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China, polit.apply the dual operation system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of operation by households under a contract实行家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制
expl.assessment of the quality of a blast operation爆破施工质量的评估
el.asynchronous operation of a synchronous machine同步电机的异步运行
China, lawclosing of a business operation停业
securit.establish a system for the management, supervision and operation of State assets建立国有资产管理、监督和营运体系
UNestablishment and operation of a special account for financing the implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification开设并营运一个实施防治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户
tech.heat cycle of a welding operation焊接的热循环
nautic., tech.independent operation of a component设备的独立工作
commun., railw.individual operation of a switch道岔单操
cryptogr.mode of operation of a block cipher分组密码的工作模式
fin.operation for a series of years数年连续之经营
corp.gov.operation of a project项目的实施
corp.gov.operation of a project执行项目
tech.operation of a project项目进行情况
el.operation of a push-button switch按钮开关的操作
el.operation of a relay继电器动作
interntl.trade.operation of a ship船舶经营
China, laworder the suspension of production or closing of a business operation责令停产停业
proj.manag.PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored programPLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序
China, lawpurchase the share of a securities operation institution参股证券经营机构
interntl.trade.resumption of operation of a treaty条款的恢复施行
busin.resumption of operation of a treaty条约恢复施行
hydroel.st.scheduled operation of a generating set发电机组计划运行
hydroel.st.secondary power control operation of a generating set发电机组二次功率调节
interntl.trade.suspend operation pending a revival of the market暂停营业以待市场恢复
hydroel.st.synchronous operation of a machine电机同步运行
econ.The operation of the company has been suspended for three months since a disaster occurred自从发生灾害以来,公司的业务经营已中止了三个月
econ.the resumption operation of a treaty条约恢复施行
commer.The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去