
Terms containing Records | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a contrivance to record both sides of a telephone conversation on magnetic tape电话交谈磁带录音装置
gen.a record playing at a rate ofM 转速为 M 的唱片
proj.manag.accounting records财务记录
IMF.accounting records账簿与记录
IMF.accounting records会计记录
fin.accounting records会计帐册
tech.adjusting precipitation records调节降水记录
busin.administrative records行政记录
commer.After showing his credentials, the inspector was allowed to see the bank's records出示证件后,检查员获准检查银行账簿
manag.aiding in keeping equipment records协助保管设备档案
avia.air force records center空军记录中心
avia.air reserve records center空中后备记录中心
gen.Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡
securit.altering trading records涂改交易记录
securit.altering trading records改动交易记录
gen.ancient records and relics古代文物
gen.Architectural Record建筑实录
IMF.Archives and Records Management Section档案和记录管理科
libr.author^ name as given in old records原题
agric.autographic records自记记录
shipb.autographic records自动记录
el.automated records management system自动化记录管理系统
tech.balance of stores records材料记录余额
interntl.trade.balance of stores records存料余额记录
tech.balance of stores records库存余额记录
econ.balance of stores records存货余额记录
tech.balance of stores records库存平衡记录
tech.balance of stores records材料差额记录
securit.bank records银行账簿
tech.basic accounting records基本的会计事项记录
gen.bear record to证实
gen.bear record to给…作证
gen.beat a record打破记录前例 (for)
gen.beat the record打破记录前例 (for)
busin.billing records账单记录
expl.blast vibration records爆破振动记录
fin.book of records记事簿
fin.book of records记录簿
proj.manag.bookkeeping records簿记记录
IMF.books and records会计记录
IMF.books and records账簿与记录
interntl.trade.books of records记录簿
busin.branch records on home office book分店交易由总店记账
fin.branch records on home office books分店交易由总店记帐
busin.branch records on home office books由总店记账的分支机构业务活动
tech.branch records on home office books分店交易由总店记账
gen.break a record打破记录前例 (for)
gen.break a record打破记录
shipb.break production records打破生产记录
gen.break the record打破记录前例 (for)
corp.gov.budgetary control records预算控制记录
hydroel.st.business records企业档案
gen.call to record使…作证
gen.card for record only只录卡
comp.card or tape record卡片或带读出器
spacecartographic records地图资料
econ.case records案侦记录
busin.case records案例记录
interntl.trade.cash records现金簿
interntl.trade.cash records现金记录
proj.manag.CBS Records哥伦比亚唱片公司
dragon.dance.chief of records记录长
org.name.Chief, Records and Archives记录及档案室主任
econ.China Gramophone Records Association中国唱片社
gen.China Record Companyназв.комп. 中国唱片公司
nucl.pow.classification of records记录分类
fin.column records分栏簿册
tech.column records分栏记录
fin.columnar records多栏式簿册
fin.columnar records多栏记录簿
interntl.trade.columnar records多栏记录
fin.columnar records多栏式记录簿
econ.columnar records多栏式记录
China, lawcommunication records通讯记录
ITcompaction of file records文件记录压缩
securit.companies with uneven earnings records具有不规则收益记录的公司
busin.complete records完整记录
avia.completed inspection records完工检验记录 (box, 箱)
avia.completion and processing of quality records质量记录的完成和处理
tech.computer administrative records计算机辅助记录
tech.computer traffic accident records计算机交通事故记录
avia.configuration identification records构型标识记录
gen.Congressional Record会议记录档案
busin.consigner's records寄销人记录
fin.consignment records寄销记录
interntl.trade.consignment records承销记录
econ.consignment records委托品簿册
fin.consignor's records寄销人之记录
busin.consignor's records寄售人记录
hydroel.st.construction records of project工程施工文件
libr.contemporary records载记
tech.contemporary records同期记录
tech.contemporary records当时记录
avia.contract documentation requirements records合同文件需求记录
exhib.contract records合同记录
tech.contract records合同案卷
avia.contract records database system合同记录数据库系统
avia.control of records记录管理
interntl.trade.cost records成本记录
interntl.trade.cost summarizing records成本汇总记录
fin.cost summarizing records成本汇庙记录
microbiol.culture records培养记录
commer.customary office records企业日常业务档案
gen.cut a record打破记录前例 (for)
gen.cut a record创新记录
gen.cut the record打破记录前例 (for)
gen.cylindrical record爱迪生式唱片录音
anim.husb.Dairy Records Processing Laboratories奶牛记录资料处理研究室
tech.damage records船损记录
textiledata base records数据库资料
spaceData, document and records management数据、文件和记录管理
avia.data, document and records management数据,文件和记录管理
avia.data records management数据记录管理
proj.manag.Database records will be copied from backup for all fields数据库记录将从所有的备份字段中拷贝
busin.deface records销毀记录
securit.destroying trading records销毁交易记录
fin.detailed perpetual inventory records永续盘存的明细记录.
