
Terms for subject Securities containing Run | all forms | exact matches only
batch settlement run多批交收处置程序
batch settlement run批量结算处理程序
bull run追捧
continuing a bearish run延续了下跌走势
end run反复围绕轴线的反复,表明突破失败
enterprises run in the red/under deficit亏损企业
final settlement run最后结算处理程序
government-run facility国有企业
home run本垒打一种冒险的投资方式,使投资者在较短时期获得明显的收益
joint run business联营企业
long run长线
long run cost长线成本
long run cost长期成本
long-run investment长期投资
long run portfolio equilibrium长期资产组合平衡
long run portfolio equilibrium长期金融资产结构平衡
long-run returns长期回报
multiple batch-settlement-run多批结算程序
off the run issues未挂牌证券
off-the-run treasury issues未挂牌证券
off-the-run treasury issues已停止发行的国库证券
on the run issues正在进行的发行
on-the-run bond热门债券off-the-run bond 冷门债券
on-the-run treasuries新发行国债
on-the-run treasuries发行中的短期国债
on-the-run treasury issues挂牌国库券
on-the-run treasury issues正在发行的国库券
run an account管理账户
run an account管账
run at a loss due to poor operation经营性亏损
run at a loss due to poor operation不良经营亏损
run counter to market trend与大市相反
run down capital消耗资金
run heavily into debt负债累累
run high上涨物价等
run in perpetuity无期限
run out of cash现金枯竭
run rate推测率
run rate运行率
run short缺少
run short行将售完
run the risk冒风险
run up股价等高涨
run up order上升交易指令
run up score欠债
settlement run结算操作程序
short run economic disturbance短期经济失调
short run investment短线投资
short run operating activity短期经营活动
short run outlook短期前景
short-run returns短期回报
short-run volatility短期不稳定性
state-run commercial bank国有商业银行
state-run policy bank国有政策性银行
top 10 home-run stocks10 只最佳股票