
Terms for subject Environment containing Product | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural product The output of the cultivation of the soil农产品 (土壤种植的产物。)
animal product No definition needed动物产品 (无需定义。)
by-product A product from a manufacturing process that is not considered the principal material副产品 (从生产过程中得到的一种产品,不是考虑的主要材料。)
ceramics (objects, products陶瓷工艺 (生产粘土、瓷器制品的艺术和技术)
chemical product A substance characterized by definite molecular composition化学制品 (以确定的分子组成为特征的物质。)
cleansing product洁面产品
concrete products industry No definition needed混凝土制造业 (无需定义。)
consumer product Economic good that directly satisfies human wants or desires消费品 (直接满足人类需求或渴望的经济商品。)
dairy product Products derived from milk, such as butter, cheese, lactose, etc.乳制品 (由牛奶制成的产品,如奶油、乳酪和乳糖等。)
decay product An isotope formed by the radioactive decay of some other isotope. This newly formed isotope possesses physical and chemical properties that are different from those of its parent isotope, and may also be radioactive衰变产物 (由其它同位素经过放射性衰退而形成的同位素。 这些新生成的同位素具有和其母同位素不同的物理、化学性质,一般也具有放射性。)
degradation product Those chemicals resulting from partial decomposition or chemical breakdown of substances分解产物 (经过部分分解或化学降解后所得的化学物质。)
environmentally friendly product Product that is not harmful to the environment环境友好产品 (对环境无害的产品。)
flammable product Material having the ability to generate a sufficient concentration of combustible vapors to produce a flame, if ignited易燃产品 (如果点燃,能产生足够浓度的可燃气体的物质。)
forest product木材〔料〕
forest product Any material afforded by a forest for commercial use, such as tree products and forage森林产品 (任何由森林提供的商业产品,如树木产品和饲料。)
gross domestic product The total output of goods and services produced by a national economy in a given period, usually a year, valued at market prices. It is gross, since no allowance is made, for the value of replacement capital goods国内生产毛收入 (在一定时期,通常是一年内由国民经济生产,根据市场价格评价的货物和服务的总输出。指未考虑替代资本货物价值的总额。)
gross national product Gross domestic product adjusted for foreign transactions, i.e. to the figure for Gross Domestic Product must be added any income accruing to residents of the country arising from investment and other factor earnings abroad and from it must be deducted any income earned in the domestic market by factors owned by foreigners abroad国民生产毛收入 (调整外贸后的国内生产毛额,亦即国内生产毛额计算时,须增加国民在国外投资或其他生产要素收益所带来的任何收入,及须扣除外国人拥有生产要素而在国内市场获得的任何收入。)
industrial product No definition needed工业产品 (无需定义。)
intermediate product Product that has undergone a partial processing and is used as raw material in a successive productive step中间产品 (经过局部处理的产品,是用于一个连续的生产步骤中的原料。)
metal product No definition needed金属制品 (无需定义。)
metal products industry Industry related with the primary metal processing and fabricated metal products manufacturing. The most important end uses of the products of the metals industries are automobiles, machinery, appliances, electrical equipment, structures, furniture, and containers金属制品产业 (与初级金属加工和装配金属制品制造相关的行业。最重要的产业制品的终端用户是汽车、机械、家电、机电设备、建筑、家具、集装箱。)
mining product No definition needed矿产品 (无需定义。)
miscellaneous product No definition needed杂货用品 (无需定义。)
photochemical product Degradation products that are produced by the action of light radiation光化学产物 (降解产物,由光源辐射作用产生。)
plant protection product Any substance or mixture of substances which through physiological action protects the plants against parasites, fungi, virus, or other damaging factors植物保护产品 (通过使用物质或混合物质保护植物生理作用,防止寄生虫、真菌、病毒、或其它破坏性因素。)
product advertising The creation and dissemination of paid announcements or public notices to draw attention to goods, services or events offered by some entity, usually for purchase产品广告 (以通知或公告的传播方式提醒大家注意某个产品,该服务是付费的,通常提供的一些实体的采购。)
product comparison Comparison of products or processes to identify those having reduced environmental impacts商品比较 (产品或过程的比较,以确定那些能减少对环境的影响。)
product evaluation产品评估
product identification Attaching a notice to a product or container bearing information concerning its contents, proper use, manufacturer and any cautions or hazards of use产品标识 (附加到产品上的信息,包括其产品内容、如何正确使用的信息、制造商和任何警告或使用危险的说明。)
product information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them产品信息 (关于各种产品、服务或事件的事实信息,间接信息以及比较信息,包括其质量和生产它们的厂家。)
product liability 1. The legal liability of manufacturers and sellers to compensate buyers, users, and even bystanders, for damages or injuries suffered because of defects in goods purchased. 2. A tort which makes a manufacturer liable if his product has a defective condition that makes it unreasonably dangerous to the user or consumer产品责任 (1. 由于购买商品中的缺陷而使用户受到损害或损伤的,甚至旁观者损伤,制造商及销售商必须补偿买家、用户。这是制造商应承担的责任。2.侵权行为。)
product life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposal产品生命周期 (产品的生命周期包括以下几个阶段:原材料、生产、包装、销售、使用、回收和处理。)
product standard A standard which prescribes aspects of the physical or chemical composition of products which have potential for causing environmental damage or the handling, presentation and packaging of products, particularly those which are toxic产品标准 (对产品明文规定的,关于可能会造成环境损害的、尤其是有毒的产品包装的物理或化学组成方面的标准。)
protein product No definition needed蛋白质产品 (无需定义。)
residual products残油
residual products残余产物
semimanufactured product Product that has undergone a partial processing and is used as raw material in a successive productive step半制造产品 (通过特别处理制造的产品并在后续生产中用作原材料。)
testing of plant protection products Tests performed to establish the effectiveness of pesticides under a wide variety of climatic and other environmental conditions; to assess the possible side effects on animals, plants and humans and to determine the persistence of pesticide residues in the environment植物保护品测试 (在各种各样的气候和其他环境条件下为确定农药的效力而进行的测试;评估可能出现的对动物、植物和人类的副作用,且确定环境中农药的残留量。)
toxic product Any product which can cause acute or chronic injury to the human body or which is suspected of being able to cause disease or injury under some conditions毒性产品 (能对人体产生急性或慢性伤害,或被怀疑在某些条件下会导致疾病或伤害的任何产品。)
wood product No definition needed木制品 (无需定义。)