tech.detailed perpetual inventory records永续盘存明细记录
tech.detailed subsidiary records辅助明细记录
tech.development records开发记录
hydroel.st.digitization of paper-based records纸质档案数字化
gen.disk record唱片
el.domain name and resource records域名和资源记录
econ.dual currency records双轨货币记录
econ.earning records薪资记录
libr.electronic records management电子记录管理系统
gen.end of record记录姑束〔讯号〕
gen.Engineering News-Record工程新闻记录
China, lawenter a case in the records备案
econ.enter on the records载人记录
China, lawentrustment records委托记录
nautic., tech.environmental compliance records环境符合性记录
tech.equipment records施工机械的记录
avia.equipment records management system设备记录管理系统
cryptogr.essential records必要文档
tech.examining the records of staff and workers人事考核
comp.exchange control record交换控制记录
tech.export and import records or performance进出口实绩
tech.extending of short-term records展延短期系列
tech.extending of short-term records根据短期记录推算
tech.extension of records展延实测系列
tech.extension of records延长记录
tech.extension of records延展实测系列
tech.extrapolation of historic records历史记录推断
tech.extrapolation of historical records历史记录推断
securit.fabricating records伪造纪录
el.fabrication, assembly and inspection records制造、组装与检验记录
agric.factory scale records厂级记录
securit.false accounting records造假账的案底
securit.false accounting records造假账的记录
China, lawfalse records虚假记载
securit.falsification of records篡改记录
securit.falsification of records伪造记录
econ.farm records农场记录
busin.fault records故障记录
busin.field records现场记录
IMF.financial records财务记录
tech.fire records消防记录
multimed.fixed length record定长记录
sport.For all records up to and including 200 metres, information concerning wind speed shall be submitted批准 200 米及 200 米以下各项目的纪录、必须申报有关风速数据
busin.for your records供记载
securit.forging trading records伪造交易记录
libr.Functional Requirement and Numbering of Authority Records【国际图联】规范记录号码和功能需求
libr.Functional Requirement for Authority Records【国际图联】规范记录功能需求
libr.Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records【国际图联】书目记录功能需求
busin.gain records收益记录
interntl.trade.general records普通账册
fin.general records普通簿籍
multimed.gens sound record氏族声音记录
gen.get the record straight弄清真相
ecol.glacial records冰川记录
gen.go on record公开表明见解
gen.go on record被记录下来
earth.sc.granite mountain records vault observatory格拉尼特山穹隆记录台
gen.grey record古书
gen.groove of record唱片的声槽
ITgroup records组记录
ITgrouped records成组记录
tech.grouping of records记录编组
bridge.hand record全套记录
busin.head all records打破一切记录
gen.Here is my record of the checks这是我的支票记录
bridg.constr.highest water level on records历史最高水位
bridg.constr.historic records历史记录
tech.historic records历史记载
tech.historic records历史资料
tech.historical records历史资料
tech.historical records历史记录
tech.historical records历史记载
desert.historical records古纟己录
avia.historical records container档案柜
spacehistorical records container历史记录箱 (档案柜)
avia.historical records container历史记录箱
gen.hold record保持记录
comp.home record原始〔起始,引导,内部〕记录
health.hospital records医院病案
hydroel.st.hydrological records水文记录
tech.hydrometric records水文测验记录
tech.hydrometric records水文测验实测资料
tech.hydrometrical records水文测验记录
tech.hydrometrical records水文测验实测资料
gen.I'm sorry. We have no record of a reservation in your name对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录
expl.In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响
econ.individual earning records职工个人工资记录
avia.information and records management信息和记录管理
gen.Information and Records Section情报与记录处
corp.gov.inspection records检查记录
el.Institute of Certified Records Managers持证记录管理人员协会
tech.INTELSAT system records国际电信卫星系统记录
el.INTELSAT test records国际电信卫星测试记录
comp.inter-record gap字区间隙
multimed.inter-record gap记录块间隔
manag.interdepartmental records system部际记录制度
earth.sc.interim geophysical data records间歇地球物理数据记录
interntl.trade.inventory records存货记录
sport.It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录
