
Terms for subject Economy containing Public | all forms | exact matches only
a direct appeal to the public向公众直接吁请
a direct appeal to the public债票公募法
a grant-in-aid for public assistance对公共补助支出的财政补贴
a grant-in-aid for public health公共卫生财政补贴
a notary public公证行
a notary public公证人
a plea of public policy以公共秩序为理由的抗辩
a public accountant公共会计师
a public auction当众拍卖
a public utility specialist公用事业问题专家
a semi-public company公私合营公司
accounting for public enterprises公营企业会计
After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws签订合同后,双方中任何一方不得违犯政府的任何政策,成文法或不成文法
American Institute of Certified Public Accountant美国注册会计师协会
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants美国注册会计师学会
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants职业会计师协会
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants美国职业会计师协会
American Society of Certified Public Accountants美国注册会计师协会
an agency for public finance corporation公库代理单位
attitude and custom of the public民情风俗
benefit oneself at the expense of public interests损公利私
certificate of independent public accountant独立会计师执照 (证书)
certified public accountant职业会计师
certified public accountant注册会计师
Certified Public Accountant Law执业会计法
chartered public accountant注册会计师
commission on issue and public offerings募债手续费
consolidation of public loans政府债务的整理
consumering public消费群众
consuming public消费群众
conversion of public money to one's own use占用公款
corporation of public utility公司事业法人
corporation of public utility公用事业公司
credit system for protecting public hazard公害保险预防公共危险的信贷制
debt held by the public公众持有的债券凭证
department of public security公安机关
Department of Public Works公共工程部
deposit with public utility corporation公用事业保证金 (押金)
direct appeal to the public债票公募法
direct public offering直接公开出售债券
director of public prosecutions检察官
director of public prosecutions检察长
Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任
embezzle public funds盗用公款
expansion of public works扩大公共事业
expenditure on public debt公债
external public debt官方债务
external public indebtedness对外公共债务
falsification of public seal伪造公章
funds for public undertakings公共事业费
global public good国际公共产品
global public good全球公共产品
go public挂牌
go public上市发行股票
hazards to public公害
in public当众
in public公开地
interest of public loan公债利息
international public good国际公共产品
international public good全球公共产品
introduce the system of fixed outlays in the public institutions公共事业机构实行行政费包干制
legal person of public law公法人 (公法上的法人)
licensed and public accountant注册公证会计师
local public utility loan地方公用事业贷款
make public for the administration of finance财政公开
membership affairs and public affairs committee会员事务和公共事务委员会
Minister of Public Health卫生部长
Minister of Public Security公安部长
Ministry of Public Security公安部
misappropriate public fund挪用公款
Misappropriation of public funds is a criminal act挪用公款是犯罪行为
monetization of public debt公债货币化政府将公债交银行承受,于是财政部在银行的存款增加
more developed form of socialist public ownership比较成熟的社会主义公有制
national public funds for financing structural adjustment资助结构调整的国家公共基金
net public debt政府净债券
net public lending政府放款净额
operating expenses for culture, education, science and public health services文教科学卫生事业费
operating surplus of public enterprises公共事业的经营营运利润
operating surplus of public enterprises公共事业的经营利润
Our commercial practice should not be injurious to the public interest我们的商业行为不应该损害公共利益
Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品
pricing by public utilities公用事业的定价
private railway under public management私有公营铁路
product, price, place, promotion, power, public relation大市场营销6要素产品、价格、渠道、促销、活动能力、公共关系
protection of the public and of work and property公共安全和对工程及财产的防护
public accounting fee社会调查费用
public accounting fee外出査账费用
public accounting term会计师事务所
public accumulated fund公积金
public accumulation公共积累
public accumulation fund公共积累基金
public accumulation accumulated funds公积金
public administration公共行政 (管理)
public administration行政
public affairs committee公共事务委员会
public agent公众代理
