
Terms for subject Securities containing PAY | all forms | exact matches only
cash pay-in book现金存款簿
check pay-in book支票存款簿
daily pay每日工资
daily pay每日结薪
declaration of inability to pay debts无偿债能力声明
hold and pay provisions持有和支付条款
inability to pay debt无力还债
incentive pay鼓励工资
incentive-based pay激励性报酬支付
level pay平均付款计划
mortgage pay-through bonds抵押转手债券
mortgage pay-through bonds抵押转付款证券
pay a bill埋单
pay a bill买单
pay as you earnPAYE即挣即付
pay as you earnPAYE领工资时交税
pay as you earn即挣即付
pay as you earnPAYE所得税预扣法
pay as you go逐笔结算
pay back偿付借款等
pay by instalments分期付款
pay by lump sum一次性付全款
pay cash付现款
pay date支付日期
pay day过户结账日
pay down分期付款先支付的部分
pay down structures现金支付结构
pay duty缴税
pay in缴款给银行
pay in book付款册
pay in book付款记录册
pay in full全部支付
pay in full for share全额缴纳股款
pay in instalment分期付款
pay in kind支付实物
pay in kind securities以同类证券支付的证券
pay in kind securities以实物支付的证券
pay in slip存款单
pay-in-kind bond以实物为利息的债券
pay-in-kind preferred share以实物为股息的优先股
pay into treasury缴库
pay into treasury支付人库
pay later option迟付型期权
pay off清偿
pay off debts清偿债务
pay off debts清欠
pay off due debts清偿到期债务
pay off one's creditors偿清欠债权人债务
pay off period资本回收期
pay off taxes缴清税款
pay on delivery货到付费
pay on return支付回报
pay on time按时付款
pay order付款指令
pay order付款凭证
pay out偿还
pay out period支付期
pay out period收回期
pay out ratio派息比率
pay out ratio还债比率
pay out ratio支付比率
pay out time收回投资年限
pay promptly及时付款
pay promptly按期付款
pay swaps支付互换
pay the promised cash支付承诺的现金
pay the reward offered支付酬谢奖金
pay through转付型证券
pay through bond转付债券
pay through note转付票据
pay through note转付证券
pay through owner trust structure转付信托结构
pay through security转付证券
pay through structure转付结构
pay through the nose被敲竹杠、被敲诈
pay through the nose被迫付高价
pay to order记名付款
pay to order付指定人
pay to order付款订货
pay to play付费参与
pay to self认单不认人
pay to self按单付款
pay to the order照单付费
pay to the order订单付费
pay up付高价投资者以高于市场价的价格购买证券
pay up趋高支付
pay up付清、缴清
pay up a debt还债
pay up a debt偿还债务
rapid pay-off mortgage快速分期偿还抵押
separation pay离职补偿金
sequential pay bond按顺序偿还的债券
take or pay必付条款合同带必付强制性条款
take or pay contract必付合同
unable to pay无能力支付的
user pay principle用者自付原则