
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Operation | all forms | exact matches only
acid operation酸性渣操作
acid slag operation酸性渣操作
adverse blast furnace operation炉况不顺
adverse blast furnace operation炉况紊乱
adverse blast furnace operation高炉炉况失常
all coke operation【铁】 全焦操作
all-coke operation全焦操作
alloying operation合金化操作
analysis of BF operation stability【铁】 高炉操作稳定性分析
angle-forming operation角材成形作业
angle-forming operation角材成型作业
annealing operation退火操作
annealing operation退火工序
annealing-pickling operation退火酸洗作业
antisymmetry operation反对称操作
antisymmetry operation反对称运算
application of AI technique to blast furnace operation人工智能技术在高炉操作中的应用
arc-cutting operation电弧切割操作
arithmetic operation算术运算
autonomous channel operation独通道操作
auxiliary operation外部操作
auxiliary operation辅助操作
.average calculating operation time平均运算时间
average operation time平均操作时间
banking operation闷炉操作
banking operation封炉操作
barrel rolling operation【压】 滚筒辗轧操作
barrel rolling operation滚筒辗轧操作
batch method of operation间歇作业法
batch method of operation间歇操作法
batch method of operation分批作业法
batch operation分批操作
batch operation间歇操作
bedding operation混匀作业
bedding operation料场作业
being put into operation投产
BF banking operation高炉闷炉操作
BF banking operation高炉封炉操作
BF operation at high coal injection level高炉大喷煤操作
BF operation control expert system高炉操作控制专家系统
BF operation disorder高炉炉况失常
BF operation monitoring高炉炉况监控
BF operation on slow wind高炉慢风操作
BF operation with high blast temperature高炉高风温操作 (【技】高炉高风温操作给高炉带来了大幅度降低焦比和提高产量的显著效果,是高炉炼铁史上重要的技术进步。)
BF operation with high blast temperature高风温高炉操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高炉高喷煤比操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高喷煤比高炉操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高炉大喷煤操作
bidirectional operation双向操作
billet casting operation小方坯连铸操作
blast furnace bell operation高炉料钟操作
blast furnace melting operation高炉冶炼操作
blast furnace melting operation高炉炼铁法
blast furnace melting operation高炉炼铁操作
blast furnace operation高炉冶炼
blast furnace operation高炉操作
blast furnace operation at higher hot blast temperature高风温高炉操作
blast furnace operation data高炉操作数据
blast furnace operation disorder炉况紊乱 (【技】高炉冶炼进程中有时出现炉子状况非正常情况,例如煤气分布不均匀、炉子变热或变泠、崩料、悬料以及结瘤等。)
blast furnace operation disorder炉况失常
blast furnace operation disorder【铁】高炉炉况不顺
blast furnace operation index高炉操作指标
blast furnace operation monitoring高炉炉况监控
blast furnace operation with fixed pressure drop高炉固定压差操作
blast furnace operation with oxygen-enriched blast高炉富氧鼓风操作 (【技】高炉富氧鼓风操作是在高炉鼓风中加人工业氧,使鼓风含氧量超过大气含氧量,以提高高炉冶炼强度、增加高炉生铁产量。)
blast furnace smelting operation高炉熔炼操作
blowing operation吹炼作业
blowing out operation【铁】 停炉操作
blowing out operation停炉操作
blowing-in operation开炉操作
Boolean operation table真值表
bottom fed dummy bar operation time下装引锭杆作业时间
bottom-bubbling operation底吹操作
building operation营造
building operation建筑施工
burning operation【耐】烧窑操作
burning operation【粉】 烧结操作
caster operation连铸机操作
casthouse operation高炉炉前操作 (【技】在高炉出铁场及风口、渣口工作平台进行的以出铁、出渣为主要内容的一系列工作。)
casthouse operation炉前操作
casting operation浇铸操作
casting operation of liquid steel钢水浇注作业 (Casting operation of liquid steel The term that refers to a technical process in which liquid steel with qualified chemical compositions is poured into a fixed shape solid according to the requires of rolling or forging. The two casting methods, the ingot casting or continuous steel casting methods, are generally used. Since the 1970's, the continuous casting has made considerable progress, but the ingot casting has died out gradually. 钢水浇注作业术语指的是根据轧钢或锻压的需要,将成分合格的钢水浇铸成具有一定形状固体的工艺过程。通常采用两种浇铸方法,即钢锭模浇注法和连铸法。自20世纪70年代以来,连铸获得了长足发展,模铸逐渐退出生产流程。)
