
Terms for subject General containing Regular | all forms | exact matches only
A regular workout 3 times a week can lower your risk of breast cancer每周3次有规律的运动能减低患乳癌的概率
at regular intervals每隔一定时间〔间隔,距离〕
at regular intervals每隔一定时间
be in regular work有固定工作
For many imports, regular tariffs are zero对许多进口货来说免征关税
have one's regular spell按时换班
have the machines overhauled at regular intervals定期检修机器
If we place regular orders, can you ensure the quality of your bamboo fiber towels?如我方不断订货,你方能保证竹纤维毛巾的质量吗?
in regular order有条不紊
in regular order按次序
in regular sequence有条不紊地
in regular sequence按次序
keep regular hours按时作息
keep one's regular spell按时换班
regular air force正规空军
Regular Army正规陆军
regular army常备〔正规〕军
regular army正规军
Regular Army and Militia正规军与国民军
regular coke一般可乐
regular engine oil正规的车用机油用于适度条件下
regular falsi method试位法
regular forces正规军
regular gasoline普通汽油
regular pattern规律
regular practice习惯〔常规〕做法
regular pyramid正棱镜
regular pyramid正棱锥体
regular scarf holding袈裟固
regular tenacity正规钿性
regular troops正规军
regular undergraduate course本科
take one's regular spell按时换班
What is your regular dose?你的常规剂量是多少?