
Terms for subject Consulting containing Research | all forms | exact matches only
Building services research and information association室内环境工程研兗与情报协会
bureau of economic research经济调查局
classification of scientific research科研分类
contract for a scientific and technological research project科技合同
development research开发研究
development research发展研究
General Energy Research Council of Japan日本一般能源研究委员会
individual research个人研究
Industrial Research Council工业研究会联合国
management of factors of scientific research科研条件管理
management of research subjects课题管理
management of scientific research科研管理
organization of scientific research科研组织
organized research组织研究
pure basic research纯基础研究
regional network for research区域科研网
research and control laboratories实验室和化验室
research and development研究试制
research and development directors研究发展主管
research & development研究与开发
rights and freedoms, including those of person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief保障人身、言论、出破、集会、结社、旅行、迁徙、通信、罢工,选择职业和学术研究以及宗教信仰等各项权利与自由
scientific research legislation科研立法
Stanford Research Institute International斯坦福国际咨询研究所
World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization世界工业和技术研究组织协会