cell operation电解槽作业
central operation panel中央操作盘
clean operation清洁生产
clean operation清洁操作
cleaning and dressing operation清渣整修工序
cleaning operation清理工序
cleaning-and-dressing operation清理修整工序 (钢锭的)
closed-loop operation闭路作业
coating operation涂油操作
coining operation精压操作
coke plus auxiliary fuel operation"焦炭加辅助燃料"操作法 (【技】指高炉以焦为主,其他燃料为辅的操作法。)
coke-oven operation焦炉操作
cold trimming operation冷切边操作
cold upsetting operation冷镦工序
cold-rolling operation冷轧作业
cold-trimming operation冷切边操作
column operation萃取柱操作
commercial operation工业操作
commercial operation工业运行
complementary operation求补运算
computer operation计算机操作
computer operation program package计算机操作程序包
computer-controlled splashing operation计算机控制的溅渣护炉操作
constant mold level operation结晶器恒定液位操作
constant pattern operation恒定模式操作 (【技】为使转炉、真空处理和连铸工艺互相匹配而拟订的操作方式。其主要特点是简化工艺流程、实行功能分置、稳定操作模式、提高专门化程度等。)
continuity of operation操作连续性
continuity of operation连续作业
conventional operation普通操作法
converter operation转炉操作
critical operation临界操作
critical operation临界状态工作
crushing operation破碎工序
crushing operation压碎工序
cupola operation冲天炉操作
cupola operation化铁炉操作
cupping operation冲盂成型操作
cupping operation冲盂成形操作
cupping operation拉深【延】成形操作
cupping operation深延成型操作
cut-off operation断电停电操作
cutoff operation切割工序
cutoff operation断电操作
cut-off operation停气操作
cut-off operation切割工序
cutting operation剪切工序
decoded operation译码操作
desiliconizing operation脱硅操作
desilverizing operation除银操作
desilverizing operation除银作业
discontinuous operation断续作用
discontinuous operation断续操作
discontinuous operation间歇操作
dishing operation【压】 封头旋压操作
dishing operation封头旋压操作
dishing operation压凹操作
disruption of operation炉况紊乱
disruption of operation炉况不顺
disruption of operation炉况失常
double-skip operation双料车操作
double-slag operation of converter转炉双渣操作
dross operation撇渣
dross operation撇渣操作
drossing operation撇渣操作
dummy bar operation引锭操作 (【技】在连铸开始时,借助引锭杆将结晶器内初凝的带液芯的高温连铸坯从结晶器内连续拉出的操作。)
eccentric bottom tapping operation偏心炉底出钢操作
edge-rolling operation滚缘工序
edge-rolling operation轧边工序
edge-upsetting operation滚缘工序
edge-upsetting operation轧边工序
effect of foaming slag operation on lining life泡沫渣操作对炉衬寿命的影响
embrittlement operation脆化处理
emergency operation紧急状态工作
emergency operation紧急操作
equipment operation ratio设备运转率
flanging operation弯边工序
flanging operation摺边工序
floating point arithmetic operation浮点运算
floating point operation浮点运算
forming operation弯曲成形工序 (板、带材在成形辊上的)
forming operation弯曲成型工序
fracture rod operation【压】 棒材冲断下料工序
fracture rod operation棒材冲断下料工序
grade change operation【连】 变钢种操作 (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
grade change operation during continuous casting连铸变钢种操作
grinding operation研磨磨削,磨碎,磨矿操作工序
ground protective operation接地保护操作
gunning operation喷补操作
handling operation装卸作业
hardening operation淬火工序
hardening operation淬火操作
heterogeneous reaction operation非均相反应操作
high bed operation厚料层操作
high efficiency operation高效率操作生产,作业
high explosive operation高效炸药爆炸成形操作
high explosive operation高效炸药爆炸成形
high intensity operation高强度操作
high top pressure operation高压炉顶操作
high productivity operation高利用系数操作 (高炉的)
high temperature operation高温作业
high temperature operation高温操作
