
Terms containing Run | all forms | exact matches only
mech.eng.A Swiss type machine designed to run 1-inch bar stock can run smaller stock than this, but nothing larger为加工 1 英寸棒料而设计的精密型车床可加工更小的棒料,但宜小不宜大
auto.ability to run with engine submerged in water发动机浸在水中时的工作能力
auto.accelerated run交通赶点
auto.acceleration run加速
auto.acceptance run发动机验收运转
auto.anti-run-on device防不熄火阀
auto.anti-run-on valve防不熄火阀
auto.approval run发动机验收运转
textileautomatic straight-run sewing machine自动直缝缝纫机
textileback neck run后领线
libr.back run过刊
libr.back run过期刊物
auto.back run逆方向运转
textileback shoulder run后肩缝线
auto.backing run逆方向运转
auto.backing run倒车
auto.balancing run平衡操作
auto.bed run台架运转
auto.behind schedule bus run慢点
auto.behind schedule bus run客运晚点
auto.bench run台架运转走合
met.billet run-out area小方坯出坯区
met.billet run-out roller table小方坯输出辊道
auto.blank run发动机空转
met.blast furnace run高炉冶炼进程
met.bottom run steel底注钢
auto.break in run走合运转
auto.break in run试运转
auto.break in run磨合运转
auto.breaking-in run磨合运转
auto.bus run客车运行
auto.bus run cycle客运运行周期
auto.bus run cycle schedule运行周期表
auto.bus run intensity班次密度
auto.calibrating run校准试验运转
auto.canceled bus run客运停班
anim.husb.cattle run供牛数
textilecentre back run后中线
textilecentre front run前中线
gen.checkbalance run平衡校验运转
textileclean run圆顺
textileclean run平滑
shipb.closing run相遇航行
met.cold-run table冷辊道
met.cold-run trial冷试车
textilecollar run stitch machine领圈缝纫机
textilecollar run stitcher衣领初缝机
gen.common run一般的 (of)
gen.common run普通的 (of)
auto.compensation for cancellation of charter and empty run loss包车取消费和包车空驶损失费
auto.coolant run-on pump冷却液泵
met.cooling bed run-in table冷床输人辊道
sport., med.Cooper's 12-minute run test12 分钟跑测试
met.crusher-run material机碎碎石
met.crusher-run material机碎材料
gen.cut and run连忙逃走
gen.cut and run突然离去
gen.cut and run奔逃
AI.2-D run-length coding2-D 游程编码
AI.1-D run-length coding1-D 游程编码
shipb.day's run一天的航程
shipb.day's run一天航程
auto.deer run荒野小路
auto.demonstration run试车
auto.demonstration run车辆试验运行行驶
auto.descent run下坡行驶
met.dilute acid leach run稀酸浸出操作
auto.disc run-out制动盘径向跳动
auto.distance of run行程长度
auto.distance of run行驶里程
auto.door-glass run车门玻璃导槽
auto.door-window run门窗玻璃导槽
met.double-run layout双排排样单排冲压
met.double-run pull-off transfer【压】 双线推出移送机
met.double-row narrow run layout双排单冲排样
auto.downhill run下坡行驶
anim.husb.dual grass run交替使用草地运动场 (在单间配种的鸡舍(养公鸡1只,母鸡 10余只)前有一草地(18.28m×18.28m),中间用铁丝网分隔成两块,每月轮流使用一块,其余一块休闲)
auto.durability run车辆测试持续寿命测试运转
auto.easy run oil负荷运转机油
auto.economy run经济工况运转
auto.economy run节油比赛
auto.economy run为确定燃料经济性的行程
auto.empty run放空
auto.empty run空车行驶
auto.end of run行程运行终点
auto.endurance run持久连续性运行试验
auto.endurance-run program耐久性运行试验程序
auto.endurance-run programme耐久性运行试验程序
auto.endurance-run track耐久性运行测试跑道
auto.energized to run通电使运行
auto.ENG RUN TIME诊断仪字符发动机运行时间从本次起动到检测时
auto.engine run-out speed发动机最高转速
met.experimental run试运转
auto.extra scheduled bus run客运加班
hydroel.st.feathering Francis runer斜翼式法兰西斯转轮
