
Terms for subject Space containing Point | all forms | exact matches only
accessible point可达点
accuracy of landing point着陆精度
actual cusp point导弹实际顶点
adjacent extreme point methods毗邻极点法
advanced point defense missile system高级点防御导弹系统 (美国海军)
aiming point标志点
aiming point瞄准点
aiming point correction瞄准点修正
aligning point对点
all flexible plate nozzle with many hinge point多支点全柔壁喷管
all-burnt point燃尽点[位置] (火箭推进剂燃尽时弹道位置)
altimetric point高程点
ammunition delivery point弹药分配所
analytic mapping control point解析图根点
antisolar point对日点
assumed aiming point假设瞄准点
astronomical point天文点
attachment point固定点
attachment point连接点
attack reference point攻击参照点
auxiliary aiming point辅助瞄准点
auxiliary point辅助瞄准点
auxiliary sighting point辅助瞄准点
auxiliary sighting point辅助观测点
average impact point平均弹着点
Babinet point巴比纳点 (天空漫辐射的三个无偏振点之一)
balance point平衡点
basic gravimetric point基本重力点
basic point defense surface missile system基本点防御水面导弹系统
bending point弯曲点
bi-point method两点法 (一种导弹导引方法)
binary float-point constant二进制浮点常数
binary point二进制小数点
binary point displacement二进制小数点位移
binary point location二进制小数点定位
bomb release point投弹点
branch point节点
break point分割点
break-point instruction断点指令
break through point突破点
break through point漏过点
break through point穿透点
break-even point不盈不亏点
brittle point脆化点
bubble point泡破点 (衡量毛细部件蓄留液体能力的参数)
bubble point test泡破点试验 (确定多孔毛细部组件最大静态蓄留压差的试验)
burble point失速点
burble point气流分离点
burning point燃点
burst point爆炸点
burst point distribution density爆炸点分布密度
bursting point爆炸点
calibration point标定点
capture point捕获[截获]点
cardinal point effect方位基点效应
central transfer point中央转移点
centring under point点下对中
change point临界点
characteristic point of trajectory弹道特征点
check point校检点
check point校核点
check point检查点
check point of missile sighting导弹瞄准检查点
chill point冰冻]点
chill point冻结[凝固
chilling point冰冻]点
chilling point冻结[凝固
clear point透明点
clear point澄清点
closed cup flash point闭杯闪点
closest point of approach最近接近点
coagulating point凝结点
coagulating point凝固点
coast-in point入侵海岸的地点
coast-in point入陆点
coast-out point出陆点
collinear point共线点
collision point弹着点
collision point会合点
collision point碰撞点
collision point命中点
common depth point grid共深度点网格
common-depth-point stacking共深度点叠加
compulsory landing point强制着陆地点
continuously computed impact point连续计算的弹着点
continuously computed target point连续计算目标点
continuously displayed impact point连续显示的弹着点
course point navigation航向点导航
critical point转折点
critical point关键时刻
critical point关键点
critical point review关键点评审
cross over point交叠点
cross over point防空武器转换点 (空战中用飞机截击目标改为用地空导弹截击目标的分界点或线)
cross zero point过零点
crossing point交点
crossing point交叉点
crystalline melting point晶体熔点
Curie point radiator居里点辐射器 (航天器热控制部件)
cut-off point关机点
data link reference point数据链参考点
data point数据处理单元
decalescence point钢条吸热点
decision point决策点
decomposition point分解点
deflagration point爆燃点
design point设计点
designated inspection point选定的检查点
designed point of impact计算命中点
desired mean point of impact预定平均命中点
desired point of impact预定弹着点
desired point of impact预期落点
detail point碎部点
determination of target point coordinates测定目标点坐标
deviation of impact point落点偏差
deviation of missile impact point导弹落点偏差
dew point test露点试验
disappearance point消失点 (流星)
dispersion area of landing point着陆点散布范围
dispersion of missile impact point导弹落点散布
distant aiming point远方瞄准点
Doppler point positioning多普勒单点定位
down point落点
drop out point析岀点
drop out point滴点
east point东点
electronic leaky point电子渗漏点
elevation point高程点
embrittlement point脆变温度
embrittlement point脆变点
encounter point遭遇点
end point末端
entry control point进入控制点
entry control point入口控制点
equilateral triangle point等边三角形点
erasing point剔点 (一种滤波方法)
