
Terms for subject Securities containing One | all forms | exact matches only
adopt a flexible policy towards small ones对小企业实行更灵活的政策
adopt a flexible policy towards small ones放活小企业
arrive to one's satisfaction使某方满意
at one's cost某人出资
balance in one's favour某方受益
balance in one's favour某方结余
balance to one's credit某方收益结余
balance to one's debit某方欠款结余
beforehand with one's payment预付款
beforehand with one's payment提前付款
behind in one's payment逾期付款
biggest one-day fall in a decade 10年中一天内最大跌幅
biggest one-day slump单日最大跌幅
business on one's own account自营业务
Capital One美国第一资本金融公司美国最大银行之一
clean off one's debt清偿债务
clear one's estate赎回产业
close out one's shares出售股份 (of the business)
decline one's offer拒绝某方报盘
decline to raise one's limit拒绝提高某方限额
distribution according to one's performance按业绩分配
distribution according to one's performance按劳分配
feather one's own nests饱肥私囊
five step-up one5 年期1年进级结构 (5 step-up 1)
funds at one's own disposal自主支配的资金
funds at one's own disposal自主财力
get quit of one's debt还清债务
get quit of one's debt了结债务
go from one extreme to another从一个极端向另一个极端
have one's "two commas"百万富翁
have the initiative in one's hands掌握主动权
hold one's fire沉住气在股市上
law of one price单一价格定律一种确定的证券应只有同一价格的定律
lose one's capital资本亏损
losing one's shirt输得分文不剩投资者损失所有的投资
losing one's shirt损失殆尽
losses incurred by enterprises in one’s operation企业经营亏损
make full use of one's advantage and avoid its disadvantage扬长避短
make one's own way发家致富
meet one's engagement偿还债务
meet one's engagement执行合同
meet one's liability偿还债务
meet one's specification符合规格
multifactor model combining one year price appreciation含一年期股价上涨因素的多因素模型
on one's own account以其本人身份
on one's own account以本人账户
one bank holding company控制银行的公司
one bank holding company单一银行的控股公司
one bn. exposure 10亿美元敞口
one board lot of securities一手证券
one board lot of securities一板证券
one-by-one disclosure of salary of directors董事工资逐一公布
one cancels other order择一指令
one cancels other order自动替代委托
one cancels other order发交易择一指令
one cancels other order两选一
one cancels other order两选一指令
one cancels other order证券交易取一委托
one corporate entity单一法人实体
one day delivery次日交割
one day loan一日贷款
one day pop单日涨幅股价
one day reversal一日反转
one day rolling currency futures一日掉期外汇期货
one-day trading suspension for holding the general meeting为举行股东大会暂停一天交易
one decision stock单一决策股票有潜力,品质高而值得投资人长线投资的股票
one decision stock绩优股
one-dollar one-vote按股本金额计算票数
one-dollar one-vote一元一票
one-factor model of term structure期限结构单因素模型
one hour trading suspension on the disclosure day在披露日暂停交易一小时
one hundred percent reserve全部储备
one hundred percent reserve百分之百储备
one hundred percent statement百分比报表
one licence, multiple categories多种类别单一牌照
one-line adjustment of equity整体权益调整
one-line adjustment of equity单项权益的调整
one-line vote整笔拨款
one lot一手
one lot一批
one man business一人经营
one man business一人公司
one man control一人经营
one-month HIBOR futures 1个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货
one-month HIBOR futures contract 1个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货合同
one month money一个月资金
one night stand一夜持有
one of the parties当事一方
one-off grant一次性拨款
one-off item一次性项目
one-off item非经常项目
one-off payment单笔付款
one-off payment一次性付款
one-off subsidy一次性补贴
one-on-one meeting单独会谈路演推介中的单独会谈
one-on-one meeting一对一会谈
one percent broker 1%经纪人
one period pricing model一期定价模型
one person corporation一人公司
one price only独此一价
one price policy单价政策
one share one vote rule一股一票制
one share stockholder一股股东
one side market单边市场
one side market单向交易市场
one-step transaction一步交易
one-stock wealthy一股致富者因一支股盈利而暴富的人
one-stock wealthy一股发家者
one-stop banking全套银行业务步到位银行业务
one-stop service一站式服务
one-stop service一条龙式服务
one-stop shopping一步到位式购买
One Thousand一千表示面值
one time fee一次性费用
one-time mandatory call/put options一次性强制转换的买人/卖出期权
one-touch binary options一次性触及式二进制期权
one vote for each share一股一票
one-vote-down system一票否决制 (董事会上)
one way market单向市场
one-year benchmark lending rate一年期基准贷款利率
one year rule一年规则
one year sales gain一年期销售额收益
overrun one's market不肯脱手以致错过行市
overstand one's market要价过高失去出手时机
overstand one's market持股过久失去市场
overstep one's authority越权
pay off one's creditors偿清欠债权人债务
payoff one's creditor偿清债务
rebalancing one's account试算平衡
receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
responsibility for one's own profit and loss自负盈亏
securities business on one's own account证券自营业务
seeking jobs on one's own自谋出路
sole responsibility for one's own profits or losses自负盈亏
spirit one's money away抽逃资金
subject to one's final confirmation以某方最后确认为准
surrender one's registrations放弃注册
three against one ratio writing三对一比率出售
three-against-one ratio writing三对一比率出售
trade on one's own account自营
trade on one's own account用本人账户交易
transforming enterprises into joint-stock ones企业股份制改造
turn a loss making firm into a profitable one企业扭亏为盈
two-against one writing二对一卖出
two-against one writing二对一立权
two-to-one ratio二比一
water one's stock发行股票集资