准
arm's length system独立制度一种计算所得税的方法
arm's length system公平制度
arm's length transaction正常交易合同双方彼此相互独立的合同
arm's short term trading index短期正常交易指数
arrive to one's satisfaction使某方满意
as alternative to S&P 500替代标准普尔500指数
at arm's length以正常交易关系进行
at arm's length无关联
at one's cost某人出资
at seller's option卖方期权
at seller's option卖方选择
at the bank's risk银行承担风险
auditor's report查账员报告书
availability of dissenter's rights异议者权利的可获得性
balance in one's favour某方受益
balance in one's favour某方结余
balance to one's credit某方收益结余
balance to one's debit某方欠款结余
bank's account title银行的会计科目
bank's commercial bill银行商业票据
bank's lien银行质押权
bank's share register认股单
bank's stock ledger银行股票登记簿
bank's toxic debts银行有毒债券
banker's acceptance bill银行承兑票
banker's acceptance draft银行承兑汇票
banker's acceptance rate银行承兑汇票费率
banker's authority银行权责
banker's automated clearing service银行自动清算服务专门办理电子汇兑服务
banker's bank银行的银行
banker's blanket bond银行全套保险契约
banker's book银行账册
banker's books银行账本
banker's books银行簿记
banker's check/cheque银行支票
banker's clearing house银行结算所
banker's commission银行服务费、手续费
banker's deposal draft银行偿付票据
banker's deposit银行同业存款
banker's draft银行开票据
banker's lien银行的留置权
banker's lien银行的扣押权
banker's long bills银行长期票据
banker's mutual reserve association银行业共同准备金联盟
banker's note庄票
banker's note银票
banker's order本票
banker's order委托银行付款凭证
banker's order银行代付通知
banker's promissory note银行本票
banker's ratio企业偿还能力比率 (银行分析工具)
banker's record银行记录
banker's reference银行意见
banker's reference存款证明
banker's reference银行资质证明
banker's shares银行家股票
banker's shares银行股权
banker's sight draft银行即期汇票
banker's surety bond银行保证书
banker's undertaking银行承诺
bankrupt's estates破产者财产
Barron's Confidence Index巴伦信心指数反映投资者信心的指数
beforehand with one's payment预付款
beforehand with one's payment提前付款
beginner's misconception初学者的误解
behind in one's payment逾期付款
Ben S. Bernanke本・伯南克 (2006年2月接替格林斯潘任美联储主席)
beneficiary's bank收益人银行
best's rating最佳信用评级
Black's universal hedging布莱克全能保值
Bloomberg's global network彭博信息全球网络
Bond Buyer's Index债券买方指数
Bond Buyer's Municipal Bond Index债券买方市政债券指数
bond holder's register债券持有人交易登记清单
broker's accounting system经纪会计系统
broker's advice经纪人通知
broker's call loan经纪人通知贷款
broker's collateral loan经纪人证券担保贷款
broker's counter证券交易所内经纪人营业柜台
broker's counter证券交易所 置放证券或股票报价板的房间
broker's cover note经纪人投保通知书
broker's expenses经纪人费用
broker's fees经纪人佣金
broker's fees经纪人费用
broker's firm经纪行、经纪公司
broker's free credit balance经纪人闲散资金余额纽约证券交易所月报会说明各公司经纪账户上的闲散资金量
broker's letter经纪人消息
broker's loan rate经纪人贷款利率
broker's market经纪人市场经纪人为自己进行大量交易,而很少为个人投资者交易的情况
broker's note经纪人交易单据
broker's order经纪人指令
broker's representative经纪人代表
broker's ticket经纪人登记单
broker's ticket经纪人股票行情报告
business on one's own account自营业务
buyer's call买方叫价
buyer's hedging购进者套购保值
buyer's interest买方的利益
buyer's option买方选购权 (BO)
buyer's option买方期权
buyer's parameters买方的参数
buyer's potential liability for target's debts买家可能为目标公司债务承担的责任
buyer's remorse买方的懊悔
buyer's response买方答复
buyer's strike买主罢购
buyer's strike买主罢买
buyer's usance买方远期信用
cancellation of previous holder's ownership取消前手所有权
capitalist's account股东账户
capitalist's account资本家账户
carrier's risk持有人风险
cash voucher's summary现金凭证汇总表
cashier's division出纳处
cashier's imprest funds出纳垫款
cashier's order银行汇票
cashier's order outstanding流通的本票
cashier's order outstanding未兑现的银行本票
cashier's order outstanding未收回的本票
