
Terms for subject China containing Public | all forms | exact matches only
a medical treatment system for public health emergencies突发公共卫生事件医疗救治体系
a party working for the public interest and a government serving the people立党为公、执政为民
a public finance oversight system with real-time monitoring, comprehensive examination, feedback on improvement efforts and performance tracking实时监控、综合核查、整改反馈、跟踪问效的财政监督机制
a system of public notices publicly announcing and public hearings公示,听证制度
accept oversight of the general public接受人民监督
access to public information获取公共信息
act committed against the administration of public security违反治安管理行为
activity of domestic public service国内公务活动
administer public finance in strict accordance with the law严格依法理财
administration of public finance财政管理
administrative penalties for public security治安管理处罚
against the social and public interests违背社会公共利益
aid related to public welfare job公益性岗位援助
all organs of State, public organizations and citizens concerned一切有关的国家机关、社会团体和公民
an campaign to raise public awareness of the law普法宣传教育
an campaign to raise public awareness of the law普法教育
application for public offer of stocks募股申请
apply for the public servant's avoidance申请公务员回避
archive that are not yet open to the public未开放档案
bank that receives the funds as generated from the public offer of stocks on behalf of the company代收股款银行
be a man of integrity and always work in the public interest廉洁奉公
be made public发表
be made public发布新闻等
be made public公布法律草案等
be made public发行
be made public公布
a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion法律草案向全国公布交付全国人民讨论两个多月
sessions of the National Peopled Congress be open to the public全国人民代表大会会议公开举行
be under public surveillance被管制
be wanted by the public security organ被公安机关通缉的
build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍
build the Party for the public and exercise power for the people立党为公、执政为民
cadres and the general public全国广大干部群众
carefully listen to the comments of concerned departments, members of the general public, experts and scholars认真听取有关部门、基层群众和专家学者的意见
carry out an extensive campaign to raise public awareness of the law深入开展普法教育
case initiation of a public prosecution提起公诉的案件
case of public prosecution公诉案件
case of public security治安案件
cause public disorder造成公共秩序混乱
certified public accountants注册会计师
commission for examination and assessment of public procurators检察官考评委员会
commit an act in violation of public security administration有违反治安管理行为
complement to the socialist public economy社会主义公有制经济的补充
constitute a violation of the regulations for administration of public security构成违反治安管理行为
contracted through public bidding招标发包
control for public security治安管理
deal with cases of public security办理治安案件
debate with the public prosecutor同公诉人互相辩论
deposits from the general public公众存款
destroy public utilities损毁公共设施
devote great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates大力推行狱务公开
dismissed from public employment开除公职
disrupt public order破坏社会秩序
disseminate for the public good公益宣传
disturb public order扰乱社会秩序
disturb public order扰乱公共秩序
disturb the public order at public places扰乱公共场所秩序
draw wide public attention社会普遍关注
Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee教育科学文化卫生委员会
enable everyone to enjoy the fruits of reform and development and the benefits of public finance让全体人民享受改革发展成果和公共财政阳光
endanger public security危害公共安全
endanger public security危害社会治安
enforced by a public security organ由公安机关执行
ensure the efficient use of public funds提高财政资金使用效益
ensure the physical health of the general public保障公众身体健康
establish sound mechanisms for responding to public emergencies建立健全应对突发公共事件管理体制机制
expand public education in national defense深入开展国防教育
expenses incurred due to donation for public welfare公益性捐赠支出
extort public or private money or property by blackmail敲诈勒索公私财物
fire protection activity for public good消防公益活动
for public consultation供公众查阅
for the use of public welfare undertaking用于公益事业
forcibly seize public or private money or property抢夺公私财物
free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense公费和劳保医疗制度
freedom to conduct and participate in religious activity in public举行、参加宗教活动的自由
fully ensure that public finance is handled in accordance with the law全面推进法治财政建设
gather people to disturb public order聚众扰乱社会秩序
gather people to forcibly seize public or private money or property聚众哄抢公私财物
government departments and public service institutions机关事业单位
guilty of misappropriation of public funds挪用公款罪
handle public finance in strict accordance with the law严格依法理财
have integrity and be public-spirited廉洁奉公
have integrity and work always in the interests of the public廉洁奉公
hear a cases in public公开审理
hear in public公开进行
hold in public公开进行
holder of public office公职人员
improve public administration加强社会管理
improve the government's ability to perform its duties and strengthen public trust提高政府执行力和公信力
improve the overall quality of procurators and judicial and public security officers加强政法队伍的建设
improve the policy-making process by integrating public participation, expert evaluation and government decision-making完善公众参与、专家论证和政府决策相结合的决策机制
in areas with poor public security治安混乱地区
in public公然
in the public interest为了公共利益的需要
in the public interest公共利益的需要
incident endangering public security社会安全事件
increase transparency and public participation in government affairs提高政府工作的透明度和人民群众的参与度
increase understanding of the legal system among the general public增强全社会法制观念
individual and other non-public sectors个体、私营等非公有制经济
individual-proprietorship businesses, private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy个体、私营等非公有制经济