proj.manag.job cost records工程成本账
proj.manag.job cost records工程成本记录
manag.keening equipment records保管设备的记录
gen.keep a record记录 (of)
gen.keep a record记下来 (of)
China, lawkeep records for further reference记录备查
gen.keep the record straight弄清真相
gen.keep to the record不扯到题
tech.keeping equipment records保管设备的登记
tech.keeping equipment records保管设备记录
tech.keeping records保存记录
manag.keeping records and orderlines保存记录与工作条理
tech.keeping records and orderliness保存记录与工作条理
earth.sc.key to geophysical records documentation地球物理记录文献汇编索引
gen.land-speed-record tyre高速竞用轮胎
gen.last record最后记录
libr.legal records法律文件集
securit.limited access to books and records有限査账权持有公司股票的人有权查看一些公司账目及相关记录
libr.local records地方志
libr.local records方志
comp.logical record processor逻辑记录处理机
avia.logistic support analysis records后勤保障分析记录本
gen.long-play record密纹〔慢转〕唱片
busin.machine records机器记录
avia.machine records unit机器记录装置
China, lawmake written records制作笔录
avia.manufacturing assembly records system制造装配记录系统
comp.manufacturing record processor制造生产记录处理机
avia.manufacturing records control制造记录控制
gen.manufacturing records control生产记录控制
avia.manufacturing records system制造记录系统
libr.maps and records of rivers and mountains山川图记
forestr.maps and records officer绘图和记录官员
gen.matching record匹配记录
proj.manag.material records材料核算
avia.material records application system材料记录应用系统
avia.material records unit材料记录装置
busin.materials management records材料管理记录
geol.maximum number of records记录最大值
geol.maximum number of records最大记录数
nurs.medical records医疗文件
comp., MSmessaging records management通訊記錄管理  (Records management technology in Exchange 2007 that helps organizations to reduce the risks that are associated with e-mail and other communications. MRM makes it easier to keep messages that are needed to comply with company policy, government regulations, or legal needs, and to remove content that has no legal or business value)
libr.miscellaneous records杂录
tech.monument construction and records施工记录纪念碑
libr.National Archives and Records Administration【国】国家档案与记录管理局【美国】国家档案馆
libr.National Archives and Records Administration【美国】国家档案与记录管理局【美国】国家档案馆
libr.National Archives and Records Administration【美国】国家档案与记录管理局
libr.National Archives and Records Administration【美国】国家档案馆
org.name., USANational Archives And Records Administration国家档案局
navig.National Oceanographic Records Center美国国家海洋探测记录中心
earth.sc.National Oceanographic Records Center国家海洋观测记录资料中心
el.National Weather Records Center国家气象记录中心
gen.National Weather Records Center全国气象记录中心
anim.husb.National Weather Records Center国家气象记录中心
el.number of records记录数
gen.off the record不得引用
gen.off the record不得发表
gen.off the record可以公开
econ.offender with old records累犯
econ.offenders with old records累犯
gen.off-the-record不可引述 〔报导〕的
gen.on record记录上
gen.on record公开发表〔宣布〕的
gen.on record有史以来
gen.on record登记过的
gen.on record登记的
tech.onsite orientation records现场说明书
securit.open condemnation records of listed company上市公司被公开谴责记录
nucl.pow.operational records运行记录
shipb.original records原始记录
econ.Our books and records are available to you at any time我方账册和记录随时可供你方查阅
avia.parts records on-line联机零件记录
China, lawpatrol records巡査记录
fin.payroll records工资支付登记簿
interntl.trade.payroll records薪资本
fin.payroll records工资记录
interntl.trade.payroll records工资本
textilepayroll records工资登记表
textilepayroll records工资簿
tech.payroll records工资核算
anim.husb.pedigree records系谱记录
securit.pending litigation records of listed company上市公司未决诉讼记录
el.performance records for optimizing system design优化系统设计的性能记录
nautic., tech.performance standard for shipboard simplified voyage data records船载简化航行数据记录仪性能标准 (S-VDR)
manag.personal records人事档案
tech.personal records system人事档案系统
comp.personnel record information system for management管理部门用的人事记录信息系统
tech.personnel records and reports人事记录与报表