chairman's conference主席会议
chairman's statement董事长公告 (每年一次给股东大会的报告)
clean off one's debt清偿债务
clear one's estate赎回产业
client's adjusting entry客户调整分录
client's agreement客户合同
client's agreement客户协议
clip Wall Street's wings教训一下华尔街
clip Wall Street's wings使华尔街折翼
close out one's shares出售股份 (of the business)
combining acquirer's and target's financial收购公司和被收购目标合并财务报表
commercial reasonableness and lender's arbitrariness商业合理性和放款人的判断
company's risk公司风险
comprador's order本票
contractor's qualification report承包人资格审核报告
contrary to client's will违反该客户
control of target's board after purchase收购后对目标公司董事会的控制
credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China中国人民银行信用报告系统
creditor's bill债权人诉状
creditor's claims债务索赔
creditor's rights and liabilities债权人的权力和责任
creditor's sale破产者的股票拍卖
customer's agreement and consent顾客的协议和承诺函
customer's broker顾客代理机构
customer's expectation spectrum客户预期排序
customer's free credit balance客户自由信贷余额
customer's free credit balance客户的无条件贷款余额
customer's loan consent客户批准贷款客户同意借用其账内股票
customer's man客户代理人券商的营业人员或业务代表
customer's net debit balance客户净债务余额
customer's net debit balance客户借方净余额
customer's representative客户代表
day's biggest plunge单日最大跌幅
debtor's bankruptcy petition债务人破产申请书
debtor's ledger债务人总账目
decline one's offer拒绝某方报盘
decline to raise one's limit拒绝提高某方限额
delivery at seller's option卖方选择的交割日期、方法等
demonstrate the company's image展示公司形象
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则
determining plan's assets and liabilities确定计划的资产负债
determining price by reference to buyer's/seller's stock price通过参考买卖双方股价确定价格
detrimental to investor's interests损害投资人的利益
difference from S&P与标普公司的差异
director's fiduciary duty董事诚信责任
dissenter's rights持异议者的权力 (董事会上,股东大会上)
distribution according to one's performance按业绩分配
distribution according to one's performance按劳分配
distribution of new shares from the current year's profit用当年利润派股
domestic legal person's shares境内法人股
Drew's odd-lot theory德鲁零股交易理论
eating someone's lunch分享他人午餐市场胜者分食输者的市场份额
effect of structure of acquisition of buyer's obligations买方债务收购结构的效应
eligible bank's acceptance bill合格的银行承兑汇票
employee's assembly职工代表大会
employer's liability insurance雇主责任险
enhance the public's awareness of risks of investment提高公众的投资风险意识
examining graphs of a share's performance股票的走势图
feather one's own nests饱肥私囊
financial institution's deposits金融机构同业存款
finder's fee中间人报酬
finder's fee证券业务介绍费
finder's fee贷款掮客佣金
firm's net value of debt企业债务净价
five C's of credit信用 5 C (银行或其他金融机构对借款人的信用程度的评估标准:品格(character)、能力(capacity)、资本(capital)、抵押品(collateral) 、情况(condition))
foreign corporation as U. S. corporation作为美国公司的外国公司
foreign legal person's shares外资法人股
Form S-2表S-2 (向美国证券交易委员会提交公开发行的证券前连续 3年的财务报告。)
Form S-3表 S-3 (公司高级职员于出售私人拥有的股票之前向美国证券交易委员会提交的报告。)
Form S-1表 S-1 (公司公开发行证券之前向美国证券交易委员会提交的报表。该报表包括有关公司及证券的详细情况,及证券销售方式等内容。)
founder's bonds发起人债券
founder's profit发起人利润
founder's share/stock发起人股票又称后分股息股
founder's share/stock创办人股份
funds at one's own disposal自主支配的资金
funds at one's own disposal自主财力
funds in a shareholder's account股东账户中的资金
gambler's ruin赌者的灾祸长期现金流可能为正,但连续失败也可能导致破产
gentlemen's agreement君子协议 (非书面的口头协议)
get quit of one's debt还清债务
get quit of one's debt了结债务
Government's Index of Leading Indicators政府先行指标指数
government's rescue loan政府提供的救济贷款
Grunfeld's investment theory哥仑费尔德投资理论