eutectic melting point共晶熔点
eutectic melting point低共熔点
expected point of impact预期命中点
expected point of impact预期弹着点
extended floating point operation扩充浮点运算
feature point特性点
feature point特征点
fiducial point基准点
final interception point最终截击点
fire point着火温度
firing point着火点
firing point燃点
fixed point定点 (数,一种数的表示法)
fixed-point accuracy定点精度
fixed-point approach定点法
fixed-point arithmetic library定点运算库
fixed-point data定点数据
fixed point iteration定点迭代
fixed set point control定值控制
flair point识别点
flammability point发火点
flash point in closed cup闭杯闪点
flash point in open cup开杯闪点
floating point accumulator浮点累加器
floating-point arithmetic hardware浮点运算硬件
floating-point arithmetic library浮点运算库
floating-point arithmetic operation浮点运算操作
floating-point arithmetic package浮点运算程序包
floating-point binary浮点二进制 (的)
floating-point buffer浮点缓冲器
floating-point calculation浮点运
floating point calculation浮点计算
floating-point coding compaction浮点编码简缩
floating-point coefficient浮点系数
floating-point compaction浮点简缩
floating-point data浮点数据
floating point hardware浮点硬件
floating-point input format浮点输入格式
floating-point instruction group浮点指令组
floating point instruction set浮点指令系统
floating-point mould浮点模型
floating-point number浮点数 (一种以浮点格式表示的数值)
floating-point operation浮点运算
floating-point operation code浮点操作码
floating-point operation stack浮点操作栈
floating-point program浮点程序
floating point register计算机浮点寄存器
floating-point representation数的浮点表示法
floating-point routine浮点程序
floating-point shift浮点移位
floating-point status vector浮点状态矢量
floating-point subroutine浮点子程序
floating-point truncation浮点截断[截尾]
floating-point underflow浮点下移
floating point unit浮点部件
focal-point-feed parabola焦点馈电抛物面
forward pivot point flexible bearing前摆心柔性接头
freezing point冻结点
function point analysis功能点分析
fundamental astronomical point基本天文点
geodetic sub-vehicle point大地测量卫星星下点
geometric pivot point几何摆心 (可动喷管的)
grid-point method网点板法
ground control point陆标
ground control point地面控制点 (卫星图像上可识别并有精确位置的地面特征点)
ground impact point落地点
ground intercept point地面拦截点 (导弹拦截点在地面上的投影点)
hard point defense硬点防御
hard-point demonstration array radar硬点试验相控阵雷达 (地下发射井防护用雷达)
head-body separation point和弹体分离点
high altitude air release point高空空中脱离点 (导弹离开运载工具的)
high melting point grease高温润化油
high melting point grease高熔点润滑油
high-altitude long range point高远点
high-altitude near range point高近点
horizontal control point平面[水平]控制点
image point像素
image point像点
impact point碰撞点
impact point命中点
impact point弹着点
impact point落点
impact point control落点控制
impact point cross弹着点十字标志 (靶图上的)
impact point detonating弹着点爆炸
impact point error落点偏差
impact point measurement落点测量
impact point out弹着点超出 (失灵)
impact point prediction弹着点预测
impact point prediction落点预报
improved point defense改进的点防御
improved point defense missile system改进的点防御导弹系统 (反舰导弹和飞机的自卫系统)
improved point defense surface missile system改进的点防御地面发射导弹系统
improved point defense/target acquisition system改进的点防御/目标截获系统
inflammability point燃点
inflammation point着火点
inflection point反弯点
initial aiming point起始瞄准点
initial aiming point初始瞄准点
initial boiling point初馏点
initial vector display point初始向量显示点
inject point航天器进入轨道点
injection point入轨点 (航天器的)
injection point distance入轨点距离 (航天器从发射点到入轨点的星下点之间距离)
inner Lagrangian point内拉格朗日点 (天体力学中的)
in-space launching point空间发射点
instantaneous impact point瞬时着落点
instantaneous impact point瞬间命中点
instantaneous impact point瞬时弹着点
instantaneous impact point瞬时落点
instantaneous point of encounter瞬时遭遇点
intended landing point预示着陆点
intercept point拦截点
intercept point截击点
intercept point of KV杀伤飞行器的拦截点
invariant point不变点
inversion point反演点
inversion point逆温转折点
isoionic point等离子点
