
Terms for subject Commerce containing Point | all forms | exact matches only
basic-point pricing system基点定价制
border check point边防检查站
break even point盈亏临界点
breaking point税收限制点
bulk loading point散装物装载管道出口
check point海关缉私关卡
check point车辆检查站
check point检验部位
crucial point关键时刻
crucial point严重关头
debussing point英国汽车卸货站
departure point起航地点
departure point出发地点
departure point岀发地点
detrucking point美国汽车卸货站
dispatching point调度站
FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure美国1941年修订的"对外贸易定义",该定义把 FOB 价格分为下列6种在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格
FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点
FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费
FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation在指定的岀口地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格
FOB named inland point in country of importation在进口国指定的地点的交货价格
free carrier... named point货交承运人价格
freight or carriage paid to... named point of destination运费付至指定目的地交货价格
graphic determination of break-even point盈亏临界点图解确定法
graphical determination of break-even point盈亏临界点图解确定法
overland common point陆路共同地点
point and figure chart股票点数图表
point method点数法
point of sale出售点
point of shipment装运点
profit and loss breakeven point损益平衡点
receipts and disbursements break-even point现金收支平衡点
shipping point装运地点
starting point of wholesale批发点
stationary point稳点
stationary point静点
three-point arbitrage in foreign exchange三角套汇