have one's "two commas"百万富翁
have the initiative in one's hands掌握主动权
hold one's fire沉住气在股市上
in seller's industry trends卖方行业的趋势
inspection of company's register查阅公司股东登记册
inspector's powers调查员的权力
inspector's report调查员报告
institutional broker's estimate system机构经纪商评估体系
institutional broker's estimate system机构经纪人评估系统
international financial corporation's loans国际金融公司贷款
interrelation of buyer's and seller's concerns买卖双方相互关联
investment adviser's partnership投资顾问合伙人
investment manager's regulatory authority投资经理监管机构
investor's certificate system投资者证书制度
investor's demand投资者的需求
investor's equity投资者股权
investor's equity投资者资产
investor's equity投资者股本
IPO scale of about 1000 million U. S. dollars新股发行规模约10亿美元
iShares S&P Index Funds i股标准普尔指数基金
issuer's cash alternative发行人现金替代股
issuer's cash option发行者现金选择权
issuer's websites发行人网页
Jensen's performance measure詹森业绩衡量标准同詹森比率
jobber's turn批发商差价
jobber's turn中间商的赢利、赚头
Keefe's domestic foreign bank rating克夫国内银行评级
key information from the company's management来自公司管理层的关键信息
knowing seller's business了解销售者的业务
Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee全国人大常委法制工作委员会中国
liar's poker骗子把戏
listed company's secretary to directorate上市公司董秘
listed corporation's powers to investigate ownership上市公司调查持股权的权力
Lloyd's broker劳埃德经纪人
local authority lender's option loan地方当局放款人期权贷款
lose one's capital资本亏损
losing one's shirt输得分文不剩投资者损失所有的投资
losing one's shirt损失殆尽
losses incurred by enterprises in one’s operation企业经营亏损
M&S 3月与9月March 和 September 缩写,一般为半年一次付利或股息月份
make full use of one's advantage and avoid its disadvantage扬长避短
make one's own way发家致富
management's forecast assumption管理层预测假设
manager's discretionary limits经理决定权限制
manager's discretionary limits经理自由裁量权限
manager's fee管理费
manufacturer's output floater制造商产品流通证券
market's function of optimal resource allocation最佳资源配置的市场作用
market's momentum市场走势
market's performance市场业绩
market's performance市场整体表现
market's regulatory mechanism市场监管机制
market-maker's capper庄托庄家雇佣的,从旁引诱投资人上当受骗的人
market-maker's capper庄家的托儿
meet one's engagement偿还债务
meet one's engagement执行合同
meet one's liability偿还债务
meet one's specification符合规格
meeting buyer's goals满足买方目标
member's rate会员费率
member's voluntary wind-up股东自愿歇业
Mercado Futuros Y Opciones S. A.阿根廷期货及期权交易所
merchant's rule商界计息规定
minority stockholder's interest少数股东权益
Moody's bond ratings and stock quality groups穆迪债券和股票等级评定
Moody's bond yield穆迪债券收益率
Moody's handbook of common stocks穆迪普通股手册
Moody's investment grade穆迪投资级别
Moody's Investment Grade穆迪投资等级
Moody's investors service穆迪投资者服务公司
Moody's rating穆迪评级
non arm's length allocation不公平核算分配
non-marketable liabilities of U. S. government including medium-term securities美国政府非转售证券包括中期债券
non-standard unqualified auditor's opinions非标准无保留审计意见
OEX Standard & Poof's 100 Stock IndexOEX 标准普尔100股票指数
offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval买方核实后报价
offer subject to seller's confirmation卖方确认后有效报价
on an arm's length basis按正常商业关系
on arm's length terms按合理的条款
on arm's length terms按正常的交易条款
on one's own account以其本人身份
on one's own account以本人账户
other people's money借人款
other people's money他人资金
other people's money别人的钱
overrun one's market不肯脱手以致错过行市
overstand one's market要价过高失去出手时机
overstand one's market持股过久失去市场
overstep one's authority越权
owner's current account业主经常账目