landing point着陆点
landing point accuracy着陆点精度
landing point control着陆点控制
landing point designator着陆点标识器
landing point designator着陆点标志
landing point prediction着陆点预报
landing point real-time prediction着陆点实时预报
Laplace point拉普拉斯点 (测有天文经纬度和天文方位角的大地点)
launch now intercept point现在即时发射截击点
launch point发射点
launch point determination发射点确定
launch prediction point发射预测点
launch reference point发射参考[基准]点
launching point发射点
leading point launching前置点发射
leveling test point水平测量点
levelling point水平测量点
libration point平动点 (天体运动方程或航天器运动方程的一种特解的表示)
limit point of a set集的极限点
load point载荷作用点
loosely-coupled point-implicit scheme弱耦合点隐式方法
magnetic mirror point磁镜点
maintenance point维修点[站]
major test point主测试点
mass at ignition point点火点质量
mass at shutdown point关机点质量
match point匹配点
maximum absorption point最大吸收点
maximum power point最大功率点 (太阳电池或太阳电池阵的)
maximum power point tracker最大功率点跟踪器
mean point of impact平均弹着点
mean point of impact平均落点
mean point of impact error平均弹着点误差
mean square error of a point点位中误差
met-point method统计网格法
method of optimizing aiming point瞄准点选优方法
mid-point voltage中点电压
miss point脱靶点
monitor point监控点
moon triangular libration point月球三角平动点
moon triangular point月球三角点
multi-point control unit多点控制器
multi-point distribution system多点分配电视系统
multiple aim point system多重瞄准点系统
multiple aim point system多瞄准点系统 (美国 M-X 导弹的一种欺骗性的配置方式,导弹发射井的数目远大于导弹数,导弹可经常转移地下井)
multiple point jamming多点干扰
multiple-point laser ignition多点激光点火
multiplexer access point多路复用器接入[访问]点
multipoint-to-point多点对一点 (一种卫星通信体制)
n-point correlation functionn 点相关函数
neutral point中性[中和]点
new ammunition supply point新弹药补给站
no return point无返回点
nodal point camera节点相机 (一种卫星相机)
node-point camera节点式相机
nominal entry point标称进入点 (美国航天飞机的)
nominal impact point原定弹着点
nominal impact point标称弹着点
normal impact point正常命中
normal impact point正常弹着点
normalized float-point operation规格化浮点运算
nozzle pivot point喷管摆动中心
nozzle pivot point喷管摆心
nozzle pivot point drift喷管摆心漂移
on-time point准时点
open-cup flash-point开杯闪点
operation point工作点
optical reference point光学参照点
optimum actuation point最佳启动点
optimum burst point最佳引爆点
optimum interception point最佳拦截点
optimum operating point最佳工作点
optimum point of impact最佳弹着点
orbit point轨道点
orbit-insertion point入轨点
OTLP zero test level point零测试电平点
outer Lagrangian point外拉格朗日点
pad aligning at the central point对中定位
parking point停泊点
penetration at a single point一点突破
peripheral node control point周边交点控制点 (系统网络分析用)
photo control point相片控制点
photo nadir point相片底点
photo nadir point像底点
picture control point图像控制点
picture point像点
picture point control点控制
planned intercept point预计截击点
planned planetary landing point预计行星着陆点
point defence alert radar点防御警戒雷达
point load集中载荷
point mode点方式
point reconnaissance点侦察
point-source flow点源流
point-source target点源目标
point source transmittance点源透过率 (光学敏感器杂散光评价的一种指标)
point spread function点散布函数
point spread function点扩散[散布]函数
point target小面积目标 (与面目标 area target 相对应)
point transfer device剌点仪
point transfer device转点仪
predicted final impact point预定最后溅落点
predicted final impact point预定最后弹着点
predicted impact point预计弹着点
predicted impact collision point预测弹着[命中]点
predicted intercept point预计拦截点
predicted intercept point预测拦截点
predicted intercepter point预测瞬时命中点
predicted interception point预计拦截点
prediction of impact point落点预报 (值)
preselected barrage point预定的拦阻点
primary target point主要目标点
principal control point主要控制点
principal point主点 (of photograph)
principal vanishing point主合点
private network access point专用网接入点
probability of spf probability of single point failure单点失效概率
probable deviation of impact point落点概率偏差
pseudo fault point伪故障点
