
Terms for subject Football containing Run | all forms | exact matches only
actual run of play比赛中的实际水平
run back快速反击
run back回防
run down the sideline向边线奔跑
run into突破
run into插入
run of play比赛的实际水平
run off the ball跑位
run onto跑位插上
run onto pitch球员进场
run out出击
run out守门员跑出救球
run out守门员冲出
run out守门员跑出去
run out of the pitch跑出球场
run out the clock在比赛快结束时控制球的打法
run out the clock接近结束控球
run the line担任巡边员
run the middle担任裁判
run with the ball盘球
run with the ball带球
run with the ball运球
shot on the run跑动中射门
shot on the run跑动射门