
Terms for subject China containing Product | all forms | exact matches only
about the quality of the product就产品质量问题
accident involving the quality and safety of agricultural products农产品质量安全事故
advanced product quality control产品质量管理先进
agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products农业税和农业特产税
animal or plant products动植物产品
animal product动物产品
arrange for show of pornographic audiovisual products组织播放淫秽音像制品
certification for agricultural products农产品认证
certification label for energy-saving products节能产品认证标志
compulsory insurance product强制保险险种
compulsory product certification强制性产品认证
defect of the product产品缺陷
defective product for a high-quality one以次充好
defective products缺陷产品
department for supervision over product quality产品质量监督部门
department in charge of supervision and control over product quality产品质量监督管理部门
deteriorated products变质产品
digitized product数字化制品
duplicate pornographic audio-video products复制淫秽音像制品
edible agricultural products食用农产品
energy-using products用能产品
export products at a low price低价出口
famous-and-excellent-product mark名优标志
fire protection products消防产品
forge the origin of a product伪造产品的产地
geographic mark for agricultural products农产品地理标志
grain, edible oil and other farm and sideline products粮油等农副产品
gross national product国民生产总值 (GNP)
high-tech products高技术产品
identical products相同产品
import and export trade of agricultural products农产品进出口贸易
import products at a high price高价进口
infected animal products染疫动物产品
insurance products保险险种
invalid products失效产品
life insurance products人寿保险险种
livestock and poultry products畜禽产品
livestock, poultry and aquatic products畜牧水产业
local gross domestic product本地生产总值
major accident involving the quality and safety of agricultural products重大农产品质量安全事故
mandatory energy-using products强制性的用能产品
military industrial products军工产品
mineral products矿产品
monitor the quality and safety of agricultural products农产品质量安全监测
name of the product产品名称
network products网络产品
non-packed products裸装产品
norm set for energy consumption per unit product单位产品能耗限额标准
organization in charge of product quality inspection产品质量检验机构
origin for product产地来源
origin of a product产地
per-capita gross domestic product人均国内生产总值 (GDP)
pornographic audio-video products淫秽音像制品
primary products from agriculture农业初级产品
product authentication产品认证
product directions产品说明
product quality inspection agency产品质量检验机构
product sample实物样品
product with any defect产品存在缺陷
products illegally produced违法生产的产品
products manufactured in excess of the planned quota计划外超产的产品
products retained as one's share under the plan计划内分成的产品
products whose manufacture is highly energy consuming or highly polluting高耗能、高污染产品
products with registered Chinese intellectual property rights using core Chinese technologies拥有自主知识产权和核心技术的产品
qualified products合格产品
quality agricultural products优质农产品
quality and safety of agricultural products农产品质量安全
quality and safety standard of agricultural products农产品质量安全标准
quality label for agricultural products农产品质量标志
quality of honeybee products蜂产品质量
recyclable products可重复利用产品
recycled products再生产品
rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products取消了农业税和农业特产税
resource products资源性产品
safety and sanitary requirement of industrial product工业产品的安全、卫生要求
same products相同产品
sub-standard product不合格产品
substitute a fake product for a genuine one以假充真
supervision over product quality产品质量监督工作
the agricultural and sideline product processing industry产品加工业
the Law on Product Quality产品质量法
the Law on the Quality and Safety of Farm Products农产品质量安全法
tourism products旅游产品
trade association of agricultural products农产品行业协会
unlawful product非法产品
use certification label for energy-saving products for other products冒用节能产品认证标志
use substandard product as a standard one以不合格产品冒充合格产品