
Terms for subject Economy containing REAL ESTATE | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a non-real estate debt非不动产负债
All real estate, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for, shall be submitted to the court所有不动产,如无具体的处理办法,则应提交法院判决
an operator in real estate房地产投机商
charge on real estate征收地产税
credit on real estate不动产信用
credit on real estate土地地产信用
credit on real estate土地信用
equity real estate investment trust主权型不动产投资托拉斯
financing of real estate对不动产的资助
income from real estate不动产的收益
loan on real estate不动产贷款
mortgage real estate investment trust抵押不动产投资信托公司
non-real estate capital in agriculture农业不动产资本
non-real estate debt不动产负债
owners of rural real estate农村动产的所有者
principle of real estate房地产原理
real estate固定财产
real estate account不动产或房地产账户
real estate agency房地产或不动产公司 (companies)
real estate assets固定资产不动产
real estate capital不动产资本
real estate credit institution不动产信贷机构
real estate financing购置不动产借款 (放款)
real estate investment trust房地产投资信托
real estate loans购置不动产借款 (放款)
real estate mortgage不动产抵押 (bonds, 债券)
real estate tax不动产税
real estate title deeds房地契
real estate investment trust房地产投资信托
rural real estate农村不动产
secured real estate担保不动产权
She invested her money as a lump sum in real estate她把自己的钱一整笔投进房地产生意
The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate银行在允诺商业房地产投资同时附加了一个条件
The Landlord made $180.000 from real estate deals last year该房主去年在不动产经营中赚了 18 万美元
The right of the bankrupt to his real estate shall be divest-ed破产者对房地产所拥有的权利将被剥夺
the unimproved real estate未改进的不动产