owner's equity工业企业股票
owner's funds业主资金
owner's risk of damage由货主负责的风险
owner's risk of damage业主遭损害的风险
Paris Bourse's index of share price巴黎交易所股票价格指数
partner's notes payable合伙人应付票据
pay off one's creditors偿清欠债权人债务
payoff one's creditor偿清债务
People's Bank of China, The中国人民银行
Pilot Programme for Trading U. S. Securities交易美国证券的试点计划
plan's book liabilities and acquisition计划账面债务和收购
previous day's close前一天收盘/收市
principal's mandate委托人的委托书
principal's mandate委托人的委托状
private placement of legal person's shares法人股私募
prohibiting misappropriation of client's transaction clearing funds禁止挪用客户交易结算资金
proprietor's capital股本资本
proprietor's stake业主权益
purchaser's fulfillment of tender offer收购人履行要约收购义务
purchaser's perspective买方前景
purchaser's representative买方代表
ratio of investor's stock against his total volume of capital仓位比率投资人持有的股票资金占据其资金总量的比率
ratio of profit to stockholder's equity利润对股东自有资本的比率
rebalancing one's account试算平衡
receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
receiver's certificate清理人借款证
receiver's certificate接管人证券破产公司接管人发行的短期证券
receiver's certificate接管人凭证
receiver's certificate接收人证书
receiver's swaption接收方互换期权
receiver's swaption接受方掉期
reduce state's stocks in listed company上市公司国有股减持
registered financier's representative注册融资人代表
Regulation S规则 S (美国证券交易委员规定,上市公司向国外投资人出售证券,无需登记)
regulation S-X证券交易所管理委员会财务报表 S-X 规则
reporting stockholder's equity by sources按来源报告股东的股权
restriction by acquirer's home country收购者国家的限制
return in stockholder's equity股东股本报酬率
return on stockholder's equity股东权益报酬率
S&P CNX Nifty Index India标准普尔 CNX 轻巧指数印度
S&P common stock ranking标普普通股排名
S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index标准普尔500综合股价指数
S&P credit rating标普信用评级
S&P EPS estimate标普每股收益估价
S&P global 100 index标普全球100指数
S&P global 1200 index标普全球1200指数
S&P 500 index标准普尔500指数
S&P 500 index fund标普500指数基金
S&P Midcap 400 index标普中型股400指数
S&P P GME Index标普创业板指数
S&P phenomenon标准普尔现象 (只要某只证券被纳人标准普尔指数中,很多投资管理人便会把该证券也纳人自己投资组合中,使该证券成交量增加,价格上涨)
S&P rating标普信用评级
S&P recommended asset allocation标普推荐资产配置
S&P relative strength ranking标准普尔相对实力排名
S&P small cap 600 index标准普尔小型股600指数
s shareS股s 作为 special 的缩写,用来标识尚未完成股权分置改革公司的股票
s shareS股在新加坡上市的中国公司的股票
S-share listed company S股上市公司未完成股权分置改革的上市公司
saver's surplus储蓄者剩余
securities business on one's own account证券自营业务
securities dealer's deposit fund证券交易商押金基金
securities dealer's representative证券交易商代表
seeking jobs on one's own自谋出路
seller's argument卖方理由
seller's 30 days卖方30日规则允许卖方在交易后30天内转让证券所有权的合约
seller's 30 days卖方选择交割的30日
seller's interest卖方权益
seller's option卖方选择权/期权
seller's option to double双倍的卖方选择权
seller's perspective卖方前景
seller's position with respect to...与……有关的卖方立场
seller's preferred stock卖方优先股
seller's put卖方卖出
seller's put卖方认沽期权
seller's securities卖方担保
seller's seven sale卖方7日规则卖方同意至少交易后7天内不转让证券凭证给买方
seller's short卖方抛空
seller's short卖方空头
seller's subordinated note销售方次级票据
seller's usance credit卖方承担远期汇票贴息的信用证
seller's view of due diligence尽职调查卖方意见
settle another's account为他人清偿欠款
Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China中国人民银行上海总部
shareholder's equity change股东权益变更
short-term claims against U. S. gold可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券
sole responsibility for one's own profits or losses自负盈亏
soothe the market's nerves平息市场的焦虑
special auditor's report专项审计报告
