
Terms containing Passenger ship | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A liner is a large passenger ship班轮是大型客轮
nautic., tech.bulkhead deck in a passenger ship客船的舱壁甲板
shipb.cafeteria of passenger ship客船自助餐厅
interntl.trade.cargo passenger ship客货船
busin.cargo-passenger ship客货轮
shipb.carrying-capacity of passenger ship客船载客能力
shipb.carrying-capacity of passenger-ship客船载客能力
shipb.coastal passenger-cargo ship沿海客货轮
commer.combination passenger-cargo ship客货轮
busin.combination passenger-cargo ship客货两用轮
nautic., tech.existing passenger ship现有客船
nautic., tech.existing special trade passenger ship现有特种业务客船
shipb.export passenger-cargo ship出口客货轮
shipb.express passenger ship特快客轮
shipb.import luxurious passenger ship进口豪华客轮
shipb.import luxurious passenger ship built by France进口法国造豪华客轮
shipb.International Passenger Ship Association国际客船协会
gen.Is there a daily passenger ship to London?每天都有班船开往伦敦吗?
shipb.luxurious passenger ship豪华客轮
shipb.mess hall of passenger ship客船餐厅
tech.motor passenger ship liner远洋客轮
tech.multiclass passenger ship多等集客船
nautic., tech.new concept high speed ro/ro passenger ship with three hulls新概念高速三体客滚船
nautic., tech.new passenger ship新客船
nautic., tech.new special trade passenger ship新特种业务客船
tech.non-passenger ship非客轮
nautic., tech.nuclear cargo ship safety certificate or nuclear passenger ship safety certificate核能货船安全证书或核能客船安全证书
tech.nuclear passenger ship safety certificate核能客船安全证书
shipb.ocean passenger-cargo ship远洋客货轮
nautic., tech.passenger A shipA 类客船
interntl.trade.passenger and cargo ship客货轮
tech.passenger and cargo ship客货船
nautic., tech.passenger B shipB 类客船
tech.passenger displacement ship排水型客轮
tech.passenger ship客船
tech.passenger ship客轮
tech.passenger ship safety certificate客船安全证书
shipb.passenger ship safety certificate客轮安全证书
shipb.passenger ship tonnage客船吨位
tech.passenger ship with deluxe cabin带豪华舱客轮
shipb.passenger-cargo ship客货轮
nautic., tech.passenger/cargo ship客货船
shipb.purchase express passenger ship购买特快客轮
shipb.purchase luxurious passenger ship购买豪华客轮
shipb.purchase passenger-cargo ship购买客货轮
shipb.river passenger ship内河客轮
shipb.river passenger-cargo ship内河客货轮
nautic., tech.ro-ro passenger ship客滚船
nautic., tech.RO/RO passenger ship滚装客船客滚船
tech.semi-passenger ship客货船
tech.semi-passenger ship客货轮
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship特种业务客船
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship safety certificate特种业务客船安全证书
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship space certificate特种业务客船舱室证书
shipb.strait passenger ship海峡客轮
commer.the complement of a passenger ship客轮定员
econ.The passengers on the sinking ship damaged by a storm abandoned themselves to despair那些在因风暴损坏的沉船上的旅客陷入了绝望
shipb.ticket window of passenger ship客船售票窗口
nautic., tech.train/RO-RO passenger ship铁路车辆客滚船
shipb.window of passenger ship客船上的窗