
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing Records | all forms | exact matches only
aid positioning record航标定位记录
congressional record国会记录
customer inspection record买主检验记录
daily aerological record逐日高空气象记录
data receive, record and transmit system数据接收、记录与传输系统
drought of record干旱记录
effective record length有效记录长度
engineering news record工程进展记录
environmental data record环境资料记录
experiment data record试验资料记录
experiment data record试验数据记录
failure record事故记录
geophysical data record地球物理数据记录
granite mountain records vault observatory格拉尼特山穹隆记录台
holder of record登记持有人
inter record gap记录间隔
inter record gap记录内间隙
inter record gap内记录间隔
interim geophysical data records间歇地球物理数据记录
key to geophysical records documentation地球物理记录文献汇编索引
land record土地档案
National Oceanographic Records Center国家海洋观测记录资料中心
precision bathymetric/ seismic record精密测深/地震记录仪
record and report记录与报告
record changer记录变换器
record date登记日期
record format for spatial data空间数据记录格式
record speed记录速度
record transfer记录数据传递
Records Processing Center记录数据处理中心
resource record资源记录
standard resource records标准资源记录
start of authority record起始记录
statistics of land record土地统计
temperature record and control温度记录与控制
variable area record section可变面积记录剖面
Weather Bureau/National Weather Records Center国家气象局国家气象记录中心
Weather Record Processing Center天气记录资料处理中心
World Weather Records世界天气资料记录