high top gas pressure operation高压炉顶操作 (【技】通过安装在高炉煤气系统净煤气管道上的高压调节阀组,提高高炉炉顶煤气压力,降低料柱压差,强化高炉冶炼进程,获得高炉高产、低耗的技术措施。)
high top pressure operation高压炉顶操作
housekeeping operation内务操作
idle operation空转
idle operation空运转
input/output operation输入-输出操作
interstage annealing operation中间退火操作
interstage annealing operation中间退火操作工序
irregularity in furnace operation炉子不顺
irregularity in furnace operation炉况失常
irregularity in furnace operation【铁】炉况不顺
ladle operation platform钢包操作平台
leaching operation浸出操作
leaching operation浸出作业
linear contouring operation带材纵向成型
linear contouring operation线性带材纵向冷弯成形
linear contouring operation线性冷弯成型
logic operation逻辑操作
logic operation逻辑运算
long arc operation长弧操作
loop operation循环操作
main forming operation主成形工序
manual free spinning operation手工自由旋压操作
manual operation手动控制
manual operation人工操作
manufacturing operation制造工序
matching operation磨配工序
matching operation匹配运算
matching operation配对操作
matching operation修合工序
metal loss by blowing operation of converter吹损 (【技】在转炉冶炼过程中,由于吹炼作业而造成的金属料损失。它包括化学吹损和机械吹损两部分。随转炉吨位、炉子类型、原料条件、所炼钢种、操作水平等情况的不同,转炉吹损有较大的差异。在通常情况下,复吹转炉的吹损低于顶吹转炉的吹损。)
method of operation操作方法
mild blast operation慢风操作
mild blast operation【铁】 慢风操作
mode of operation运作方式
model to describe blast furnace operation描述高炉操作的模型
moderate-temperature operation常温操作
monobed operation单床操作
mould operation结晶器操作
multi-job operation多重作业操作
nearly slagless operation近无渣操作
no operation instruction空指令
no operation instruction无操作指令
no-load operation空运转
no-load operation
no-load operation无载运行
nonsteady state operation非稳态操作
normal operation正常操作
normal pressure operation【铁】 常压操作
normal temperature operation常温操作
off-line operation离机操作
off-line operation离线运算
off-line operation离线操作
off-site operation移位操作
oilless operation无油操作
on-line model for continuous BF operation monitoring高炉操作连续检测在线模型
on-line model for continuous monitoring blast furnace operation连续监测高炉操作的在线模型
on-line operation在线操作
on-line operation联机操作
on-line real-time operation在线实时操作
on-line real-time operation联机实时操作
on-the-spot operation demonstration现场操作示范
open arc operation明弧作业
open pouring operation敞开浇注操作
open-hearth operation平炉操作
operation address运算地址
operation analysis操作分析
operation arm操作臂
operation by hand人工操作
operation by hand手工操作
operation casting speed稳态拉速
operation casting speed工作拉速
operation casting speed操作拉速
operation code操作码
operation coil激励线圈
operation coil操作线圈
operation control操作控制器
operation control运算控制器
operation control操作控制
operation control panel操作控制板
operation control switch操作控制开关
operation cost经营费
operation cost经营成本
operation cost操作成本
operation cost生产费用
operation cost营运费
operation crew操作工人
operation crew操作人员
operation cycle作业循环
operation cycle操作周期
operation decoder操作译码器
operation desk操作台
operation efficiency操作效率
operation factor工作特性
operation factor运算因数
operation factor操作因素
operation field操作字段
operation gangway操作过道
operation guide system操作指导系统
operation manager操作管理员
operation manual操作指南
operation manual操作手册
operation mistake操作错误
operation mode经营模式
operation mode操作方式
operation of melting熔炼操作
operation of poling铜火法精炼还原阶段
operation of poling插树作业
operation of rolling轧制操作
operation on slow wind慢风操作
operation on slow wind【铁】 慢风操作
operation parameter操作参数
operation practice操作实践
operation radius操作半径
operation regulations操作规程
