
Terms for subject Business containing One | all forms | exact matches only
absent from one's post without leave擅离职守
abusing one's powers滥用权力
abusing one's powers to secure advantage for others"开后门"
accept one's order as per instructions接受买方订货指示
accept one's terms and conditions接受交易条件
according to one's means量力而行
account for one's own私人账目
act according to one's capability量力而行
act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands独立自主
advance one's salary预付某人薪水
affix one's private mark画押
agency beyond one's commission越权代理
allow one percent for leakage少算百分之一作为漏损
anticipate one's wage提前使用工资
any one accident每次意外事故
any one aircraft每架飞机
any one bottom每艘船
any one event每次事故
any one location每一地点
any one loss每一损失
any one occurrence每一事故的发生
any one person每一人
any one steamer任何一只船
any one vessel任何一只船
any one voyage任何航次
assess one's income所得额查定
assure one's life保人寿险
at one's public expense公费
attachment on one's properties查封财产
B one乙级
B one二等
B oneB等
B oneB级
balance one's foreign currency budget外汇收支差额
balance one's foreign exchange budget外汇收支差额
base one's expenditure upon one's income量入为出
be behind in one's payment逾期付款
be independent and responsible for one's own profit and loss自主经营、自负盈亏
be reimbursed for what one spends实报实销
be responsible for one's finance财务包干
be through one's apprenticeship学徒期满
bear on one's interests利害攸关
behindhand with one's rent拖欠房租
boost one's profits大捞一把
buy one's ticked after the normal time补票
capable of working on one's own独立工作能力
change one's profession转业
charge to one's account记某人账
class-one national enterprise国家一级企业
clear one's estate to赎产
concentrate on one branch of agriculture农业单一经营
Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality电容器是我公司传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名
connotation expansion of reproduction with one's own funds自筹内涵扩大再生产投资
cover one's own expense补偿消费支岀
cut down one's expenditures节省开支
dally over one's time浪费时间
dally over one's time延误工作
dampen one's enthusiasm挫伤积极性
decibels referred to one milliwatt毫瓦分贝电平、音强单位
depart from one's word违约
desert one's post擅离职守
distribution truncated at one end舍去一端的分布
do business on one's own account自行经营
draw on one's funds提取资金
each according to one's work按劳分配
earn one's bread谋生
earn one's living谋生
earn one's own living自食其力
eat one's words食言
eat one's words取消诺言
embark one's capital in trade投资于商业
engage oneself to perform one's duties负责履行义务
enter upon one's duties就职
err in one's judgement判断错误
evade payment of one's debts躲债
evaluation of one's performance业绩考核
exceed one's authority越权
exceed one's instructions越权
exceeding one's authority越权
excuse oneself for one's conduct替自的行为辩护
execute one's duties尽职
execute one's promises履行承诺
exercise of one's duties执行任务
exercise of ones rights against...对他人行使自己的权利
fail in one's duty失职
fail to keep one's promise违约
file one's schedule报送日程表
file one's tax return报送纳税申报表
five Ws and one H5W1H法
for one's account在某人账上
four-plus-one address四加一地址
gain one's living谋生
get off one's hand货物脱手
get one's work工作获好评
get quit of one's debts了清债务
give full scope to one's ability人尽其才
give one's hand on a bargain保证履行契约
go about one's business着手工作
go beyond one's commission越权
go one better出价高于
guaranteed for one year保证一年
hand in one's business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hold in one's own possession个人持有
hold one to something坚持要…履行诺言
ignore one's proper occupation不务正业
incorporated one-man一人公司
It will be at least one month before our augers are available again至少一个月后,我们的螺旋钻才有货
jostle with one for market与某人争夺市场
Kolmogorov's zero-one law柯尔莫戈洛夫零—壹定律
labor time spent in producing one unit of products单位产品耗费劳动时间
law of one interest rate单一利率原则
leave one's job离职
leave one's position without permission-absent擅离职守
lie on one's hands没有脱手
limit any one loss每笔损失限额
line one's pocket肥私囊
live by one's work自食其力
live by ones own labor自食其力
live on one's wages靠工资生活
live within one's means量入为出
lose one's ability of activity丧失活动能力
lose one's ability to live丧失生活能力
lose one's ability to work丧失工作能力
lose one's capital亏本
lose one's reputation丧失信誉
make advance to one向…贷款
make one's jack赚大钱
master of one's own affairs当家作主
means of earning one's livelihood谋生手段
meet one's engagement践约
meet one's engagement偿清债务
mend one's market改善业务情况
multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing同一笔账编制的复式现金收入单据
multistratum one-unit panel survey多层—单位连续固定样本调查
multistratum one-unit survey多层一单位调查
negligent of one's duty玩忽职守
