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a bridge-crane passed over our heads天车从头顶开过
All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听您的电话
All our cars have stereos in them. It's all standard with us我们这里所有的车子都配有音响,而且是标准配备
as far as our knowledge goes就我们所知
At last we were on the London-ward leg of our journey我们终于踏上了去伦敦的旅途
Because of the difficulty in obtaining reliable supply of high-quality wool fabric, we discontinued the production of our deluxe alpaca coats由于很难获得可靠的高质量羊毛毛料,我们停止了生产高档羊毛大衣
build up our country through diligence and frugality勤俭建国
Caffeine is in some of our favorite things like coffee beans, tea leaves and chocolate咖啡因存在于一些我们喜欢的物质中,例如咖啡豆、茶叶和巧克力
Can we hand in our papers before we are notified?我们可以提前申报吗?
Cleaning brushes are our major products清洁刷是我们的主打产品
Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭
During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Place我们在伦敦参观了白金汉宫
Every year we export large quantity of our products to the Asian market, but your company seems new to us每年我们都要向亚洲各国出口大量产品。不过,你们公司对于我们来说,还是新客户
Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意
Excuse me, sir. What do you think of our service?对不起,打扰了,请问您对我们的服务还满意吗?
follow our own road in developing industry走自己发展工业的道路
For our guests,convenience, traveler's checks cashed here为方便本店旅客,本处承兑旅行支票
for our present purposes目前
for our present purposes对目前实际应用来说
for our purposes对我们来说
Have you spotted our bags yet?您看见我们的行李了吗?
Here is our skin cleanser. It is designed to lift away dirt, oil, and make-up without aggravating even very sensitive skin. This cleanser is gentle enough to use every day这是我们的洗面乳。它能有效清除污垢、油脂和化妆品,且不损害极敏感性皮肤,适合于每天使用
Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
Hope you have enjoyed your stay at our hotel希望您在我们酒店住得开心
How can we bring our surfboards to the sea?我们怎么把冲浪板拿到海边?
How many ports do I call at on our passage to New York?去纽约一路上要停靠几个港口?
I apologize for the late asking, but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信
I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them我向您保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行
I' m sorry to inform you of this, but this is our responsibility很抱歉通知您,但这是我们的责任
I' m terribly sorry. We'll do our best to get it back to you as soon as possible. Please fill out this claim form with your tag number非常抱歉,我们会尽力尽快帮您找回来。请把您的签条号码填在这张申报单上
I see a red light off our bows我看见船头有红光
I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下
I’d like to order some hand quilting threads, which are popular in our market我想订购些手绗线,它们在我方市场十分畅销
If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食
If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel我们恐怕不能接受这类货币
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel恐怕我们酒店不能接受这种货币
I'm sorry for forgetting about our appointment彳艮抱歉我忘了我们的约会
I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票
I'm sorry, sir. We re not allowed to disclose our guest's room number对不起,先生。我们不可以透露客人的房号
I'm sorry. This bank note is damaged smeared, so we couldn't help you to exchange it. This is the rule of our hotel. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation对不起,这张纸币有破损污迹,我们无法为您兑换。这是酒店的规定,希望您能理解并配合我们的工作
I'm sorry. We don't have saunas in our hotel, but we have massage service对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务
I’m the sales manager of Audi. This is one of our newest hi-tech vehicles我是奥迪公司的销售经理,这是我们公司最新的高科技汽车
In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
In the first drawer of your dresser, you can find a brochure full of information about the facilities and services of our hotel在梳妆台的第一个抽屉里,您可以看见有一本宾馆服务信息指南
in this chapter our theme is three fold本章的主题有三点〔三方面〕
it is quite worth our while to consider这很值得我们考虑
It's a brown leather bag with initials AC on it. Our phone number is 8353765是棕色皮革包,上面有缩写字母 AC。我们的电话号码是8353765
It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
It's because our prices are so good. And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn't it?因为我们的价格公道,而且这辆车跑了很多的里程数。但是外观看起来还是不错吧
Mary and I decided to halve expenses on our trip我和玛丽决定均摊旅行费用
not our publication非我们出版
Of course. You can book it from our official website当然有,你可以通过我们的官网预订
OK, our traffic police will come immediately and make investigation of the scene of the accident好的,交警马上就到现场调查处理
on our estimate根据我门的估计
Our company specializes in export arts and crafts products to European and American markets我公司主营工艺品外贸出口业务,产品大部分销往欧美市场
Our company will reimburse any expenses incurred during your trip我们公司将偿还您旅途中所有的相关费用
Our company's products include clothing accessories and jewelry accessories本公司产品主要包括服装配饰和珠宝配饰两方面
Our electronic Anti-Lock Braking System ABS gives you unsurpassed handling and control我们的电子防抱死刹车系统使操纵和制动无与伦比
Our eye shadow is especially designed to moisturize the skin我们这款眼影还有滋润皮肤的功效
our factory is across the river我们厂在河对岸
Our factory specializes in producing rabbit hair knitted cap我厂专门从事兔毛针织帽的生产
our great motherland is prospering with each passing day我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上〔日益繁荣昌盛〕
our hand本方牌
Our hospital has the best surgeons in the nearby blocks我们医院拥有附近街区中最好的外科医生
Our hotel has a meeting space of 700 meter squares, including a ball room, two board rooms and multipurpose meeting rooms我们酒店有700平方米的会议空间,包括一个宴会厅,两个董事会会议室和两个多功能会议室
Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样,不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期
our investigations go to prove that...我们的调查结果证明…
Our Lady of Holy Cross College圣十字女子学院
Our Lady of the Lake College湖区女子学院
Our Lady of the Lake University湖区女子大学
our London correspondent本报驻伦敦记者
Our modern double bathroom vanity is a perfect place to store your bathroom products, as it allows greater space我们的现代双层浴室盥洗台十分适合存放你的浴室用品,因为它的空间更大
Our products are 100 % trouble-free我们的产品百分之百没问题
Our racing cars have been well established in the market我们的赛车已经在市场上树立了品牌
Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销
Our room opened upon a view of the Seal Bay从我们房间可以看到海豹湾
Our room service starts serving at 7 o'clock送餐服务从7点开始
Our ship rounded Cape of Good Hope last night昨夜我们的船绕过了好望角
our stamp is the certificate of quality我厂的戳记是质量合格的证明
Please write down your child's personal particulars and we will try our best to locate your child over our system and using our broadcast请写下您孩子的个人资料,我们会尽可能地通过我们的系统及广播找到您的孩子
Sarido clothing: Our goal is to offer you series of men's fashionable and casual clothing with strong Italy pattern萨雷德品牌系列产品志在向广大男士提供带有浓厚意大利风情的时尚休闲服饰
Silk quilts are our main lines蚕丝被是我们的主要产品
Since China joined the WTO, both chances and challenges have been brought about to our country's plastic and rubber industries我国加入世贸组织为塑料、橡胶行业的发展带来了机遇和挑战
Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room飞机晚点是我们的责任,如果您继续搭乘我们的航班,您的住宿费用将由我们来承担
Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought. Will that be okay?先生,我们的价格可能比您原本想的略高,这样没事吧?