operation regulations for blast furnace高炉操作制度 (【技】即在高炉操作和调控时必须遵循的规则,主要有四大基本操作制度:①热制度,即炉缸应具有的温度与热量水平;②造渣制度,根据原料条件、产品品种质量及冶炼对炉渣性能的要求,选择合适的炉渣成分(特别是碱度)及软熔带结构和软熔造渣过程;③送风制度,即在一定冶炼条件下选择合适的鼓风参数;④装料制度,即对装料顺序、料批大小和料线高低的合理规定。)
operation room操纵室
operation room操作室
operation sheet使用说明
operation sheet工艺规程
operation side操作侧
operation standard操作规程
operation technique操作技术
operation technique of modern blast furnace现代高炉操作技术
operation with fixed pressure drop固定压差操作
operation with high coal injection rate大喷煤操作
operation with high scrap rate高废钢比操作
operation with long arcs长弧操作 (电弧炉的)
operation with low ore-column低料柱作业
operation with low ore-column低料柱操作
optimization of steelmaking operation炼钢操作最佳化
optimum operation最佳状态操作
optimum operation最佳规范工作
optimum strategy for future BF operation高炉操作前瞻性最佳策略
optimum-fuel-rate operation最佳燃料比操作
oxygen enrichment operation富氧操作
oxygen steelmaking operation氧气炼钢操作
oxygen-fuel steelmaking operation外加燃料的纯氧炼钢工艺
oxygen-fuel steelmaking operation氧气-燃料炼钢操作
oxygen-fuel steelmaking operation外加燃料的纯氧炼钢法
P-C coke operation石油焦操作
P-C operation石油焦炭操作 (高炉的)
PCI operation煤粉喷吹操作
plant operation工业生产
plant operation大规模操作
plant-scale operation工业生产
plant-scale operation大规模操作
positive negative pressure operation压作业
post-combustion operation二次燃烧操作
post-forging operation锻后工序
post-leaching operation浸出后处理
pouring operation浇注操作
pressing operation压制操作
pressure-sizing operation精压操作
production and operation activity生产经营活动
pulling operation拉晶操作
pulverized coal injection operation喷煤操作
pulverized coal injection operation煤粉喷吹操作
quenching operation淬火操作
reclaimer operation回收操作〔作业〕
reducing blast operation减风操作
reducing blast operation【铁】减风操作
reflection operation反射操作
reflection operation反射运算
regulations for technical operation技术操作规程
remote operation远距离操作
repeated operation of hot tundish without preheating热态中间包无预热重复使用
repeated operation of hot tundish without preheating热态中间罐无预热重复作业
repetitive operation重复操作
repress operation【粉】 复压操作
repress operation重压操作
repress operation再压操作
right of contractual operation承包经营权
riveting operation铆接工序
riveting operation铆接操作
roasting operation焙烧作业
roll changing operation换辊操作
rolling operation轧制操作
rotary-kiln operation回转窑操作
roughing operation粗轧
roughing operation粗加工
safe end casting operation安全停浇操作 (【技】连铸进人尾浇阶段后,根据安全要求和相应技术规程所进行的连铸操作。)
salts removal operation除盐操作
scale operation换算操作
scarfing operation锻焊接口操作
scarfing operation火焰清理操作
schedule of operation操作程序
scrubbing operation洗涤操作
scrubbing operation洗涤工序
second pressing operation第二道冲压工序
second pressing operation再次冲压操作
secondary steelmaking operation二次炼钢操作 (Ladle furnaces are among the most widely used pieces of equipment in secondary steelmaking operations and range from relatively simple retrofitted installations to elaborately designed facilities. 在炉外精炼操作中最广为使用的设备是钢包炉。钢包炉可以是简单改造的设备,也可以是精心设计的设备。)
secondary steelmaking operation炉外精炼操作
self-fluxing burden operation of BF高炉自熔性炉料操作
self-fluxing operation高炉采用自熔性炉料操作
self-fluxing operation自熔性炉料操作
sequential operation顺序操作
settling operation定位工序
settling operation固定工序
shaving operation修整工序
shaving operation修边工序
shaving operation剃齿工序
side-trimming operation剪边工序 (板、带材的)
side-trimming operation纵边剪切工序 (板、带材的)
single fan operation单风机运转
single-operation forming一次成形
single-fan operation单风机运转
single-pass operation一次完成操作
single-pass operation单行程加工
single-pass operation单段操作
single-pass operation一次走刀
single-slag operation of converter转炉单渣操作
sintering operation烧结操作
sizing operation精压操作
