
Terms for subject United Nations containing Responsible | all forms | exact matches only
air operation unit of the mission is responsible for monitoring and reporting the performance of aircraft特派团的空中作业单位须负责监测和报告飞机的性能
Conference of African Ministers responsible for Sustainable Development and the Environment非洲主管可持续发展与环境部长会议
contact points at their permanent missions to the United Nations in New York and at the ministry/agency principally responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures驻纽约的常驻联合国代表团以及负责实施制裁措施的主要部委/机构的指定联络点
elements of responsible crime prevention负责任的预防犯罪的要素
force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动
head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission特派团团长是指在安全理事会的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动
Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications主管运输和通讯部长会议
police commissioner means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all police operations within the mission警务专员指根据秘书长授权任命的负责特派团所有警务行动的官员