hydroel.st.feathering Francis runer斜流式转轮
hydroel.st.feathering-vane runer斜翼式转轮
hydroel.st.feathering-vane runer转桨式转轮
auto.final run竞赛最后赛跑
auto.final-run vehicle末班车
auto.first run竞赛第一轮
auto.first-run vehicle首班车
auto.flat-out run车辆节气门全开运行驾驶
textilefork and front run上裆弧线
textilefork and front run前龙门
met.four run pull off transfer【压】 四线推出移送机
auto.freeway run高速公路行驶
textilefront run前上裆弧线
auto.fuel-system run燃油系统试验
textilefull run-down单件直下
auto.full-load run全负荷行程工作
auto.full-throttle run车辆节气门全开运行行驶
textilegarter-run stop袜口下段防脱散[横列]
textilegarter-run stop袜口下段防脱散
gen.general run一般的 (of)
gen.general run普通的 (of)
gen.get the machine to run again使这台机器再运转起来
gen.get the run of掌握
gen.get the run of熟悉
auto.glass run玻璃升降
auto.glass run玻璃导槽
auto.glass run channel玻璃导槽
auto.glass run rail玻璃导轨
textilegorge run领圈弧线
met.green run初次试车
auto.green run磨合运转
auto.guide run门窗玻璃导槽
textilehand-run tuck手工塔克
textilehand-run tuck手打褶裥
sport.He does not have the stamina to run the 10,000 metres他没有跑 10,000 米的耐力
met.heat required to run the steelmaking process进行炼钢需要的热量
met.heat required to run the steelmaking process炼钢需热
auto.heat run加热发热,耐热,老化试验
auto.heat run热试车运转,运行
auto.high-speed run车辆高速行驶
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds耍两面手法
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds两面讨好
auto.homologation run发动机验收运转
met.hot run-out roll table热输出辊道
met.hot run-out roller table热输出辊道
met.hot run-out table热输出辊道
met.hot run-out table热轧输出辊道
auto.idle run无载怠速,慢车运转
sport.If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格
sport.In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win在 100 米、200 米和 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜
auto.in run磨合走合,试,消除应力运转
genet.in vitro run-off transcription体外全长转录
met.ingot run钢锭移动运输线
textileinseam run袖缝线
textileinseam run下裆缝线
auto.interurban run车辆长途行驶
commer.It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
gen.it's all in the day's run应看作正常〔普通〕的事
gen.keep the run of不落后于
gen.keep the run of经常了解
gen.keep the run of与…并驾齐驱
gen.keep the run of与…保持接触
sport.Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒
sport.10-kilometer run10 公里赛跑
anim.husb.laboratory run实验室试验
textilelapel run驳头外圆线
auto.last run比赛最后一轮
auto.last run公共交通最后一班
auto.late run最后一趟
auto.late run公共运输末班
auto.lateral disc run-out制动盘轴向端面跳动
auto.lateral run-out横向跳动
auto.lateral tire run-out胎侧跳动
auto.lateral tire run-out轮胎横向跳动
auto.lateral wheel run-out车轮轴向跳动
auto.length of run运程距,转时间
gen.let him have his run放任自由地去做
gen.let sth. run its course听其自然
auto.light-run light diesel fuel直馏轻柴油
auto.loaded radial tire run-out负荷下轮胎径向偏心
auto.loaded radial tire run-out承载轮胎的径向跳动
auto.loaded radial tyre run-out负荷下轮胎径向偏心
auto.loaded radial tyre run-out承载轮胎的径向跳动
auto.local run行程
auto.long run长期连续运行试验
gen.lose the run of不熟悉… 的情况
gen.lose the run of同…失去接触
gen.lose the run of不密切注意…
auto.lower run of chain摩托车二级传动下半部链条
auto.main run重大比赛
