
Terms for subject Project management containing Receipt | all forms | exact matches only
above-the-line receipt经常预算收人
above-the-line receipt线上项目收人
affidavit of no receipt述明无收款的誓章
American Depository Receipt美国存托凭证
bid receipt投标书签收
cash receipt voucher现金收人凭证
chargeable normal trading receipt应课税的一般营业收人
customs receipt海关收税
deadline for receipt of bids接受投标的截止日期
deadline for receipt of tenders接收投标的截止时间
deadline for receipt tenders接受投标的截止日期
depository receipt保管收据
depository receipt存托凭证
depository receipt预托证券
depository receipt寄存单据
global depository receipt全球存托凭证
gross receipt总收人
items of receipt收人项目
net receipt收人净额
non-trade receipt非贸易收人
post-cessation receipt停业后的收人
rates receipt差饷收据
receipt for duty and interest税款及利息收据
receipt notification接收确认
total receipt收人总额
You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你地址的明信片