
Terms for subject Economy containing Regular | all forms | exact matches only
constraint on regular budget经常预算紧张
If we repeat this quality they will place regular orders with us如果此后质量也很好,他们将向我们定期订货
inaugurate regular air services开办定期航班
It is understood by both parties that the market reports should be exchanged at regular intervals经双方协议市场报告应定期交换
keep a regular spell按时换班
merge their accounts with credit cooperative at regular interval定期向信用社并账
No notice will be needed for convocation of a regular meeting of business召开业务例会无须发通知
pay an interest at regular intervals按期付息
regular annual rate固定的年率
regular annuity定期年金
regular budget正规预算
regular call income经常会费收人
regular call income经常会费收入
regular construction procedure基建程序
regular earnings固定工资 (收益)
regular fee正常一般费用
regular labour forces企业工人干部
regular long form bill of landing正规样式提单 (B/L)
regular overhaul常规检修
regular procedures正规手续
regular recourse常规追索 (即按背书人顺序不遗漏地向前追索)
regular reserve funds in budgets地方预算用准备金
regular reserve funds in local budgets地方预算准备金
regular service定期航运 (服务)
regular shipping lines固定正常航线
regular staff全日制职工
regular supply available经常有货
regular transactions正常销售
regular transactions隔日交货的交易
regular turn租船契约进入泊位才计算装卸期
regular way交易所通常交易
regular way普通交易
regular way交易所通常普通交易
regular way delivery正常交割 (在交易所规定的交割时间内交割,如政府债券于成交后的次日交割)
regular work固定职业 (工作)
Since many repeat orders from our regular customers are rushing in, prompt shipment cannot be guaranteed由于我们老客户的续订单大量涌入,我们很难保证即期交货
start regular air services开办定期航班
tangible fixed assets per regular employee每个正式工的有形固定资产率
The auditor inspects books of our company at regular intervals审计人员定期检査我公司账册
the regular annuity定期年金
the regular annuity普通年金
the regular shipment固定的装运 (sailing)
the regular shipment定期装运 (sailing)
We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系