auto.main run车赛主要赛事
gen.Make a right turn, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wall Mart向右转,经过二个停车标志,你就会看到沃尔玛
gen.make a run of it逃之夭夭
gen.make one's blood run cold令人害怕
auto.measuring run测量操作
auto.measuring run车辆/试验测量行驶运行
sport.4000-metre cross-country run现代五项 4000米越野赛跑
auto.MIL ON Run Distance诊断仪字符故障指示灯点亮后运行距离
textilemill run等外品纱线,织物等
anim.husb.mill run饲料脚料
met.mill run-in table轧机输人辊道
met.mill run-in table机前输人辊道
athlet.12-minute run walk test12分钟跑测试
sport., med.12-minute run test12 分钟跑测试
auto.minutes run by the engine while MIL activated参数识别缩写故障指示灯点亮后运行的时间
textilemock run and fell假包口接缝
auto.motorway run高速公路行驶
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
sport.My goal is to run 46. 89 seconds我的目标是跑 46.89 秒
textileneck run领圈弧线
textileneedle run lace溜针花边
auto.no-load run空驶
auto.no-load run空载运行
textilenon-run top防脱散袜口
libr.non-state-run library民营图书馆
genet.nuclear run-off assay核失控转录分析
genet.nuclear run-off experiment核失控转录实验
genet.nuclear run-on assay核连缀转录分析
genet.nuclear run-on experiment核连缀转录实验
auto.number of bus run公交班次
gen.OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
gen.On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
met.once-run benzol【焦】单馏粗苯
auto.one-piece run整班
auto.on-schedule bus run rate客车正班率
shipb.opening run相离航行
gen.ordinary run一般的 (of)
gen.ordinary run普通的 (of)
gen.ordinary run of things一般情况
textileoutseam run裤子外缝线
auto.overland run陆路长途,城间行驶
auto.package run套班运行
auto.package run长短途班次搭配套班运行
auto.pilot run试制运转
auto.pilot run试生产
auto.pipe run管道线,路
anim.husb.pipe run管道装置
tech.pit-run material未筛选材料
tech.pit-run material采自料坑的材料
tech.pit-run material坑取
tech.pit-run material未筛选涂料
tech.pit-run material未筛选料
tech.pit-run material未筛料
anim.husb.poultry run system鸡小片草地放牧法鸡舍前面为草地,鸡数在50只以下的小群,每只鸡需草地25m², 50只以上者每只鸡13m²
auto.pre-qualification run预选赛
libr.print run印次
auto.production run生产过
auto.qualification run竞赛预选资格
auto.qualifying runsession比赛预选资格
auto.radial disc run-out制动盘径向跳动
auto.radial rim run-out轮辋径向跳动
auto.radial run-out径向尺寸偏差
auto.radial tire run-out轮胎径向跳动
auto.regular run定期开行线路
auto.relief run替班
proj.manag.Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率
genet.ribosome run-off逃逸核糖体
auto.rim run-out轮辋摆差
auto.rim run-out轮辋跳动量
auto.road-test run路试
auto.road-test run车辆道路试验运行
auto.run a red light车辆闯红灯
anim.husb.run about单座轻驾车
auto.run an engine起动发动机
auto.run an experiment进行实
manag."run-around" material"循环"材料
busin.run around material循环材料
met.run-around roller table环行辊道
auto.run at full throttle节气门全开运转
auto.run at idling speed怠速运转
athlet.run at ⁷⁄₈ speed用 ⁷⁄₈ 速度跑
athlet.run at top speed用最快速度跑
athlet.run at top speed最快速度跑
auto.run at walking speed以步行速度行驶
busin.run behind one's expenses入不敷出
auto.run book行车记录本
auto.run channel门玻璃导槽
auto.run down靠惯性运动到静止
auto.run down弹簧变弱
auto.run down耗尽
auto.run down蓄电池使…放电
auto.run down【动】渐停
auto.run-down battery用尽电的无电蓄电池
anim.husb.run-down condition过瘦
anim.husb.run-down condition掉膘