inform deputies and the public about the Standing Committee's work向人大代表通报、向社会公开常委会工作
initial non-public offer of stocks非公开发行新股
initial public offer of stocks公开发行新股
initiate public prosecution提起公诉
intentionally destroy or damage public or private money or property故意毁坏公私财物
interests of the society and the public社会公众利益
investigating and handling activity activities the administration of public security査处违反治安管理活动
issue notice or public announcement通知和公告
issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony关系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题
keep improving the sound public transportation service system完善公共交通服务体系
keep public ownership dominant坚持公有制为主体
key social and public welfare重点社会公益性
labor for public accumulation fund劳动积累工
legislation related to public finance财政法律制度体系
lower-level procuratorial, judicial and public security departments基层政法部门
lure another person to act against the administration of public security诱骗他人违反治安管理
maintain law and order by taking comprehensive measures, improve all facets of public security社会治安综合治理
maintain public order维护社会秩序
maintenance of public order维持社会治安
maintenance of public security维护社会治安
make comprehensive improvement of public security社会治安综合治理
make corrections in public公开更正
make efforts to promote public adjudication according to law in an all-round way全面推进依法公开审判
make known to the public向社会公开
make known to the public向社会公告
make service by public notice公告送达
management institutions of public funds公众资金管理机构
means of public and centralized transaction公开的集中交易方式
members of the general public, primary-level mass, ordinary workers, people at the grass-roots level基层群众
Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国公安部
misappropriate any public fund to trade securities挪用公款买卖证券
mislead the public误导公众
National Plan for Developing an Information System for Public Health Monitoring《国家公共卫生监测信息体系建设规划》
needs of public security公共安全的需要
non-public sector of the economy非公有制经济
non-public sectors comprising businesses of individual and private ownerships个体、私营等非公有制经济 (individual and private businesses)
not hear a case in public不公开审理的案件
not satisfied with the decision on penalty for administration of public security对治安管理处罚决定不服
observe public order遵守公共秩序
obtain a wide range of opinions from all sectors of society, especially from the general public广泛征求社会各方面意见、尤其是基层群众的意见
occupation of public places占领公共场所
offensive to public morality有伤风化
open in public当众予以拆封
oversight of public opinion舆论监督
oversight of the general public社会公众监督
participated in by the public公众参与
penalty for administration of public security治安管理处罚
perform the function of administering public affairs具有管理公共事务职能
performing public duty执行公务
period of a public notice公告期间
person who is engaged in public service从事公务的人员
petitions submitted through letters and visits from the general public人民群众来信来访
place for public activities社会公众活动的场所
port infrastructure for public use港口公用基础设施
preach in public公开传教
principal public procurator大检察官
private and other non-public sectors个体、私营等非公有制经济
private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy个体、私营等非公有制经济
procedure of penalties for administration of public security治安管理处罚程序
promote public awareness of宣传群众 (smth)
promptly solve practical problems concerning public interests that the people are most concerned about and that effect them most directly解决广大人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题
provide legal services and assistance to the public法律服务和法律援助工作
public accumulation funds for housing住房公积金
public activities社会活动
public adjudication公开审判
public air transport公共航空运输
public air transport operating licence公共航空运输经营许可证
public awareness of the law past experience法制宣传教育
public buildings公共建筑
public cultural and sports facilities社会公共文化体育设施
public donation capital社会捐赠资金
public donations社会捐赠
public education in national defense国防教育
public emergencies突发公共事件
public enquiry公众查询
public figures社会人 士
public for transport社会公共运输
public gathering place公众聚集场所
public health accidents公共卫生事件
public health programs卫生事业
public hearing公开审理
public inducement公开劝诱
public information公开性信息
public information service公共信息服务
public interests公共利益
public issuance of corporate bond公开发行公司债券
unlawful public issuance of security in a disguised form变相公开发行证券
public liability insurance against fire disaster火灾公众责任保险
public morality风化
public nature公益性质
public notice procedure公示催告程序
public notices社会公示
public offer of stocks公开发行股票
public opinion for the monitoring of price价格舆论监督
public or private property公私财物
public order社会秩序
public order社会治安
public organizations社会团体
public ownership is dominant公有制为主体
public platforms for research and development公共研究开发平台
public procurator检察官
public promise公开承诺
public-prosecuting case公诉案件
public prosecution case公诉案件
public rectification公开更正
public roads公共道路
public security治安保卫
public security公安
public security社会治安
public security and procuratorial organs and people's courts公检法
public security department公安部门
public security forces公安部队
public security organs and armed police公安机关和武警部队
public security sub-bureau公安分局
public servant公务人员
public servant employed under the appointment system聘任制公务员
public servants of foreign nationality外籍公务人员
public servants who remain in employment留用公务人员
public service agency for employment公共就业服务机构
public service institutions事业单位
public service posts公务员任职
public standards of measurement社会公用计量标准器具
public supervision公众监督
public telecommunications facility公用电信设施
