
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing Operation | all forms | exact matches only
Asch operation阿施手术
Bose operation博斯手术
Carter operation卡特手术
Chopart operation肖帕尔手术
Coakley operation科克利手术
Dandy operation丹迪手术
Day operation戴氏手术
De Lima operation德利马手术
Denonvilliers operation鼻戊形手术
Desault operation德索手术
destructive operation of labyrinth迷路破坏术
Ely operation埃利手术
endolymphatic shunt operation内淋巴分流术
ethmoid operation筛窦手术
external fronto-ethmo-sphenoidal operation鼻外额窦筛窦蝶窦手术
fenestration operation开窗术
Fergusson operation弗格森手术
Indian operation印度式手术
internal acoustic meatus operation by labyrinth经迷路达内耳道手术
internal acoustic meatus operation by middle cranial fossa经颅中窝途径达内耳道手术
internal auditory meatus operation内耳道手术
intralaryngeal operation under direct laryngoscope直接喉镜下喉内手术
intranasal antral window operation鼻内[上颌]窦开窗术
intranasal window operation of maxillary sinus上颌窦鼻内开窗术
Italian operation意大利式手术
Jako operation雅可氏手术
Jansen operation杨森手术
Jarvis operation贾维斯手术
Jonnesco operation琼斯科手术
Keegan operation基根手术
Killian operation基利手术
King operation金氏手术
Kitamura operation北村手术
Krause operation克罗泽手术
Krimer operation氏手术
Kronlein operation手术
Kuhnt operation库恩手术
Kuhnt-Szymanowski operation库-希手术
Lempert operation兰伯特手术
Liston operation利斯顿手术
Lizars operation利扎斯手术
Lynch operation林奇手术
mastoid operation乳突凿开术
mastoid operation乳突切除术
maxillary antrum operation上颌窦手术
maxillary sinus operation上颌窦手术
McCall-Gardiner operation麦考尔-加迪那手术
Mikulicz operation米库利奇手术
operation of frontal sinus额窦手术
operation of sphenoid sinus蝶窦手术
para-operation radiotherapy术中放射治疗
plastic operation for cicatricial laryngotracheal stenosis喉、气管狭窄整复术
Politzer operation波利策手术
post-operation radiotherapy术后放射治疗
pre-operation radiotherapy术前放射治疗
radical mastoid operation乳突根治术
radical operation of frontal sinus额窦根治术
Ridell operation里德尔手术
Rosen operation罗森手术
Rosenthal operation罗森塔尔手术
Rouge operation鲁热手术
Schonbein operation舍恩拜因手术
Schwartz operation乳突部凿开术
Schwartze operation施瓦策手术
Schwartze-Stacke operation施瓦策-斯泰克手术
Serafini operation塞拉菲尼手术
Shea operation谢伊手术
Sluder Cuillotine operation斯路德扁桃体挤切术
Sluder operation斯路德手术
Sourdille operation苏尔迪耶手术
the operation of stapes footplate trepanation pattern足板钻孔式镫骨手术
Tucker operation图克手术
voice production fistula operation发音管手术
Woodman operation伍德曼手术
Wullstein operation鼓室成形术
Wullstein operation武尔施泰因手术
Wullstein-zollner operation鼓室成形术
Wullstein-zollner operation武尔施泰因-策尔纳二氏手术
Yankauer operation杨格手术