met.run-down mill中间机架 【座】
auto.run-down protection蓄电池放电保护
textilerun-down stocking无跟长袜
auto.run-down torque螺栓压紧前拧螺栓所需力矩这是螺纹间的脏物或螺纹损坏等引起的
auto.run dry干运行
anim.husb.run dry奶牛、羊不岀奶
auto.run dry【动】无润滑运转
anim.husb.run dry井泉干涸
auto.run empty汽车空驶
auto.run flat轮胎气行驶
auto.run flat【动】用泄气轮胎行驶
auto.run-flat capability轮胎缺气行驶能力
auto.run-flat property汽车缺气行驶性能
auto.run-flat tiretyre安全轮胎
auto.run-flat tiretyre零压轮胎
auto.run-flat tiretyre缺气保用轮胎完全泄气后仍能保证运行一定里程
met.run free空转
auto.run free无负荷运转
auto.run free【动】空转
anim.husb.run free在草地运动场自由活动
met.run hot【铁】 热行
auto.run hot机件运转过
auto.run idle怠速
auto.run idle【动,名】空转
auto.run in走,磨
auto.run in【动】对…试车
auto.run-in brake试刹车
auto.run-in brake试制动
auto.run-in period合期
auto.run-in stand磨合运转台
met.run-in table输人辊道
auto.run into a pedestrian汽车撞倒行人
auto.run into from behind追尾
auto.run into from behind事故从后面撞车
textilerun-length encoding行程编码《计算机》
anim.husb.run loose在草地运动场自由活动
auto.run low工作液最低液面
rugb.run 5 metres with ball持球跑5米
busin.run of mill material工厂周转材料
met.run-of oven coke原焦
auto.run-of pipe流体管道
auto.run-of tab引出板
anim.husb.run off溢流流量
anim.husb.run off泄漏
anim.husb.run off废水
anim.husb.run off废糖汁
anim.husb.run off下水
anim.husb.run off流出
anim.husb.run off径流
met.run-off block【压】出口导板
met.run-off plate引弧板 (UOE 焊管的)
anim.husb.run-off ribosome脱落核蛋白体
met.run-off slag溢岀渣
met.run-off tab引弧板 (UOE 焊管的)
auto.run off the road汽车驶出道 (way)
auto.run off the track驶出赛道
auto.run off the track赛车偏离线路
genet.run-off transcript失控转录物
met.run-of-pit ore露天矿采出的原矿石
tech.run-of-quarry material未筛石料
tech.run-of-quarry material毛料
anim.husb.run on在草场放牧
genet.run out走电泳
met.run-out area【连】 出坯区 (The runout area includes a torch cutting machine, cut-to-length device and deburrer. 出坯区包括一台火焰切割机、一套定尺切割装置和一台除毛刺机。)
met.run-out area of billet小方坯出坯区
met.run-out area of bloom caster【连】 大方坯连铸机出坯区
auto.run-out compensator偏摆摆动量补偿器装置
met.run-out cooling轧后冷却
anim.husb.run-out fleece羊毛等外毛被带粗毛或死毛的毛被
met.run-out gauge尾扣量规
met.run-out gauge螺尾量规
met.run-out grid出料台架
auto.run-out model车辆惯性滑行模式
auto.run-out number of cycles工作循环数
met.run-out of molten steel跑钢
met.run-out roller table出坯辊道
met.run-out roller table【压】 输出辊道
met.run-out side输出侧
auto.run-out specimen试验中未损坏的样品
auto.run-out speed发动机最高转速
met.run-out system of continuous slab caster板坯连铸机出坯系统
met.run-out table【压】 输出辊道
met.run-out table of slab板坯输出辊道
met.run-out table scale pit输出辊道氧化皮坑
auto.run-out vibration车轮摆振
met.run pipe盘条卷取导管
auto.RUN sensor运转传感器
auto.run soft轮胎缺气行驶
met.run speed运行速度
auto.run the check【动】进行检查试验
China, polit.run the Party for the public good and exercise the state power for the benefit of the people立党为公、执政为民
auto.run throng公共汽车直达运行自始发站到终点站的运行中不再停站
el.run till it breaks运行到坏为止
auto.run time运行工作,行驶,运转时间
auto.run unload怠速运转
auto.run-up of engine起动发动机
auto.run warm发动机热机运转
auto.run warn运行预告
auto.run warn运转预报
anim.husb.run with bull与公牛同群
anim.husb.run with ram与公羊同群