public telecommunications networks公用电信网
public tourism services旅游公共服务
public transportation公共交通工具
public transportation service system公共交通服务体系
public trial公开审理
public utilities公用工程
public way公共道路
public welfare activity社会公益活动
public welfare facilities社会公益设施
public welfare jobs公益性岗位
public welfare project公益事业工程项目
public welfare trust activities公益信托活动
public welfare undertakings公益事业
publication of public notice for assertion of claims公示催告
put great effort into developing exercise activities for the general public大力开展全民健身活动
put into practice the measures against narcotic drugs duty for administration of public security落实禁毒防范措施
registration and public announcement登记和公告
Regulation on Administrative Penalty for Public Security治安管理处罚条例
Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》
release the entire text of a proposed law to the public向社会全文公布法律草案
rely on the public依靠群众
research of technologies for public welfare社会公益性技术研究
responsible officers of state organs and public organizations有关机关、团体的负责人
restore and maintain normal public order恢复和维持正常社会秩序
restore public order恢复社会治安秩序
right to participate in public affairs参政的权利
rights and interests of the public of the environment公众环境权益
rights of a public procurator检察官权利
rob public or private property抢劫公私财物
run the Party for the public good and exercise the state power for the benefit of the people立党为公、执政为民
safeguard public interests维护公共利益
seize outright and deliver to a public security organ立即扭送公安机关
self-employed, private and other non-public sectors个体、私营等非公有制经济
senior public procurator高级检察官
social and public welfare社会公益性
social bodies engaged in public welfare公益性社会团体
social public interests社会公共利益
socialist public ownership of the means of production生产资料的社会主义公有制
socialist public property社会主义的公共财产
standardize people's organizations and improve public administration完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
laws standardize practical routine matters urgently in need of standardization and issues of the greatest concern to the public法律规范现实生活中迫切需要规范的、群众最为关注的问题
steal public or private property盗窃公私财物
strengthen the management of public finance加强财政管理
strengthen the public health system加强公共卫生体系建设
strengthen the public's trust in the government增强政府公信力
subject to no interference by any other administrative organ or any public organization or individual不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉
supervision by public opinions舆论监督
supervision by the public社会监督
support the public prosecution支持公诉
swindle public or private money or property诈骗公私财物
system for early warning and response for public health emergencies突发公共卫生事件预警和应急机制
system of public information service for foreign trade对外贸易公共信息服务体系
system of public notices and hearings社会公示和听证制度
systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearings, and for accountability in policymaking重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公示和社会听证制度、决策责任制度
take in deposit from the general public吸收公众存款
take in deposit from the general public in a disguised form变相吸收公众存款
take over by public security organ由公安机关收缴
take the socialist public ownership as the mainstay以社会主义公有制为主体
technical services of a public welfare nature公益性技术服务
terminate the procedure for publicizing public notice for assertion of claims终结公示催告程序
termination of public surveillance解除管制
terms of public surveillance管制的期限
the case of public prosecution公诉案件
the economic sector of non-public ownership非公有制经济
The Education, Science, Culture and Public Heath Committee教育科学文化卫生委员会
the fifth five-year plan to increase public awareness of the law"五五"普法
the general public人民群众
the Interim Measures for Management of State-owned Assets of Public Service Institutions《事业单位国有资产管理暂行办法》
the Law on Public Procurators检察官法
the major issues that have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability, elicit widespread concern in society, or affect social harmony, issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony关系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题
the Master Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》
the non-public sector of the economy非公有制经济
the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual and private sectors of the economy个体、私营等非公有制经济
the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietor ship businesses个体、私营等非公有制经济
the party is built for the public, and it exercises state power for the people立党为公、执政为民
the party is built for the public and it exercises state power for the people立党为公、执政为民
the principle of building the party for the public interest and governing for the people, run the country for the people, exercise political power in the interest of the people立党为公、执政为民的理念
the public人民群众
the public nature and public welfare nature of public finance公共财政公共性和公益性
the system of making public village affairs村务公开制度
there is strong public concern over...群众反映比较强烈
tourism promotion activity for public welfare旅游公益宣传
try administrative case in public公开审理行政案件
uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度
urban public utilities市政公用事业
vigorously implement the fifth five-year plan to increase public awareness of the law积极推动"五五"普法
violate the provisions on public security administration违反治安管理规定
vital public interests重大公共利益
work hard to ensure public finance is handled in accordance with the law by tightening financial oversight and management狠抓依法理财和财政监督管理
work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits信访工作
written decision on penalty for administration of public security治安管理处罚决定书