
Terms for subject General containing Phone | all forms | exact matches only
answer the phone接电话
dial the phone拨电话号码
Did you make any phone calls from your room, sir?先生,您从房间打过电话吗?
Excuse me. Will you please keep an eye on my suitcase? I just want to make a phone call for a short time劳驾,请你照看一下我的手提箱,好吗?我只是去打个电话,马上就来
He is speaking on another phone他正在接听别的电话
He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?他在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?
How about Holliday Inn? Would you like me to phone them?假日酒店怎么样?我替您打电话联系一下好吗?
If you want to avoid making people feel unimportant or ignored, pick up your phone as soon as you know you have a caller waiting若你不想让客户感到他不重要或者被忽视,你最好一知道有人等候就马上接电话
I'll put her on the phone. Just a second我会请她听电话,请等一下
I'm sorry, sir. The phone is restricted. I can't get through对不起,先生。房间电话未挂好,转不进去
in-house phone内部电话
It is urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number?我有急事,能否告诉我她的手机号码?
It's a brown leather bag with initials AC on it. Our phone number is 8353765是棕色皮革包,上面有缩写字母 AC。我们的电话号码是8353765
laryngo phone喉头送话器
mobile phone network手机网络
on the phone在打电话中
pay phone投币式公用电话
People like to watch spectacular action films, comedies and horror films in groups and will abandon their televisions and mobile phones人们乐意成群结队去观赏大场面的动作片、喜剧片或恐怖片,并愿意为此将自家的电视机、手机搁在一边
phone book电话簿
phone booth电话亭
phone meter测声计
phone meter通话计数器
taking a reservation over the phone电话预订
The phone seems to be out of order电话好像出故障了
thermo phone热致发声器
Why hasn't the student guide answered the phone? The telephone has been ringing for several minutes电话已经响了好几分钟了,实习导游为什么不去接?
Would you please try Olympic Hotel? The phone number is您不妨试一下奥林匹克饭店。电话号为88810166