busin.Personnel Records Information System for Management人事记录信息系统
interntl.trade.phonograph records唱片
gen.place oneself on record被记载下来
gen.place oneself on record公开发表意见
gen.place oneself on record被记录下来
gen.place oneself upon record公开发表意见
gen.place oneself upon record被记载下来
gen.place oneself upon record被记录下来
telecom.plant assignment records设备配置记录卡
proj.manag.plant records设备的记录
securit.power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations要求出示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力
hydroel.st.prephase records of project工程前期文件
avia.production control assembly records生产控制装配记录
gen.production control record生产控制记录
avia.production equipment records unit生产设备记录装置
busin.production records生产记录
busin.promotion or advancement records提升晋级记录
hydroel.st.prophase records of project工程前期文件[档案]
interntl.trade.purchase records采购记录
interntl.trade.purchase records购货记录
fin.purchase records采购簿据
commer.purchase records进货记录
tech.purchase records进货纪录
tech.purchasing records材料采购的核算
China, lawput on records记录在案
gen.put oneself on record被记载下来
gen.put oneself on record公开发表意见
gen.put oneself on record被记录下来
gen.put oneself upon record被记载下来
gen.put oneself upon record公开发表意见
gen.put oneself upon record被记录下来
gen.put the record straight弄清真相
multimed.record communications记录通信
gen.record control number记录控制数
automat.record evaluate and control time system记录鉴定及控制时间系统
multimed.Record Industry Association of America美国记录工业协会
multimed.record layout记录布局
gen.Record of Chemical Progress化学进展记录美国杂志名
gen.record of performance成绩测定
gen.record of production生产纪录
comp.record separator分段符号
comp.record separator记录分离符
gen.record the passage of time to the nearest second or so计时精确到一秒左右
avia.records and accountability记录与责任
org.name.Records and Archives记录及档案
org.name.Records and Archives Officer记录及档案官员
org.name.Records and Archives Section记录及档案科
libr.records application档案利用
tech.records blocking记录封锁
tech.records deblocking记录封锁启封
econ.records evidence书面证据
geophys.records holding area记录保持区
tech.records holding area无用档案保管所
anim.husb.records in progress第一胎未完成305d 的产奶记录在种公牛初评时,为了增加女儿的数量,也将那些女儿第一胎未完成305d 的产奶记录,换算成305d产奶量,但女儿必须有40d 以上的产奶记录
libr.records library档案室
libr.records library档案局
libr.records library档案馆
tech.records made by radio altimeter and statoscope无线电测高仪和高差仪记录
stat.records management记录管理
manag.records management档案管理
econ.records management业务核算
org.name.Records Management Services记录管理处
econ.records management system记录管理系统
IMF.Records Management Unit存档管理组
libr.records mounting档案修裱
fin.records of account账目记录
tech.records of actual floods实际洪峰记录
tech.records of actual floods实际洪水记录
expl.records of blasting operations爆破作业记录
tech.records of cost费用记录
nautic., tech.records of navigational activities航行活动记录
el.records of operation运行记录
securit.records of original entry原始记账凭证
manag.records of performance经营成果报表
busin.records of performance考绩档案
corp.gov.records of proceedings会议记录
hydroel.st.records of project工程文件[档案]
hydroel.st.records of project工程文件
hydroel.st.records of supervision of project工程监理文件[档案]
hydroel.st.records of supervision of project工程监理文件
libr.records of things seen and heard见闻录
libr.records office档案局
libr.records office档案室
libr.records office档案馆
hydroel.st.records on completion of project工程竣工文件[档案]
hydroel.st.records on completion of project工程竣工文件
earth.sc.Records Processing Center记录数据处理中心
hydroel.st.records retention schedule保管期限表
libr.records retention schedule档案保管期限表
tech.records review记录检查
tech.records room病历室
sport.records statistics记录统计
libr.records survey档案资料检查
tech.regulating precipitation records调节降水记录
avia.release records发放记录
tech.reliability of financial records财务记录可靠性
org.name.Reports, Records and Documentation Group报告、记录及文献组
org.name.Reports, Records and Documentation Officer报告、记录及文献官员
nucl.pow.retention of records记录保存
