
Terms for subject Textile industry containing One | all forms | exact matches only
abuse one's official power滥用职权
accept one's order as per instructions根据买方指令接受订单
accept one's terms and conditions接受交易条款与条件
affix one's signature署名
affix one's signature to an agreement在协议上签字
albin-one built-up neckline一片式高领口
all in one piece materal整料
all-in-one bikini一片式比基尼泳衣
all-in-one body smoother全合一内衣
all-in-one collar一体领
all-in-one cuff一片式袖头
all-in-one flat button clamp整套平纽扣夹紧器
all-in-one garment上下连装
all-in-one girdle胸罩腰带
all-in-one in-seam pocket袋布连在面料上的内缝插袋
all-in-one petal片式花瓣袖
all-in-one sleeve妇女紧身袖
all-in-one vest婴儿连体背心
all-in-one wrap skirt一片式裹裙
alternative type one-way fasteners变化型单向拉链
any one risk任何风险
any one risk每一风险
basic one piece shawl collar一片式基本型苹果领
break one's engagement解约
button one double倒梯形双排纽上装款式
change in one's overall换上工作裤
change into one's overall换上工作裤
change one's clothes换衣服
change one's profession改业
change one's profession改行
close out one's shares抛售股份
close out one's shares出售股份
cloth-one-side sheet单面胶布
cut-in-one sleeve一片袖
cutting by one-piece单件裁剪
cutting by one-piece一件裁剪
discharge one's debts清偿债务
discharge one's duties履行义务
do business on one's own自营商业
face to face one way spreading双幅对称铺料
fail to keep one's promise背约,违约
fail to keep one's words不守诺言
flat bed one needle lockstitch sewing machine单针锁缝机
flat bed one needle lockstitch sewing machine单机针锁式线迹平缝机
give one's hand on保证履行契约
guide bar shogging movement with one link per course单行程梳栉横移运动
in one's favor受益人为
knotched one piece shawl collar缺口单面青果领
ladies' one-piece ski suit妇式滑雪连身服
lose one's job失职
lose one's job失业
lose one's market丧失市场
lose one's market失去销路
lose one's shirt损失所有财产
market one's own product自产自销
market one's own products自产自销
meet one's liabilities偿还债务
monopoly of one's invention发明专利权
multi-thread chain stitch one sided ornamental stitch单面绷链式线迹
one-and-one ribbed goods1+1 罗纹针织品
one-and-one ribbed goods1 + 1 罗纹针织品
one-and-one top 1+1罗口
one-and-one top 1+1袜口罗纹
one-and-one top袜口罗纹
one-and-one top1+1 罗口
one band sliders宽带袢拖鞋
one-bar tricot stitch单梳栉经编织物
one batch of commodities一批商品
one batch of goods一批货物
one bath Cuprammonium process铜氨纤维一浴工艺
one bath dyeing一浴染色
one bath dyeing process一浴法染色
one-bath process一浴法
one block deal一揽子交易
one-button cuff单纽窄袖口
one-button cuff单扣袖头
one button frock coat单纽男大衣
one-button frock coat单纽男礼服大衣
one button frock coat单纽男礼服大衣
one-button frock coat单纽男大衣
one button short sleeve cardigan单扣短袖开襟衫
one-button single breast单排单纽的
one-button single-breasted jacket单襟式单扣上衣
one-button style一颗纽款式
one-button suit单扣西装
one-button suit单纽西装
one by one rib 1*1罗纹
one by one rib1/1 罗纹
one-by-one rib1+1 罗纹
one-by-one rib knitted fabric细罗纹织物
one-by-one rib knitted fabric 1+1细罗纹针织物
one-by-one rib knitted fabric 1+1罗纹针织物
one-by-one rib knitted fabric1+1 罗纹针织物
one collar单片领
one-colour coordination同色相配色
one-colour material单色缝料
one continuous line一条龙
one cycle test一次循环试验
one-dart skirt单省裙
