
Terms for subject Textile industry containing Receipt | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of receipt收据
acceptance of receipt回执
acknowledge receipt承认收到
acknowledgement of receipt回单
advise date of receipt通知收到日期
after receipt of order收到订单后
air consignment of air receipt空运收据
air parcel receipt航空邮包收据
air post parcel receipt航空邮包收据
airmail receipt空运单
airmail receipt航空托运单
bank credit receipt and payment银行信贷收支
budget receipt预算收入
cargo delivery receipt交货收据
cargo receipt货物承运收据
cash on receipt of merchandise收货后付现,货到付款,收货时付款
confirmation of receipt of merchandise商品收到确认
consolidator's cargo receipt集装收据
cost on receipt收货时付款
counter receipt柜台收入
custody-of-cargo receipt保管货物收据
delivery receipt交货收据
delivery receipt送达回条
deposit receipt存折
deposit receipt存款收据
estimated receipt date预计收到日期
European depositary receipt欧洲委托证券
European depositary receipt欧洲预托证券
European depositary receipt欧洲受托保管证券收据
forwarder's receipt运输代理人收据
forwarder's receipt代运行收据
forwarder's receipt转运商收据
forwarder's receipt运输商收据
forwarding agent's certificate of receipt运输代理行收货凭证
insurance receipt暂保单
insurance receipt保险收据
international depositary receipt国际信托收据
international depositary receipt国际证券托存收据
items of receipt收入项目
material receipt sheet收料报表
material receipt sheet收料单
negotiable warehouse receipt流通仓单
negotiable warehouse receipt可转让仓单
non-negotiable receipt不可转让收据
non-revenue receipt税收外收入
non-revenue receipt额外收入
non-revenue receipt非税收收入
official receipt官方收入
official receipt实收
original receipt收据正本
original receipt原收据
part receipt部分收益
pay on receipt收到后付款
payable on receipt收到后即付
payable on receipt收到后付款
post parcel receipt邮包收据
premium receipt保险费收据
property inspection and receipt财产验收
receipt and payment account收支账户
receipt at ship-side船边收讫
receipt at ship-side船边付清
receipt document收据
receipt for a loan借据
receipt for freight运费收据
receipt for remittance信汇
receipt from goods traffic货运收人
receipt in full全部收清
receipt in part部分收清
receipt ledger收入总账
receipt ledger收入分类账
receipt of goods货物收据
receipt of goods货已收到
receipt of goods领取现货
receipt of goods交货收据
receipt on revenue accounts收益收入
receipt-payment bookkeeping收付记账法
receipt-payment bookkeeping收付记账
receipt premium保费收据
receipt slip收据
receipt slip收条
receipt slip收入传票
receipt stamp收讫章
receipt voucher收款单据
receipt voucher收据
receipt voucher收条
receipt voucher收货凭证
receipt voucher收入传票
regular receipt正式收据
rental receipt租金收据
rental receipt租金收入
shipping parcel receipt海运包裹收据
shipping receipt装船收据
ship's receipt船方收据
stamped receipt盖章收据
statutory receipt法定收据
subscription receipt认购收据
transfer receipt slip转账收入传票
treasury bond receipt国库券收据
treasury bond receipt国库券收入
treasury receipt国库收据
unclean mate's receipt不洁收货单
unclean receipt不洁收货单
uniform receipt method统一收款法
valid receipt有效收据
voucher for receipt收入凭单
voucher for receipt收入传票
voucher receipt book收款凭单登记簿
warehouse receipt仓库
wharfinger receipt码头收货单