
Terms for subject Business containing Point | all forms | exact matches only
adjacent extreme point邻接极点
adjacent point邻点
ambiguous point歧点
analysis method of ideal point理想点分析法
antipodal point对跖点
antipodal point反映点
arbitrage point套汇点
assembling point集散点
Automatic Point of Sale System自动销售系统点
awarding point to job评定各种职务的点数
base point基本点
basic point美国证券利息基础点
basic point pricing基点定价
basic point pricing system基点定价制
basing point基本点
basing-point freight基点运费
basing-point price基点价格
basing point price基点价格
basing point pricing基点定价法
basing-point pricing system基点定价制
basing-point system基点运费制
basing-point system基点制
basing point system基点制价
basis point基点计算期票利率及债券收益的单位
Bedaux point premium system贝道克斯计点奖励工资制
Bedaux point system贝道克斯积点工资制
Bedaux Point System贝达克斯计点工资制
Bedeaux point system皮都工资制
bliss point满足点
bond point债点
border check point边卡
boundary point界点
break even point损益盈亏分歧点生产成本核算用语
break point界限点
break point停机点
break-even point method保本点法
breaking point限制点
Brouwer's fixed point theorem布劳维尔不动点原理
Bulk Breaking Point货物选分站
Bulk Breaking Point车货中途分卸站
bullion point输金点
capital turnover point资本回收点
carriage paid to named point destination运费付至指定目的地交货价
cash break even point现金收支平衡点
cash break-even point现金收支平衡点两平点
check point抽点检验
check-point subroutine检点子程序
checking point成本检查点
class mid-point组中点
consumer risk point消费风险点
content of a point set点集容度
conversion point兑换等价
corner-point solution角点解
cross over point转换点
cross over point交叉点
cross point matrix交叉点矩阵
cut-off point投资截点
dangerous point clause危险点条款
datum point基准'点
decimal point alignment小数点调整
demand point indicator需求点指标
desired profit point预期利息点
directing point引导点
distributing point分发站
distributing point配给点
division point分割点
dry point蒸馏点
efficient point效率点
end point干点
end point目标
end-point analysis最终结果分析
end-point analysis目标分析
end point estimator端点估计量
equation in point coordinate点标方程
equation-point coordinate点标方程
equilibrium point algorithm for computing平衡点算法
essential isolated singular point本质孤立奇点
essential point基本点
essential point要点
ex point of origin原地货场交货
ex point of origin现场交货即货物存放所在地交货
export gold point黄金输出点
export point of gold黄金输出点
export point of gold黄金出口点
extended point transformation开拓的点变换
extreme point of a convex set凸集极点
fictitious demand point虚设需求点
fictitious point虚设供应点
field of point点场
financial break-even point财政收支相抵点用以观察损益
five-point moving average5点移动平均数
fix-point estimation定点估计
fix-point method定点法
fix-point theorem定位定理
fixed base point固定基点
fixed order point system定量库存控制法
fixed-point estimation定点估计
fixed-point method定点法
fixed-point of discontinuity固定不连续点
fixed-point representation定点表示
fixed-point sale定点销售
fixed-point supply定点供应
fixed-point vector定点向量
fixed singular point固定奇点
flash vaporization point闪蒸温度
flash vaporization point闪点
flashing point
flashing point闪点
floating point buffer浮点缓冲器
FOB shipping point起运点交货价
four-point arbitrage四地套汇
four point probe四探针法
fractional fix-point method小数定点法
free carrier... named point货交承运人价
free on board shipment point启运点交货价
generic point一般点
gold exchange point黄金输出点见 gold point
gold import point黄金输入点见 gold point
gold point黄金输送点
gold point黄金输送点指在金本位制下,两种货币汇率波动的界限。 即一国汇率上涨超过铸币平价,加上输出黄金费用构成汇率上涨上限,称"黄金输出点"。反之,当汇率下跌,减去输金费用,构成汇率下限,叫"黄金输入点"。两者合称"黄金输送点"。但随着多数国家废除金本位制,加之套汇的出现,已使黄金输送点失去意义
gold shipping point输金点
grade-point average平均积分点
graphic determination of break-even point盈亏临界点的图解确定法
gunsight aiming point瞄准点
hardship point硬化点
hardship point淬火点
hardship point难销点
harmonic conjugate point调和共轭点
imaginary sample point虚样本点
immaterial point非要点
import point黄金输入点
improper saddle point非正常鞍点
incoming species point黄金输入点
index of a critical point判别点指数
index of a singular point奇点指数
indicator point指示点
initial point出发点
interface point航运交接点
interior point本质点
interior-point method内点法
international signaling point code国际信令点代码
international transfer point国际中转站
intervention point干预点
inventory control point存货控制点
isolated point孤立地位
issuing point acceptance credit发行地承兑信用证指远期信用证是在开证银行所在地承兑的信用证, 而一般信用证是金融中心地,为纽约,伦敦承兑的信用证
key-point investigation重点调查
key point products主要产品
least cost point最低成本点
least cost point最小成本点
left-tail point左尾端
limit point临界点
lower supply point下限供给点
lower turning point下转折点
main point基本点
manufacturing change point制造更改要点
material point要点
maximum point极大点
maximum point最高点
maximum point of function函数极大点
measure of a point-set点集测度
mercenary point of view雇佣观点
mid-point method中点法
mid-point rate中点比值
mid-point rate中等价格
