
Terms for subject Football containing One | all forms | exact matches only
adjust one's position调整位置
below one's best没发挥出最好水平
classic two-on-one situation典型的二打一局面
classic two-on-one situation典型二打一局面
clear one area拉开空挡
dribble one's way forward运球前进
dribble one's way forward盘球前进
Dutch Division One League荷兰甲级联赛
feint to one side假动作身体倾向一侧
French Division One League法国甲级联赛
German Division One League德国甲级联赛
get around one's opponent晃过对方队员
hang up one's boots挂靴
lose one nil0:1 负
make one save扑出一球
one-space enclosure单关守角
one-space jump单关跳
one-space jump—间跳
one stone three birds一石三鸟
one-touch pass直接传球
one-touch pass一次传球
one-touch passing一脚传球
one touch play一脚球
one-touch play一脚球
one-touch shot直接射门
one-touch shot一次射门
one two pass二过一
play at one goal半场攻守
play at one goal半场比赛
recover one's composure恢复镇静
sending two returning one打二还一
Spanish Division One League西班牙甲级联赛
strike the ball with one's hand触摸球带球、击球
surprise and defeat one's opponent出其不意击败对手
three against one3 打 1
three against one三打一
two parallel one-space jump双关