chem.retention of records记录的保管
tech.retention of records recorder记录的保管
econ.right to examine records查账权
econ.right to examine records股东检査账册权
busin.right to examine records股东检查账册权
securit.right to examine records股东检查账册权
securit.right to examine records股东查账权
tech.safety records安全记录
busin.sale records销货记录
interntl.trade.sales records销货簿
econ.sales records商业统计
interntl.trade.sales records销货记录
busin.sales records销货记录簿
busin.sealing of records案卷密封
tech.seamen's records海员记录簿
gen.set up a new record创新记录
gen.set the record straight弄清真相
avia.ship records management system飞机架次记录管理系统
nautic., tech.ship security plan and associated records船舶保安计划和相关记录
nautic., tech.shipboard simplified voyage data records简化航行数据记录仪 (S-VDR)
avia.shipside originated quality records index机旁原始记录索引
gen.SIGMOD Record A Quarterly Publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data美国计算机学会数据管理专业组纪录
tech.site records工地记录
tech.site records现场记录
proj.manag.social security records社会保险记录
gen.sound record disc唱片
inf.spin records放唱片
construct.stage-discharge records水位流量记录
gen.standard playing record普通唱片每分钟78转的
gen.standard playing record标准唱片
earth.sc.standard resource records标准资源记录
busin.statement on the destruction of accounting records会计档案销毁清单
tech.statutory records法定记录
busin.stores records材料记录
bridg.constr.stream discharge records河道流量己录
tech.subcontracting records分包付款的核算
interntl.trade.subscription records认股记录
securit.suitability of premises for keeping records or documents存放记录或文件地点的适宜性
tech.summary records纪要
el.support of user records and files用户记录与文档支援
dril.survey records测量记录
cryptogr.system of records记录系统
China, lawtake records记录在案
avia.technical directive records技术指令记录
interntl.trade.test of accounting records会计账册的检验
busin.test of accounting records会计账册检验
econ.The auditor has the right to examine the books or records of the accountant审计有权检査会计的账册或记录
econ.The buyer promised not to divulge any information obtained from the seller's books and records买方承诺不泄漏从卖方账册及记录中获得的任何信息
econ.The figures which are not in agreement with the records are to be verified这些与记录不一致的数字将予以查实
econ.The grade of your goods with our records of the spot check你们这批货的等级与我们抽査的记录不一致
gen.the greatest ...on record前所未闻的
gen.the greatest ...on record有史以来最大的
proj.manag.The main function of the software can quickly generate 60 records, record format in accordance with input template generated本软件的主要功能是能够快速产生60条记录、记录格式依照输入模板产生
avia.the records pertaining to an end item as it was built已完成的相关终端项目的记录
econ.The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人
avia.this office has no records of ...该处无…记录
tech.top all previous records超过历史最高水平
gen.track record行动记录
busin.trading records贸易备忘录
tech.traffic records交通记录
tech.traffic records运量观测记录
el.traffic records and criminal justice information system通信记录与刑事审判信息系统
avia.training information records system培训信息记录系统
avia.training records system培训记录系统
nucl.pow.transfer of records记录移交
gen.travel out of the record离开议题
gen.travel out of the record扯到题外
econ.Unauthorized access to the company's records is by no means allowed决不允许未经许可查看公司的记录
gen.unit record设备记录
gen.unit record controller设备记录控制器
telecom.United States National Archives and Records Service美国国家档案馆
econ.unwrought original records未整理的原始记录
interntl.trade.verbatim records逐序记录
libr.veritable records实录
ITvertical displayed records垂直显示记录
econ.vital records生命记录
busin.wangle business records伪造业务记录
econ.We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档案
earth.sc.Weather Bureau/National Weather Records Center国家气象局国家气象记录中心
el.weather records processing center气象记录处理中心
avia.weights records重量记录
gen.wireless record player无线电录音机
gen.wireless record player无线电唱机
securit.withholding genuine transaction records掩饰真实的交易纪录
earth.sc.World Weather Records世界天气资料记录
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