sport.Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快
auto.scheduled bus run客运正班
textileseam run-offs凸缝
auto.second run比赛第二轮比赛
auto.self supporting run flat tire自撑式防爆轮胎
auto.serial number of bus run车次
auto.serial number of bus run车次顺序号
anim.husb.sheep run养羊场
auto.short run小量短期生产
textileshort-run fashion短期流行的时装
auto.short-run production少量生产
auto.short-distance run车辆短距离行驶运行
textileshoulder run肩线
met.single-run welding单道焊接
met.slow run【铁】 慢行
anim.husb.soy mill run大豆饼粕粉渣
anim.husb.soybean mill run大豆加工厂副产物生产去皮大豆粕的副产品,主要为大豆皮,含蛋白质11%,粗纤维35%。可作为添加剂的载体或稀释剂
anim.husb.standard run quantity标准批量
textilestate run国营的《管理》
libr.state-run book distribution industry国有图书发行业
hydroel.st.stock-run material堆场材料
tech.stock-run material堆装材料
textilestocking with run-down heel无跟袜
anim.husb.straight-run未分级蛋; 混合的初生雏指未经性别鉴定的幼雏
anim.husb.straight run middlings饲料通粉
auto.straight-run oil直馏油
auto.straight-run petrol直馏汽油
auto.substitute bus run客运顶班
China, polit.successfully run a television program on the law办好"人大说法"专栏
China, polit.successfully run the NPC website办好中国人大网
gen.take a run散散步
gen.take a run跑一跑
gen.take a run to城里去一趟 (the city)
auto.test bed run试验台开动工作
auto.test bench run试验台开动工作
auto.test run车辆行驶试验
econ.The Chinese Export Commodities Fair will run from April 2nd to 6th中国出口商品交易会在4月2日至6日举行
commer.The clause shall cease to run 6 months later该条款半年后失效
sport.The distance of approach run required by the pole vaulting is about 30-45 metres撑竿跳高所需的助跑距离为30〜45米
proj.manag.The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup必须运行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已经启动、然后重新运行安装程序
gen.the tractor which we got last year runs very well我们去年得到的那台拖拉机很好用
gen.this machine does not run so smoothly as that one这台机器并不像那台运转得那么平稳
econ.Though costly at present, it does pay in the long run眼前虽贵些,但从长远来说,是相当合算的
auto.time on run运行时间
auto.timed run车赛计时预赛行程
auto.tire run轮胎行驶里程
securit.top 10 home-run stocks10 只最佳股票
auto.total idle run time参数识别缩写怠速总运转时间
auto.total run time by the engine while NOx warning mode is activated参数识别缩写NOx 警告模式被激活下发动机总运转时间
auto.total run time with PT O active参数识别缩写取力器工作总时间
sport.Track events are run on eight lanes on a 400-metre oval径赛项目是在 400 米长椭圆形的8条跑道上进行的
gen.tradition runs that...说…
auto.trail run试车运行,运转
shipb.trail run拖航
auto.transit run车辆过境行驶运行
auto.trial run车辆试车
met.trial run with load投料试生产
auto.turnpike run车辆高速公路行驶运行
auto.upper chain run链传动链条回行段上部
auto.upper run of chain链传动链条回程段上半部
auto.vacant run空驶里程
auto.vacant run运输空程
econ.We regret to inform you that our stock has run out我们遗憾地通知你方存货已售完
auto.wheel run out车轮跳动
auto.window run车门玻璃导槽
auto.window-glass run窗玻璃导槽
auto.window-glass run weather strip窗玻璃导槽密封镶条
proj.manag.You are now ready to run the wizard that assists you with setting up the data collection process现在、 您就可以开始运行向导了、 它将帮助您设置数据收集过程
proj.manag.You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做
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