
Terms for subject Commerce containing Operation | all forms | exact matches only
all working time saved in loading operation装货作业中节省的全部工作时间
area of operation经营区域
around-the-clock operation连续二十四小时作业
cooperative business operation project合作经营项目
dealer operation自营商业务
departmental operation部门经营
diversifying operation多种经营业务
efficiency of economic operation经济运行效率
first-hand intelligence data on the operation of the competition有关竞争的第一手资料
foreign exchange operation fund外汇周转资金
foreign operation跨国公司国外业务经营
Foreign Operation Administration国外业务署
fund operation资金运行
fund operation mechanism资金运转机制
funding operation资金运行
in operation在执行
in operation有效
initial operation试运转
lawful in operation现行法律
licensing operation许可证贸易业务
loading operation装货作业
maintenance and operation维修与运营
management operation objective经营目标
marketing operation营销活动
multi sectoral operation跨行业经营
New York Operations Office纽约业务处
normal year of operation正常生产年度
number of days of operation工作日数
objective structure in enterprise's operation企业经营的目标结构
operation and management system经营管理制度
operation expense业务开支
operation instruction使用说明
operation objectives经营目标
operation period经营期
operation planning经营计划
operation planning操作规划
operation test运转试验
plant scale operation工业大规模生产
preliminary operation试运转
prior operation预运行
prior operation预先控制
prior operation预先加工
production operation生产作业
progress of operation作业进度
rate of fixed assets put into operation固定资产交付使用率
real time operation实时工作 (运算)
responsibility for operation经营责任
result of operation经营成效
run at a loss due to poor operation经营不善而亏损
safe in operation操作安全
scope of operation作业范围
sequence of operation运行程序
shakedown operation试运行
single-operation part单工序零件
site for plant erection and operation建厂厂址
start-up of operation开始生产
statement of business operation资产损益表
store operation仓库经营
stores operation材料管理业务
swap operation互惠信贷业务
system of collective operation集体经营制
system of enterprise operation and management企业经营管理制
term of operation经营期限
terminability of operation经营期限性
The regulations have come into operation规定已生效 (force)
The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去
total operation time总经营时间
transform operation mechanism转换经营机制
trial operation工厂竣工试车
turnkey operation交钥匙工程作业
wind up operation中止营业