one-dart skirt foundation单省道裙片原型
one dimensional anisotropic一维异向
one dimensional defect线状疵点
one dimensional product一维产品
one dip nip浸轧对辊
one dollar blouse一美元女衫
one-face fabric单面织物
one face fabric单面织物
one-head embroidery machine单头绣花机
one hour dress速成装
one-hour dress速成装一小时制成
one-hundred denier crepe百旦绉
one hundred denier crepe百旦绉
one-hundred pleater厨师帽
one hundred pleater厨师帽
one-hundred-pleat skirt百褶裙
one layer yoke单层过肩
one line production线流水作业
one line production单线生产
one man company独资公司
one man company个人公司
one man management专责制
one-man show个人作品展
one needle lockstitch machine单针锁式线迹缝纫机
one needle lockstitch machine单针锁缝机
one-part mold个人作品展
one-part mold单粒包纽模
one-pass coating单程涂层
one person control个体户
one person control一人经营商店
one phase printing process一相印花法
one phase treatment单相处理
one-pice dress连衣裙
one-piece annhole cowl整片式袖窿垂褶
one-piece back服装无背缝
one-piece back无背缝
one-piece bathing suit连体露背泳装
one-piece bathing suit连衣裤泳装
one-piece bodysuit连身裤
one-piece bodysuit连衣裤
one-piece clothes一件头服装
one-piece clothes体服装
one-piece clothes件头服装连衣裙
one-piece clothes衣裤相连或衣裙相连的服装
one-piece collar一片领
one-piece collar单片领
one-piece collar上盘领
one-piece collar单页领
one piece combination连衫裤
one-piece combination连衫裤
one-piece corset紧身胸衣裙
one-piece cuff一片式袖口
one-piece cuff一片式克夫
one-piece diamond-shape gusset单片菱形腋下插角布
one-piece dress连衣裙
one-piece dress suit连衣裙套装
one-piece facing连裁挂面
one-piece fire-fighting suit密闭式消防服
one-piece fitted sheath dress一片式合体连衣直裙
one-piece flap一片裁的袋盖
one-piece flow单件流水
one-piece garment深衣
one-piece garment衣裤相连的服装
one-piece garment整体成形服装
one piece garment衣裤相连的服装
one-piece jersey suit整件针织运动衫童装
one-piece jersey suit上下连身针织运动衫
one-piece jumpsuit衣裤相连无腰线连裤装
one-piece lapel一片式驳领
one-piece look连衣裙款式
one-piece look形似连衫裙的两件套款式
one-piece look上下装
one-piece look一片式风貌
one-piece look一片式款式
one-piece look形似连衣裙的两件套款式
one-piece look连衫裙款式
one-piece molded construction制衣整片模压结构
one-piece needle无舌织针
one-piece playsuit一件式娱乐服
one-piece pocket片式袋片
one-piece pocket一片袋
one-piece raglan sleeve连肩袖
one-piece rigid rapier刚性单剑杆
one-piece rigid rapier单根刚性剑杆
one-piece silhouette一片式服装轮廓线
one-piece skirt单片裙
one-piece skirt整裙
one-piece skirt单页裙
one-piece skirt一片裙
one-piece sleeve大裁袖
one-piece sleeve一片袖
one-piece sleeve整袖
one-piece sleeve整片袖
one-piece sleeve placket一片式袖衩
one-piece style一片式连装款式
one-piece suit连身套装
one-piece suit连身工作服
one-piece swimsuit单件头女泳装
one-piece underwire swimsuit内衬钢丝胸托的女泳装
one-piece vamp shoes整帮鞋
one-ply yarn单股纱
one-point blouse一点饰女衫
one-point look一点饰款式
one-point look单独标记款式
one-point mark单独标记
one-point shirt有单独标记的女衫在衣服局部或某点装饰标记
one-point shirt星标饰女衫
one-point style点饰款式
one price统一定价
one price only统一定价
one-process automatic hosiery machine一步成形法袜机
one-process automatic hosiery machine单程式自动织袜机
one-process gannent knitting整体编织
one-process garment knitting整体编织
one-process hosiery manufacture一步成形织袜法
one repeat完全组织
one-seam skirt一片裙
one set corset一套紧身衣
one set corset女用束腹套衣
one shipment一批发货
one shipment一次装运