nullify one's registration注销登记
number one头等
number one第一
number one头号
observe one's contractual obligation遵守契约义务
on one's own account自负盈亏
one after another一个接一个地
one bad value一个剧烈偏离值
one bank holding company单一银行持股公司
one cancels the other order用一个指令撤销另一个指令
one-degree-of-freedom system单自由度系统
one-dollar one-vote yardstick按股权金额计算票数
one equation-at-a-time procedure一次一个方程程序
one extreme value极值
one-factor analysis of variance单因子方差分析
one hundred percent income statement全部收益表
one hundred percent increase全面增长
one hundred percent increase成倍增长
one hundred percent reserve plan全面准备计划
one hundred percent time premium plan百分之百时间奖励计划
one-item company单一商品公司
one-job skill单一作业技能
one-line consolidation单线并合
one line vote整笔拨款
one man一员
one man个人
one man一人
one man business个人经营
one-man company独资公司
one-man company一人经营的公司
one man control独断式管理
one man management独断式管理
one man office独资公司
one-name paper单名票据
"one off" production加工定做
one parameter process单参数值过程
one-period-ahead forecast提前一期预测
one piece整体式
one-point arbitrage一个地点套利
one price only定价划一
one price policy不二价政策
one price shop不二价商店
one replication一次重复
one right way单一法门
one's own making parts costs自制零件成本
one sample单样本
one-sampling test单一抽验
one share stockholder单股股东
one-shot game一次有效对策
one-shot payment一次支付回扣
one-shot payment一次支付回扣
one side单面
one side coated单面涂布的
one-side limitation单方限制
one-side test单侧检验
one-sided alternative单侧备择
one-sided alternative hypothesis单侧备择假设
one-sided approximation单侧逼近
one-sided confidence region单侧置信区域
one-sided difference scheme单侧差分格式
one-sided distributive law单侧分配率
one-sided hypothesis test单侧假设检验
one-sided interval单侧区间
one-sided limits单侧极限
one-sided manifold单侧流形
one sided market单方市场
one-sided most favored nation clause片面最惠国条款
one-sided polyhedron单侧多面体
one-sided trade单向贸易
one-sided upper confidence bound单侧上置信限
one-sided variation单侧变分
one step一步作业
one step method—步法
one step transition probability一步转移概率
one street单行道
one-tail critical region单尾临界域
one-tailed hypothesis test单尾假设检验
one-tailed t-test单尾t检验
one-third deduction clause 1/3扣减条款
one-time mutual apportionment一次交互分配法
one time payment一次性支付
one time processing一次性加工
one time special price一次性处理价格
one time test一次性检验
one-to-one correspondence一一对应
one-to-one function一对一函数
one-to-one transformation一对一变换
one vote一票权
one-way analysis of variance单向方差分析
one way analysis of variance model单向方差分析模型
one-way causation单向因果关系
one-way classification table单向分类表
one way communication system单向通讯系统
one-way fare单程运费车船费
one-way grouping单向分组
one-way grouping单向组合
one-way layout单向配置
one way market单方市场
one-way package单向接头
one-way ticket单程票
one-way trade单程贸易
one world system单一世界体系
one-writing system传票制
one year authority限当年有效的预算或拨款授权
one year renewable term—年一续的条件
one-year renewable term保险一年一续的保险条件
one-zero programming0-1规划
only one price定价划一
originate with one of the clients由客户提出
overcheck one's account透支
overrun one's market错失脱手机会
overstand one's market讨价过高而失去出售机会
pay one's own way自付账
pay ones way尽职
pay ones way支付应负担的费用
pool the order into one shipment将订单货物集中一次装运
present value of one per period每期一元的现值
present worth of one dollar一元现值
priority of one's claim优先索赔权
pull a fast one欺骗
pull a fast one欺诈
purchase of one or more old partner买入一人或多人的入伙权
quadric equation in one variable一元二次方程式
qualify one's claim限制某人索赔
quarter one第一季度
ready-money and one price付现不折价指交易须支付现金,价格不打折扣,即实价付现
recover one's losses捞本
Rectifier efficiency is one of the main specifications of large rectifier devices整流效率是大型整流设备的主要技术指标之一
rely on one's own efforts自力更生
replace the older generations by new ones更新换代
replace the older generations of products by new ones产品更新换代
responsible for one's own profit and loss自负盈亏
run behind one's expenses入不敷出
sales through one's own channels自销
save one's pains节省劳力
select for employment on the basis of one's qualification择优录用
sell one up变卖债务人财产抵债
set one's self up in business备本经商
speak one's mind直言
stand to one's post坚守岗位
stand to one's words遵守诺
stand to one's words守约
stand-by one's promise遵守诺言
symmetric rank-one algorithm对称秩/算法
system of one-man leadership—长制
take up one's indenture服务期满
ten-to-one rule十进制法则
three-in-one combination三结合
two to one rule二对一原则
two-to-one ratio二对一比率指流动比率
We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price我们还有——款类似的产品,价格便宜很多
We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment我们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件
zero-one dummy variable零至一虚拟变数
zero-one renewal process零至一次更新过程
zero-one scale零至一标度