pursuit initial point开始跟[追]踪点
radar aim point雷达瞄准点
radar start point雷达起点
radio access point无线电接入点
radio navigation point无线电导航点
rail transfer point铁路转运点
rail-to-road transfer point铁路-公路转运点
recon reference point侦察参考点
recovery fall point回收落点
reentry point再入点
release point导弹离运载飞机的脱钩点
release point投放点
release point投掷点
rendezvous terminate point交会终止点 (航天器交会对接的)
resin set point树脂凝结点
satellite point卫星点
satellite-rocket separation point星箭分离点
selected point processing挑点处理
selected point processing for telemetry遥测挑点处理
separation point火箭脱离点
separation point气流分离点
separation point distance分离点距离 (航天器从发射点到分离点的星下点之间距离)
service access point业务接入点
service access point业务访问点
service control point业务控制点
service switching point业务交换点
set point computer control system计算机整定点控制系统
shutdown point mass关机点质量
sighting reference point瞄准基准点
signal point identification信号点识别
signal transport point信号转接点
signalling transfer point信号转接点
single failure point单一失效点
single failure point analysis单失效点分析
single failure point analysis单一失效点分析
single failure point summary单一失效点总计
single ground point单个接地点
single-point constraint单点约束
single point failure单点失效[故障]
single point failure analysis单点失效分析
single point failure potential潜在单点故障[失效]
single point fault单点失效[故障]
single point ground单点接地
single-point grounding单点接地
single point moor单点系留
soft. pt. softening point软化点
solid point凝固点
solstitial point二至点
specular point model镜面点散射模型
splashdown point溅落点
stable operation point稳定工作点
stage separation point级间分离点
stagnation point滞留点
stagnation point measurement驻点测量
stagnation point movement驻点位移
standby point待命点 (两航天器交会对接过程中的)
stargate satellite network access point星关网络接入点
stationary-Lagrangian point静止[稳定]拉格朗日点
stationkeeping point保持点
subastral point星下点 (卫星的)
sub-celestial point天体下点 (地理位置点)
sublunar point月亮地理位置
sublunar point月下点
sub-missile point弹下点
subradar point雷达主照射点
subradar point雷达下面点
subsatellite point卫星投影点
sub-satellite point星下点 (人造地球卫星与地心连线在地球参考椭球面上的交点)
sub-satellite point for moon月面星下点 (月球探测器的)
sub-satellite point parameters星下点参数
sub-satellite point track星下点轨迹 (星下点在地面上移动形成的轨迹)
supplemental control point补充控制点
surge point喘点
surge point喘振点
switching point切换点
tapping point分支点
tapping point抽头点
target aim point graphic目标瞄准点图解
target sighting point目标瞄准点
targeting point目标点
tensile yield point拉力屈服点
tensile yield point拉伸屈服极限
terminal connection point终端连接点
theater injection point战区注射点
theater injection point战区注入站 (美国全球广播业务系统/GBS 地面段)
thermal point defect热点缺陷
third order intercept point三阶截距点 (转发器性能指标之一)
third-order intercept point三阶截距点 (总载波输出功率特定值的)
threat missile launch point战术导弹发射点
three-point docking mechanism三点对接机构
three-point method三点法 (导弹攻击目标的一种导引法)
three point method三点法
through connection point转接点
thrust cutoff point发动机停车点
tie point连接点
trajectory by three-point guidance三点法导引弹道
trajectory characteristic point轨道特征点
transition point转换[转移]点
transmission level point传输零电平点
transshipment point转运点
traverse point导线点
tunnel entry-point隧道入口
tunnel exit-point隧道出口
two point boundary value problem两点近值问题
valley point最小值
vanishing point没影点
vanishing point合点
vanishing point control灭点控制
vanishing point control合点控制
vehicle collecting point〔空间〕飞船〔在轨道上的〕会合点
vehicle ground point飞行器接地点
vertical control point高程控制点
vicinity point接近点
visual target identification point目视目标识别点
warhead reentry point弹头再入点
way point航路点
with offset aim point带补偿[修正]量的瞄准点
working point工作点
worldwide gravimetric basic point全球重力基点
yield point击穿点
yield point拐点
yield point屈服点 (材料的)
zero relative level point相对零地平点
zero temperature coefficient point零温度系数点
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