sizing operation整粒作业
sizing operation过筛操作
sizing operation筛分操作
sizing operation精整操作
slag splashing operation溅渣操作
slag-conditioning agent for splashing operation溅渣调渣剂
slag-free operation无渣操作
slag-free operation无渣操作法
slagging operation渣化操作
slagging operation化渣操作
slagging operation造渣作业
slagless operation无渣操作
slag-remaining operation for converter steelmaking转炉留渣操作
slag-tapping operation放渣操作
slitting operation纵切工序
slitting operation纵向切分工序
slitting operation带材纵向切分工序
smelting operation熔炼操作
smithing operation铁砧上自由锻
smithing operation手锻操作
smooth operation【铁】 顺行
smooth operation操作稳定
smooth operation顺行
smooth operation of BF高炉炉况顺行 (【技】炉料下降均匀、炉温控制良好、煤气分布均匀、生铁合格率高、各项冶炼指标保持良好的高炉冶炼状态。)
smooth operation of BF炉况顺行
smooth operation of blast furnace高炉炉况顺行
smooth operation of blast furnace炉况顺行
smothered arc operation埋弧作业
split-bed operation分床操作
squeezing operation压缩操作
stabilization of furnace operation稳定炉况
staggered parallel operation交叉并联操作
staggered-parallel operation交叉并联操作 (热风炉的)
standardized operation of BF高炉标准化操作
standoff high-velocity operation遥控高速爆炸成形
standoff high-velocity operation远距离高速爆炸冲压成形
start of operation投产
steady operation稳定炉况
steady operation【铁】 稳定冶炼进程
steady operation稳定操作
steady-state operation稳态操作
steel grade change operation【连】变钢种操作
stiff BF operation高炉冶炼进程困难
stiff BF operation高炉难行
stiff BF operation炉况难行
stiff blast furnace operation高炉难行
stiff blast furnace operation高炉冶炼进程困难
stiff blast furnace operation炉况难行
stiff furnace operation高炉冶炼进程困难
stiff furnace operation炉况不顺
stiff furnace operation炉况难行
stiff furnace operation高炉难行
stove operation热风炉操作 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中热风炉所进行的烧炉、送风、换炉和配合高炉休风与复风的作业。)
stove-changing operation热风炉换向操作
strip slitting operation带材纵向切分操作
stripping operation脱锭操作
stripping operation脱模操作
sublance operation副枪操作
subsequent operation后步工序
superintensified smelting operation超强化冶炼操作
swaging operation延伸
swaging operation锻细操作
symmetry operation对称操作
synchronized operation of caster with hot rolling mill连铸机与热轧机同步操作
synchronous operation同步操作
tapping operation出钢作业
technical scale operation工业性生产
technical scale operation工业规模操作
teeming operation浇注操作
temperature of cell operation电解槽操作温度
templating operation放样工序
templating operation放样操作
tight BF operation高炉冶炼进程困难 (【技】高炉炼铁过程中炉况失常的一种表现。炉况难行如不能及时消除,会由于炉料阻塞区域的扩大而转为悬料。炉况难行的征兆是炉料下降变慢,直至出现短时间的停滞; 风压上升,风量下降,二者不相对应,透气性指数明显下降;炉顶温度上升,温度曲线变窄。处理方法是酌情减少风量,使压差低于正常值,风压与风量相对应;如果炉温充足可多减风温;采用发展边缘的装料制度并相应减轻负荷加强炉前操作,出净渣、铁等。)
tight BF operation高炉难行
tight BF operation炉况难行
trimming operation修边工序
trimming operation剪边工序
trouble-free operation无干扰运行
trouble-free operation连续操作
trouble-free operation无故障操作
true time operation实时操作
tundish operation at low level of steel中间包低液位操作
two-shift operation两班操作
two-stage firing operation【团】 两段焙烧操作
two-stage firing operation两段焙烧操作
two-stage roasting operation【团】两段焙烧操作
two-vessel operation【钢】 两转炉同时吹炼
two-vessel operation双炉操作
two-vessel operation两转炉同时吹炼
U-ing operationU 形弯曲作业
underwater standoff operation水下远距离操作
unsteady state operation非稳态操作
upset in blast furnace operation高炉炉况不顺行
upset in blast furnace operation高炉炉况失常
vapour blast operation蒸汽喷砂处理
vapourblast operation蒸气喷砂处理
warehousing operation库房作业
welding operation施焊操作
welding operation焊接法
wire feeding operation喂线操作
working operation操作工序
working operation加工工序
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