mid-point rate中间汇率
minimum ordering point最低订货点
minimum ordering point最低调整点
minimum ordering point最低定货起点
minimum-point of function函数最小点
minimum transport cost point最低运输成本点
moment about an arbitrary point任意点矩
moot point争论之点
mortgage point抵押点
multi-point input多点输入
multi-point output多点输出
n-point moving averagen点移动平均数
named departure point指定发货启运
near-feasible point近可行点
net point of issue发行网点
no cycling at this point出入下车
no cycling beyond this point院内不准骑车
one-point arbitrage一个地点套利
optimum inventory point最佳存货点
optimum point of production生产最优点
order point库存高低点
order point订货点
order point control system库存点控制系统
order point control system订货点控制系统
order point system订货点系统
order quantity-reorder point policy订货量—再订货点政策
outgoing gold point黄金输出点
outside matching point外部对比点
peg point标定点
peril point tariff argument危险点关税争论
perils point危险点对某商品进口税削减的最大限度
place in position at use point放置在使用的地方
plot point by point逐点标绘
point density密集点
point estimate点估计值
point estimator点估计式
point method点法
point of curve曲线上的点
point of discontinuity非连续点
point of dispatch发运地
point of exchange交易地点
point of ideal proportion理想比例点
point of inception and termination of liability责任起讫点
point of indifference无兴趣点
point of indifference无差别点
point of information信息要点
point of information exchange信息交流地点
point of interflow交汇点
point of make-out计算收入起点
point of no return安全返航点
point of no return无还点
point of order程序争论点
point of origin起运地
point of personal explanation个人解释意见
point of purchase购物处
point of purchase采购点
point of receipt收货地点
point of regeneration再生点
point of safes安全点
point of sale terminal销售点终端机
point of shipment装运地点
point of strength着力点
point of test检验地点
point of the spectrum谱点
point of time时刻
point of time钟点
point output时点产出量
point prediction点预测
point predictor点预测式
point range点列
point-rating system分值定额法
point rationing计点配给制
point spread起讫点数相差幅度
point system点数法
point system工资评分计点支付法
practical capacity point实际生产能力限度
principle of point estimation点估计原理
profit and loss break-even point损益两平点
proprietary point of view所有权观点
purely financial point of view单纯财政观点
quality control point质量监控点
real time point of view实时观点
receipt and disbursement break-even point收支平衡点
rectangular property of saddle point鞍点矩形特性
regulation point调度台
regulation point调度站
reorder point重排点
reorder point control再购点控制
reorder point system再购点法
replenishment point补足最大库存量度
reserved point储备点
reserved point保留点
saddle point of game对策鞍点
saddle point problem鞍点问题
sale break-even point销售保本点
salvage point打捞品收集处
sampling point选样点
selling point销售点
selling point advertisement销售点广告
semi-critical point半临界点
servicing point维修点
servicing point服务地点
shipment from point of origin由原产地装运运出
shipping point装货港口
shut-down point停业生产点
special export point特定现金输出点
special import point特定现金输入点
specie export point现金输岀点
specie importing point黄金输入点
specie point现金输送点指输出黄金进行结算有利的的外汇汇率
split-off point公离点
split-up point of joint product联产品分离点
starting-point of the limitation时效期起算点
steady-state point availability稳定点可达性
stipulated delivery point约定交货地点
stock point储藏点
straight point method单纯计分法
strategic point战略要点
strategic point要点
strategic saddle point战略鞍点
stretch a point通融办理
"student" T critical point"学生"T临界点
"student's" critical point"学生"临界点
suboptimal point次优点
suboptimal point次佳点
supervising point操作点
supervising point交通观察点
supervising point检测地点
supply point indicator供给点指示器
support point支持点
symmetry-constrained point estimates对称约束点估计量
systematic service control point系统服务控制点
talking point论点
terminal point终点站
test point检验点
test point检验站
test point scattering试验点散布
three point arbitrage in foreign exchange三角套汇指在一地高价岀售外汇,在另一地又以低价补进同一外汇,以套取差额获利
Trailer Transfer Point拖车转运站
Transient Point Availability瞬变点有效性
transport to stock storage or point of use搬至仓库储存或使用地点
truncation point切断点
turn point转折点
turn-around point周转点
turning point in time series时间序列中的转折点
two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange双角套汇指在汇率低的市场买进; 在汇率高的市场卖出
two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange对角套汇
two-point ignition两点点火
unbiased point estimate无偏点估计量
unload point卸货地点
upper significance point显著性上点
upper turning point上转折点
vulnerable point危险
weighted point加权点
weighted point evaluation加权点评估法
weighted point method权点法
weighted-point plan加权点方案
winding point分枝点
work point工分
work point based on piece work done按件计工
work-point norm工分定额
work-point on piece work done按件计工
work-point standard工分标准
work-point unit value工分单价
working point操作点