Something urgent has come up. Could I postpone our appointment?发生了一些急事。我们的约会能不能延期?
Sorry, travelers checks are not allowed to be cashed in our hotel. You could have this service in the bank对不起,酒店不能为您兑现旅行支票,您可以去银行办理
such devices have proved themselves to be aids to our work这些设备证明是有助于我们工作的
Thank you for waiting. Yes, sir, we can offer you a single room with a bay window on Sep 25th to Sep 28th. Can you tell me when did you plan to arrive at our hotel?谢谢等待,先生,我们能为您提供9月25至28号带飘窗的单人间。您能告诉我您计划什么时候到达酒店吗?
Thank you for your compliments. We're pleased that you like our service and food谢谢您的称赞。我们很高兴您喜欢这里的饭菜和服务
Thank you for your support of our work感谢您对我们工作的支持
That's a good idea. Let's bring our trunks and towels好主意。我们带上游泳裤和浴巾
The baggage will be checked through to our destination行李会直达目的地
The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination由于目的地机场正下着倾盆大雨,我们的航班将延误
the odds are in our favour优势是在我们方面
There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?
There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题
This “ Cream of Olives ” is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try some on your hand这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合性皮肤。你可以在手上试一下
Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上这类食物并不利于我们的健康
Usually, we planned our itinerary, before we set off我们通常在出发前制定旅行计划
We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?我们吃完了。请把账单拿来好吗?
We are waiting for the waiter to foot up our bill我们在等服务员替我们结账
We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation我们度假时,乘船巡游了百慕大
We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币在给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查
We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
we have had the results of our experiments checked and rechecked我们已使我们的实验结果一再受到检验
we have trebled our output我们把产量提高到原来的三倍〔增加了两倍〕
we must not slacken our vigilance against the enemy我们决不可放松对敌人的警惕性
We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggage service我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务
We replanted the old elm in our back garden我们把那棵老榆树移植到我们的后花园里
We spent our first day in Amman, Jordan? s bustling limestone capital到达首日,我们游览了安曼,约旦热闹的石头都城
We will do our best to find the mugger and get your property back to you as soon as possible我们会尽快找到抢劫犯,并将财物归还给您
We will do our best to remove the stain, but we cannot guarantee the result我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉
Welcome to our “Special Line 2" Bus欢迎您乘坐特 2路汽车
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费
We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方在此领域合作
We've both enjoyed our friendship, haven't we? I am happy to do what I could我们相处得非常愉快,不是吗?我为所做的一切感到高兴!
We've checked our Lost and Found list, but your glasses did not appear on it我们已经查过了我们的失物招领单,但上面没有您的眼镜
What's your opinion of our service?您对我们的服务有什么意见吗?
Where can we check in our coats?我们在哪里能寄存大衣?
Where is our cabin?我们在几号船舱?
WHO will work in close collaboration with all our partners to prevent and control viral hepatitis世卫组织将与所有合作伙伴紧密合作,预防和控制病毒性肝炎
Why not try our buffet dinner?为什么不尝尝我们的自助晚餐呢?
Would you like to purchase our daily car protection plan?您愿意为日常汽车养护计划付费吗?
Would you like to try our house specialty?您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?
Would you like to try our one-pound super hot and spicy hamburger?要不要尝尝我们店的一磅超级热辣汉堡包?
Yes, sir. It's free of charge. Our luxury brands continue to maintain the high level of service and products that our luxury guests expect from St. Regis and the Luxury Collection properties是的,免费接机。我们的豪华酒店将继续保持高水准的产品和服务,来满足客人们对瑞吉酒店和至尊精选酒店的期望
You can choose three other toppings from our standard price. We have onions, mushroom, green peppers sausage, ham, or pepperoni一般价格而言,你可以选择三种。我们有洋葱、蘑菇、青椒、香肠、火腿即意大利辣味香肠
You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台
You'd better go to our Customer Service Counter on the mezzanine and check on it您最好到我们中层楼的顾客服务台查询一下