
Terms for subject Business containing PAY | all forms | exact matches only
banker's revocation of authority to pay checks银行撤销付现权
breach of the obligation pay an installment违反分期付款义务
buy now pay later先买后付
commitment to pay on time约定按期付款
conditional pay-off有条件支付
convertible pay money可兑现纸币
declaration to pay his debts清偿债务声明
dual pay system双重工资剧
duty bound to pay taxes纳税义务
duty to pay taxes纳税义务
economic pay-off经济偿付
endorsement to pay "payee only""凭收款人亲收"背书
endorsement to pay "payee only"仅凭"收款人亲收"付款背书
evade to pay income tax偷逃所得税
failed to pay the bill未支付汇票
failed to pay the bill未支付票据
failure to pay an instalment未履行分期付款规定
failure to pay the price未付价款
game pay-off matrix对策支付矩阵
high pay for success完成任务付高报酬
incentive pay rate奖金率
last day for pay purpose薪金截止日期
less pay for less work少劳少得
liability to pay tax负有纳税义务
low pay with high employment低工资、多就业
lower pay bracket低工资等级
lower pay cargo低运费货物
lower pay class低工资等级
merit pay plan记功付酬制
no cure-no pay salvage contract无效果—无报酬救助合同
no pay for no work不劳不得
on demand pay to...见票即付
on presentation pay to交票即付
pay a ransom付赎金
pay a ransom支付赎金
pay a supplement额外支付
pay an indemnity支付赔偿
pay an installment分期付款
pay an installment支付分期付款
pay an over due tax补税
pay and allowance薪金与津贴
pay another's debt代垫债款
pay another's pay代垫债务
pay another's pay垫付债款
pay as you earn所得税预扣法即从薪金中扣除所得税
pay as you go账单到期即付
pay as you go预扣所得税
pay as you go〈美〉付现款
pay as you go method离职付款法
pay-as-you-go account登账须加付费用的支票往来户
pay as-you-use费用支用拨款制
pay back资金回收
pay back偿还欠款
pay-back compensation trade回付补偿贸易
pay back compensation trade回购产品的补偿贸易
pay-back method回收法
pay-back period回收期
pay-back reciprocal回收期倒数
pay bearer付持票人
pay bearer请付来人
pay bearer付来人
pay-before-you-go account领用支票须加付费用的支票往来户
pay by monthly installment按月分期付款
pay by the piece计件工资
pay cash付现金
pay cash on the line立即付现金
pay cash on the line立即付现款
pay check薪金
pay check工薪支票
pay clerk商店收款员
pay... Co. or order付某公司或某指定人
pay... company not transferable付某公司不得转让
pay...company or order付某公司或其指定人
pay customs duty according to the regulation照章缴纳关税
pay cut减薪
pay day证券交易结账日
pay...days after date过…天付款
pay demand note收费单
pay differential工资差异
pay dirt有开采价值的矿石
pay down即时付现
pay down即时付款
pay down分期付款交易即付首次款
pay one's dues尽责任
pay one's dues还账
pay duty交付税款
pay envelope薪金
pay extra文付额外费用
pay for another代付款
pay for non-job related injury非工伤期间工资
pay for the damage赔偿损失
pay forfeit money缴付罚款
pay in advance in quarterly installments分季预交
pay in cash付现金
pay in cash现金付款
pay in cheque以支票支付
pay in full付讫
pay in installments分期付款
pay in money现金支付
pay-in slip存款存根
pay later延期支付
pay level支付基准
pay master出纳员
pay money down付现金
pay…month after sight见票后…月付款
pay not negotiable不准转让
pay not negotiable仅付某人
pay not transferable不得转让
pay not transferable付某人
pay off付清
pay off a score算旧账
pay off by installment分期付清
pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule提前全部还清外债
pay-off method for capital investment资本投资回收法
pay off the principal and interest付清本息
pay officer财物管理员
pay on account付作定金
pay on application申请后付款
pay on receipt收到时付款
pay on the installment plan分期付款法
pay one's own way自付账
pay ones way尽职
pay ones way支付应负担的费用
pay... only限付某人
pay... only仅付某人为限
pay... or order付某人或其指定人
pay order付款单
pay order支付命令指示
pay out花费
pay out ratio盈利率
pay out ratio派息率
pay over the counter柜台付款
pay package一揽子工资
pay period工资结算期
pay period支付期
pay plan工资制
pay plan工资计划
pay rate报酬率
pay rate工资率
pay rate per day日工资率
pay rise工资上升
pay roll deduction发薪扣除额
pay self check存户自取支票
pay sheet工资表
pay structure工资结构
pay taxes according to regulation照章纳税
pay telephone自动收款电话
pay the balance付清余额
pay the balance支付余额
pay the interest accrued支付累计利息
pay the reckoning结账
pay the reckoning
pay the reward支付奖金酬劳
pay the reward offered酬谢奖金
pay through the nose付出过高代价
pay to one's own self付给发票人本人
pay to one's own self付签票人
pay to the bearer付持票人
pay to the consignor付给寄售人款
pay to the order凭指示付款
pay to the order of凭…指定付款
pay tribute缴纳贡款
pay up全部偿还
please pay here在此付款
principle of "more pay for more work"多劳多得原则
product-pay-back scheme"以产品支付"办法
product pay-back scheme以产品支付办法补偿贸易的一种,见"回购产品"条
receive and pay out money or bill出纳
right to equal pay for equal work同工同酬权利
"take and pay" contract给付合同
take or pay contract照付不议合同
take or pay contract of project financing项目融资收付合同
"take-or-pay" agreement或取或付协议
to pay by install分期付款
to pay in advance预付
to pay the bill付账
"travel-now-pay-later" plan"先旅行后付款"信用法
We'd like you to pay us by L/C我们希望您能用信用证方式付款