public aid公共辅助金
public aid公共补助金
public and private capital公私资本
public and private sources公私来往
public and private sources公私资金来源
public assistance官方政府援助
public assistance institution贫民收容所
public audit公开审计 (核数)
public benefit公益
public bid opening公开召标
public body in the borrowing country借债国的政府机构
public bond政府债务
public borrowing公家借款
public bureau公安局
public business公务
public carrier公共运输行
public cheque政府部门支票
public code公共密码 (或电码)
public company公开发行股份的公司
public company公众性公司
public company国有化公司
public consumption公众消费
public consumption fund社会消费基金
public consumption monopoly公共消费品专利
public consumption monopoly公共消费品垄断 (专利)
public consumption monopoly公共消费品独占
public contract公约
public contribution公共捐款
public control公家控制
public corporation公营公司
public corporation公开发行股份的公司
public corporation国有化公司
public corporation公营企业
public credit国家政府信贷
public credit公共信用
public credit institution公共信贷机关
public debt政府债务 (bond)
public debt公债 (bond)
public debt redemption公债偿还资金
public debts公债额
public debts公债
public debts redemption公债偿还资金
public defender公设辩护人
public demand theory公需说赋税理论
public deposit国库政府存款
public director官方公众董事
public director官方董事 (或公众董事)
public domain公地
public domain官产
public domain公有领域
public domain公有地
public domain property公有财产
public donation公共捐款
public donation公众捐款
public economic国家经济
public economic公营经济
public economic enterprise公共经济事业
public economy财政
public elevator公用谷仓
public employee公职人员
public enemy公敌
public enterprise公营公司
public enterprise公营企业
public expenditure公家发出
public expenditure国家开支
public expenditure财政支出
public expenditure公家经费
public expenditure decisions公共支出决策
public expenditure review公共支出审查
public expenditures on education at current market prices按现行市场价格计算的教育经费支出
public expense公费
public expense公共开支
public expenses公共开支
public expenses公费
public expenses公家费用
Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel公共交通设施可以被每一个希望旅行的人所利用
public favoritism公家特惠
public finance国家财政
public finance财政学
public financing政府资金
public funding政府资金
public funds以公债充作基金
public funds公款
public good公益
public goods公共财物
public goods公用物品
public goods公用货物
public goods公劳财物
public grain公粮
public health卫生健康
public health grants公共医疗补贴
public health room卫生保健室
public health service检疫站
public health service公共卫生部
public holiday公休假日
public holidays公共假期
public house小旅店
public housing公房
public housing公共住房
public housing program国家住房建设计划
public housing programme国家住房建设计划
public industries国营企业
public industry国家工业
public information公共报导
public insurance公营保险
public interest公众利益公益
public interest in the program大家对此计划之关心
public interests公益
public investment共同政府投资
public juris公共的权利
public land公地
public land ownership土地公共制
public liability安全保障
public liability insurance公众损害保险
public liaison funds公众联系基金
public limit order英国公开限价订单
public limit order board公开限价订单牌
Public Limited Company英国公开股份有限公司
Public Limited Company公共有限责任公司
public loan公共贷款
public loan公债
public loan redemption by purchase公债买入偿还
public loan redemption purchase公债买入偿还
public loans公债
public man公务人员
public monopoly公家专利
public monopoly国家政府垄断
public monopoly政府公营
public morality公共道德
public notary公证人
public notice公共
public offering公开销售 (买卖)
public-operated enterprise营企业
public opinion民意
public order member公开订货成员
public-owned economy公有制经济
public ownership政府所有权
public ownership国有
public ownership公有制
public ownership of land土地占有
public ownership of the means of production生产资料公有制
public ownership system of socialism社会主义公有制
public ownership under socialism社会主义公有制
public package国家的一整套措施
public partner出面合伙人
public policy国家政策
public policy on private monopoly私人独占企业公有政策
public power project公营电力
public press新闻出版界
public press报章杂志
public-private joint operation公私合营
public-private partnership公共私人伙伴关系
public-private partnership公私伙伴关系
public production社会生产
public property公有财产
public purchases国家收购
public purse公共资金
public purse公库
public purse国库
public receipt公家进款
public relation公共关系
public reserve fund公积金
public resource公共资金
