
Terms for subject Textile industry containing PAY | all forms | exact matches only
absolute promise to pay单纯支付承诺
accept to pay接受承付
accept to pay承兑
advance pay预付
advance pay提前支付
advise and pay通知并付款
authority to pay委托支付证
basic pay基本工资
basic pay底薪
capital pay-off投资回收
charterer pays dues租船人支付费用
civil service pay文职人员工薪
daily pay日工资
daily rate of pay日工资率
failure to pay the price未履行付款义务,未支付货款
flat rate of pay定额工资
holiday pay假日奖金
holiday pay假日工资
incentive pay奖励工资
incentive pay鼓励津贴
incentive pay奖金
last pay certificate最后支付凭单
liability to pay compensation赔偿债务
low pay低工资
low pay scale低工资制
lower pay低工资
make up pay补差工资
more pay for more work多劳多得
net pay工资净额
overtime pay加班工资
package pay一揽子工资
package pay综合工资
pay a bill付账单
pay a bill付账
pay a check into the bank将支票转入银行
pay a ransom遣散费
pay according to one's post职务工资
pay according to work按劳计酬
pay after tax税后支付额
pay as you see见货付款
pay as you see见货即付款
pay bill付款单
pay by result按成果付酬
pay by result按劳付酬
pay card薪卡
pay card工资卡
pay center支付中心
pay center付款中心
pay code付款账户
pay compensation退赔
pay cut薪水削减
pay date交付日期
pay date结算日期
pay date付款日期
pay deposit付保证金
pay deposit付定金
pay duty付税
pay earnest money付定金
pay for付出代价
pay for负担费用
pay forfeit money交罚款
pay in捐款
pay in交款
pay in给银行缴款
pay in cash付现
pay in check以支票支付
pay in full一次付清
pay in slip缴款通知单
pay in slip存款存根
pay in specie付现
pay in specie现金付款
pay in warrant缴款书
pay money out付出
pay money out花费
pay off全部偿清
pay off发工资
pay off分配盈利
pay off分期偿付
pay off给薪解雇
pay off a debt清偿债务
pay off a debt付清欠债
pay off a score付账
pay off a score还债
pay off in a lump sum一次付清
pay off method支付方法
pay off one's creditors偿清债务
pay off period支付期
pay off period偿付期
pay office收支处
pay office偿付办公室
pay office偿付局
pay officer财务管理员
pay officer财务负责人
pay on account预付
pay on account付定金
pay on application请求时付款
pay on application请求付款
pay on delivery交货付款
pay on receipt收到后付款
pay on return退货还款
pay on the arrival of ship船到付款
pay on the nail即付
pay on the nail立即付款
pay one's way勉强维持
pay one's way尽职
pay one's way不负债
pay one's way支付费用
pay one's way支付应负担的费用
pay order支付凭证
pay package全部报酬
pay package综合工资
pay point工资点
pay point报酬点
pay policy工资政策
pay remuneration报酬
pay slip工资单
pay system工资体系
pay system报酬体系
pay system工资制
pay taxes纳税
pay the reckoning付清
pay the whole amount全数付清
pay to order付抬头人
pay to order凭指示付款
pay to self付签票人
pay up a debt还账
pay up a debt还债
pay warrant支付委托书
pay warrant支付证明
pay warrant支付许可证
performance-linked pay按劳付酬
polluter pays principle污染者付款原则
premium pay额外酬劳
product-pay-back scheme以产品偿还的计划
rate of pay工资率
refuse to pay tax拒绝缴税
retirement pay养老金
retroactive pay补发增加的工资
retroactive pay追加工资
separation pay遣散费
separation pay解雇费
ship pays dues船方负担税金
shipper pays dues托运人付税
shipper pays taxes托运人付税
starting pay任职首次薪金
statement of refusal to pay拒付理由书
stoppage of pay停付工薪
take-or-pay contract收付合同
take-or-pay contract不提货照付款合同
take-or-pay contract照付不议合同
unable to pay无支付能力
vacation pay假日津贴
vacation pay假日工资
warp pay-off放经运动
weekly pay周薪