specialist's account专业证券商账户
specialist's account造市商账户
specialist's account专家经纪人账户
specialist's book特种经纪商账簿
specialist's short sale ratio造市商卖空比率
specialist's short sale ratio专家经纪公司卖空比率
speculator's impact on price投机者对市场价格的冲击
speculator's impact on price投机者对价格的影响
spider's web strategy蛛网战略企业将联营企业作为长期战略计划的一部分
spirit one's money away抽逃资金
sponsor's declaration保荐人声明
spread of the stock's price and exercise price认购权证内在价值 (股价与执行价之差)
Standard and Poor'sS&P标准普尔信用评级公司
Standard and Poor's corporation标准普尔公司
Standard and Poor's corporation record标准普尔公司记录
Standard and Poor's Depository Receipt标准普尔存托凭证 (SPDR)
Standard and Poor's 500 equal weight index标准普尔500加权平均指数
Standard and Poor's index标准普尔指数
Standard and Poor's 500 index标准普尔500种股票指数
Standard and Poor's rating标准普尔信用评级
Standard and Poor's underlying rating标普债务基本评级
Standard & Poor's标准普尔公司
Standard & Poor's common stock index标准普尔普通股股票价格指数
Standard & Poor's 500 composite-stock index标准普尔500综合股票指数
Standard&Poor's Depositary Receipts又称"蜘蛛"因SPDR 英文发音同 "蜘蛛" SPIDER 相似
Standard&Poor's Depositary Receipts标准普尔存托凭证
statement of change in stockholder's equity股东权益变动表
statement of company's affairs公司的资产负债状况公告
statement of company's affairs公司公告
statement of proprietor's capital业主资本表
statement of stockholder's equity股东权益表
step-up bases of target's assets目标资产增加的基础
stock broker's clerk wearing a red vest at floor红马甲股票交易所场内穿红背心的交易员
stock holder's annual report股东年度报告
stock holder's equity股东股本
stock holder's ledger股东分户账
stock holder's report股东报告
stock holder's right股权
stock holder's right股东权
Stock Trader's Almanac股票交易商年鉴
stockbroker's loan股票经纪商贷款
stocks during 1950s20世纪50年代的股票
strengthen somebody's hand增加实力
strengthen somebody's hand增加资本
subchapter S corporation税法规定可按合伙企业课税的公司
subchapter S corporation限制性有限责任公司
subchapter S corporation第 S 项公司
subject to one's final confirmation以某方最后确认为准
subscriber's account认购者账户
surrender one's registrations放弃注册
suspend a broker's membership暂停经纪会员资格
suspension or revocation of a person's licence暂停或吊销个人牌照
target's directors目标公司的董事
target's management目标公司的管理团队
target's management目标公司的管理层
teller's cheque出纳员支票
The People's Bank of China中国人民银行 (PBC)
the world's preeminent financial capital全球首要金融之都
Tobin's Q托宾Q值证券市场价值比资产重置成本
Tobin's q-ratio托宾 Q 比例
Tobin's q-ratioQ 比率公司市场价值与发行者资产价值的比率
Tobin's theory of international investment托宾的国际投资理论美国经济学家托宾关于资产优化组合学说在国际上的应用。该学说认为,投资由收益率、风险和可转换成本等因素决定。按一定的原则和比例分散投资,才是最优选择
Tobin's theory of money of demand托宾的货币需求理论该理论认为,人们持有货币是因为货币比其他资产风险小、流动性好、转换成本低,而且容易进行资产最佳组合
today's high今天最高交易价
today's low今天最低交易价
today's stock quote今日股价
trade on one's own account自营
trade on one's own account用本人账户交易
trader's vest红马甲交易所内交易员穿
trustee's report受托人报告
underwriter's book承销商记录簿
underwriter's book承销商登记册
underwriter's discount承销商佣金
uniform client's agreement证券 客户协议
usance banker's bill银行远期汇票
usures's capital高利贷资本
vendor's share卖方股
warrant's imminent maturity权证到期前
warrant's issue price认股证发行价
water one's stock发行股票集资
West Germany's Commerzbank Index西德商银指数
winner's curse成功者的诅咒公司 IPO时,不论开始发行量是多少,只要需求大于公司股票供给,就只能在固定的发行价格下按比例分配该公司的股票; 如果用于拍卖交易,是指中拍者也许要付出高于一般交易的价格
winner's curse赢者诅咒
winner's curse phenomenon胜利者的诅咒现象
year's low全年低位
year's low全年最低点
year's purchase逐年购得
year's purchase多年购置
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