public resources公共资源
public revenue国库公共收入
public revenue公共国库收入
public right公权
public safety公共〔大众〕安全
public school fund公立学校
public sector国营工商企业
public sector公营经济部门
public sector公共经济部分
public sector国营工商业
public sector borrowing requirement国营部门借款要求
public sector borrowing requirement公营经济部门借款要求
public sector borrowing requirement公共经济部分借款需要
public sector borrowing requirement公共借阅条件
public sector of agriculture公营农业
public sector of the economy公营经济
public sector R&D公共部门研究与发展
public sector research and development公共部门研究与发展
public security公安局
public security bureau公安局
public service政府部门
public service公共事业 (务)
public service commission公用事业委员会
public service company公用事业公司 (或企业)
public-service corporation公用事业公司
public service enterprises公用事业公司 (或企业)
public service industry公众服务性行业
public spending国家开支
public spending公共费用
public spirit公共精神
public stock国家债券
public stock公债券
public support公共支助
public surveyor鉴定人
public surveyor公证行公共鉴定人
public telex公共电传 (booth, 室)
public tender公开投标
public transaction拍卖
public treasury law公库法
public trust公共信托 (信托人为团体)
public trust公益
public trustee公营信托人 (公司)
public undertakings事业单位
public under-takings事业单位
public unrequited transfer政府单方面转移
public utility公共工程 (activity)
public utility公用事业 (activity)
public utility公用服务 (activity)
public utility accounting公用事业会计
public utility and transportation service公用事业与交通服务
public value公用价值
public values公款
public warehouse公开仓库
public weigher公证件
public weigher公共重量鉴定人
public welfare公安
public welfare治安
public welfare公共福利
public welfare establishments公共福利机构
public welfare fund公益金
public welfare program公共福利计划 (payment, 或费用)
public welfare programme公共福利计划
public work社会工作
public works市政工程
public works公共建筑
public works公共事业
public works program市政工程计划
public works program公共建筑工程计划
public works programme市政工程计划
public works programme公共建筑工程计划
public works relief bill公共工程救济法
quasi-public corporation半国有企业
quasi-public revenue类似公共收入
regulation governing the public debt公债条例
regulations governing the public debt公债管理条例
reputable public surveyor卓有声誉的公证人机构
revenue of public domain公产收入
revenue of public enterprise公业收入
rules of order public公共秩序强制性法律
scientific and technological public service科技公共服务机构
seek private interests at the expenses of public interests损公肥私
Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage大米到货时即由公证行过磅,他们只好承认重量不足
socialist public ownership社会主义公有制
spatial dimensions of public policy公共政策的空间范围
state run public authority国家管理局
subsidy system in public enterprise公营企业津贴制
suspend public business中止办公
system of public service公务员制度
tax and public imposition税收及政府课征
the act of public enemies公敌行为
the applicable receipt from the public来自公众的可用收入
the embezzlement of public funds挪用公款
the embezzlement of public funds侵吞公款
The existence of this public enterprise is to be perpetual该公营企业的生存是永恒的
the expenditure for public works公共工程支出
the general public广大群众
the nonexclusive nature of public goods公共财产的无排他'性
the non-specialized public非专业群体
The price is within easy reach of the general public此价是一般大众易于接受的
the public accommodation公共设施
the Public aid公家辅助金
the public ownership公有制
the public prosecution公诉
The public relations department is the section of a company which deals with the public公共关系部是公司与公众打交道的部门
the public wealth公共财富
the public weigh公证行
the public weigh公共重量鉴定人
the public weigh重量鉴定人
The sale of the merchandise can be made either at public sale or at private sale此商品既可公开销售,也可以不公开销售
the self-assessment and public discussion自报公议
the uncommitted public income未指定用途的公共收入
The workers often use public transport to get to their factory工人们经常利用公共运输工具到工厂上班
They took necessary action for the protection and preservation of the public property他们采取必要的行动来保护及保管公共财物
transfer to public ownership公有化
treasury accounts with the public政府对民间的往来账
We have to comply with the orders of the public authority for the safety of persons or property我们必须遵守由官方发布的保障人身或财产安全的通令
winding-up public examination解除清理程序中法院审问