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Cooper's 12-minute run test12 分钟跑测试
dry run非实弹射击
Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑
four championships on the run四连冠
fun run公益长跑
give the bench a run-out让第二阵容队员上场比赛
He does not have the stamina to run the 10,000 metres他没有跑 10,000 米的耐力
He had to run very fast to overtake the lead runner他必须跑得很快才能追上领先的赛跑运动员
He took a victory run lapand waved to spectators他在比赛获胜后跑步绕场一周,向观众挥手致意
hill run山地跑
hit for four runspaddleball 得四分的一击
I have run in several races我已经参加过几次赛跑了
If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格
In addition to strengthening the heart lungs and other vital organs, distance run exercises the whole body长跑除能加强心肺及其他主要器官的功能外、还能使全身得到锻炼
In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑
In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win在 100 米、200 米和 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜
In relay race, it is preferable to run the best runner last, the second best first接力赛中、应将跑得最快的运动员排在最后、次快的运动员排在第一、这种排列次序更好一些
Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒
10-kilometer run10 公里赛跑
make an approach run进行助跑
4000-metre cross-country run现代五项 4000米越野赛跑
12-minute run test12 分钟跑测试
My goal is to run 46. 89 seconds我的目标是跑 46.89 秒
obstacle run障碍赛跑
Of all the long-distance runners in our group he runs the fastest在我们小组所有长跑运动员中、他跑得最快
over-distance run超主项距离练习跑
run a lap of honor for the spectators绕场致意
run a lap of honour绕场一周
run across the line过线
run after追赶
run against the wind动词词组逆风跑
run against the wind顶风跑
run around绕过
run away with
run backward反〔倒〕转
run by turning back折返跑
run down筋疲力尽
run down健康情况逐渐变坏
run down衰弱
run down健康状况逐渐变坏
run down the slope下坡跑
run for a second term竞选连任
run for presidency竞选主席
run in试转
run in磨合
run in使发动机试转
run in lanes动词词组分道跑
run into bad luck运气不佳
run off完成比赛
run on turf草地上跑
run out of air气用完
run out the clock磨时间
run prizes为得奖而参加比赛
run prizes参加比赛
run risks冒险
run stairs跑楼梯
run true to form表现出正常水平
run up助跑
run up取得第二名
run-up board撞柱游戏的跑板
run up the slope上坡跑
run with great stride大跨步跑
run with quick short steps碎步跑
Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快
short-distance run短距离赛跑
shuttle run往返跑
sustained run持续跑
swim-bike-run event铁人三项运动
Technically, it was the best race I have ever run从技术方面来说、这是我参加过的比赛中跑得最好的一次
The approach run is an important part of long jump助跑是跳远的重要组成部分
The distance of approach run required by the pole vaulting is about 30-45 metres撑竿跳高所需的助跑距离为30〜45米
The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium马拉松赛跑主要是在举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行
The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone第二棒运动员在他的队友到达接力区前就开始跑动 (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off这位教练员强调快速助跑和快速起跳相结合
timed run计时跑
tip and runpaddleball 触球即跑
torch run火炬长跑
Track events are run on eight lanes on a 400-metre oval径赛项目是在 400 米长椭圆形的8条跑道上进行的
trial run trial throw make the first trialsecond trial/third trial jump第一二、三次试跳
ultra-distance run超长距离跑
victory run频频向观众挥手致意
victory run比赛获胜后跑步绕场一周
We eliminate most of the runners in the heats only the best run in the final在分组赛中、 我们淘汰了大多数赛跑运动员、 只剩下最优秀的运动员参加决赛
When all or the first portion of a relay race is being run in lanes, a competitor may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane, by using self-adhesive tape当接力的全程或第一棒为分道跑时、运动员可在自己的分道内用胶布做一个标记
With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员
With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, Zhu Jianhua was one of the promising high jumpers朱建华的助跑速度快、踏跳瞬间爆发力好、动作协调、他是有发展前途的跳高选手之一
You need great stamina to run the marathon race马拉松赛跑需要有极大的耐力
You need to buy good running shoes, breathable clothes, and thermo clothes if you run in a cold weather, and a sports bra is a must for women你得买好跑鞋、透气的衣服,如果在冷天跑步还得是保暖的。运动型内衣对女跑者而言是必需品