one shot size组合浆料
one shot size混合好的浆料
one shot size集成浆料
one-shoulder dress单肩连衣裙
one-shoulder dress单肩连裙裤
one shoulder dress单肩连衣裙
one-shoulder gown单肩长袍
one-shoulder gown单肩袍装
one-shoulder neckline斜肩领口
one shoulder neckline单肩式领
one shoulder neckline单肩领口
one-shoulder neckline单肩式领口
one shoulder stretch rib top单肩带弹力罗纹衫
one-shoulder style单肩款式
one-side drill单面卡其
one-side fancy suiting单面花呢
one-side printings单面印花
one-sided covering stitch单面缝线迹
one-sided drill单面卡其
one-sided fabric单面织物
one-sided fancy suiting单面花呢
one-sided fullness单向增摆量
one-sided market单向市场
one-sided market单方市场
one sided printing单面印花
one-sided satin handkerchief单面缎纹手帕
one-sided satin handkerchief单面缎条手帕
one-sided satin stripes silk-like handkerchief单面缎条仿绸手帕
one-sided spiral transport system单面螺旋状运行织物
one-sided terry单面毛圈织物
one-size bra单码胸罩
one-size bra弹力胸罩
one-size bra均码胸罩
one-size-fits-all均码服装 (model)
one-size-fits-all单一尺寸服装 (model)
one squeezing nip压浆对辊
one step一步法
one step doubling twisting一步法并捻
one-third tone三分之一色调
one-thread blindstitch hemming machine单线暗缝卷边机
one-thread overseaming stitch单线包缝线迹
one-thread roll hemming machine单线卷边机
one-time consumption一次消耗
one-time payment一次性付款
one-time payment一次性支付
one-time use次性使用
one tuck单褶
one/two-head embroidery machine单头/ 双头绣花机
one-wash finishing次水洗牛仔裤
one way单行布向
one-way cloth pattern织物单向图案
one-way design单向图案
one-way design单向花样
one way fare单程费用
one way fare单程票
one-way fastener单向拉链
normal type one-way fasteners单向拉链
one-way layout衣片一顺向排料
one-way layout一顺排
one-way pile单向绒毛
one-way placement衣片一顺向排料
one-way placement一顺排
one-way pleat顺裥
one-way pleat单向褶
one-way pleat顺褶裥
one-way pleat顺风褶
one way pleat顺风裥
one-way print单向印花
one-way spreading单向铺料法
one-way spreading一顺铺
one way spreading单层单向铺料法
one way trade单向贸易
one-way water action单向水流作用
one year budget单年度预算
open-bottom all-in-one妇女胸衣
open-end one-way fastener开口式单向拉链
pattern layout by one closed side一头齐的缝纫排料
pay according to one's post职务工资
pay off one's creditors偿清债务
pay one's way尽职
pay one's way不负债
pay one's way支付费用
pay one's way勉强维持
pay one's way支付应负担的费用
plus one三股线精纺呢
plus one dress添一件式装束
plus one fashion加一时装在原款式上加一牛服装,变换效果
plus one fashion增加一件的款式在已流行的款式上增加一件
plus one fashion加一时装
plus one fashion增加一件的款式
put off one's coat脱掉外衣
put one's signature to a contract在合同上签名
racking with one bed往复移针编织
replenish one's stock进货
replenish one's stock补充库存
satisfy one's creditor偿付债权人
save one's pocket省钱
semi-flare one-piece半展宽连衣裙
settle one's score清账
settle one's score结账
sew one-way pleat叠顺裥
sew one-way pleat缝叠顺桐
taxable from day one从第一天起纳税
three to one skip stitch三针跳针线迹
three to one skip stitch三针跳一针
three-in-one shirt dress三合一衬衫式裙衫
three-in-one wool blended fancy suitings毛三合一花呢
three-in-one wool fancy suiting三合一毛花呢
two to one skip stitch两针跳一针线迹
two to one skip stitch两针跳一针
two-in-one shir双拼衬衫两种不同衣料缝合而成的衬衫
untie one's tie解开领带
wool one-side gabardeen全毛单面华达呢
wool one-side gabardine全毛单面华达呢
yoke and sleeve in one育克式连肩袖
yoke and sleeve in one过肩式连肩袖