
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing One | all forms | exact matches only
annual through capacity in one-way年单向通过能力
charge for one interval单段爆破药量
full depth one stage method全孔一次灌浆法
irrigation and drainage from one field to another串灌串排
maximum one-day rainfall最大日雨量
one-and-a-half breaker configuration一个半断路器接线
One Belt One Road一带一路
one-centered arch单心拱
one-centered arch圆拱
one complete screwthread完整丝扣
one-course concrete pavement单程混凝土铺面
one-dimensional consolidation一维固结
one-dimensional consolidation单向固结
one-farm storage农场水库
one-farm storage田间蓄水
one-line diagram主接线图
one machine-infinity bus system单机无穷大系统
one percent chance flood百年一遇洪水
one single -pipe loop circuit heating system水平单管采暖系统
one-point method of stream gaging一点测流法
one-point method of stream gauging一点测流法
one side welding单面焊接
one-to-one control mode一对一控制方式
one-way continuous slab单向连续板
one-way lock单向船闸
one-way reinforcement单向配筋
one-way reinforcement单向钢筋
one-way slab with multispans多跨单向板
one-way surge tank单通调压塔
one-way valve逆止阀
one-way valve止回阀
one-way valve单向阀
single-lagoon one-way tidal power development单库单向开发
stator one point earthing定子一点接地
three phase one shot reclosure三相一次重合闸
two-lagoon one-way tidal power station双库单向电站