
Terms for subject Management containing One | all forms | exact matches only
centralized reporting to one user向一个使用者报吿
centralized reporting to one user集中制
concentrate on one branch of agriculture农业的单一经营
do one thing at a time专一不二
incorporated one-man concern一人公司
number one"拿摩温",第一号旧称工头
one hundred percent time-premium plan百分之百的时间奖励计划
one-man business个人经营
one man control独断式经营
one man enterprise个人企业
one man leadership system一长制
one man one vote一人一票
one way communication system单方面通讯制度
one way communication system单方面通讯系统
one-way layout一元配置
one-way layout一法配置
one with the excellent qualifications具有优越条件者
One World, One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想北京2008年奥运会主题口号
persons transferred from one position to another调职人员
principle of one-man management一长制原则
spirit of saving "one thousandth of a yuan""一厘钱"精神
system of one-head leadership一长制
two participations, one reform and three-in-one combination两参一改三结合