
Terms for subject General containing One | all forms | exact matches only
Abdominal pain is one of the basic symptoms, generally the initial and most frequent symptom and it can be an indication for the initial stage of cancer腹痛一般是初步症状,也是最基本、最常见的症状,它可能是初期癌症的指征
about as good as that one差不多同那个一样地好
According to the present rate, 6.88 Chinese yuan in cash is equivalent to one U. S. dollar.根据目前的牌价,6. 88元人民币相当于1美元
Actually, steel products are one of Mexico’s traditional exports. They're highly reputed for their quality实际上,钢材产品是墨西哥传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名
adjust the error to within one micron把误差调整到 1 微米之内
advance the clock one hour把钟拨快一小时
all but one只差一墩
"all in one" camera万能〔多用途〕电视摄像机
all one全然〔完全〕相同
all one can尽自己一切力量
all one has尽自己一切力量
all one knows力所能尽的一切
all one knows全部能力〔聪明才智〕
all one knows尽一切可能
all one knows尽全力
all one knows自己力能所及的一切
all one's life一辈子
all one's life一生
all one to对…说来都一样
Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡
an element is made of but one kind of material元素仅仅是由一种物质组成的
answer one's expectations如愿以偿
answer one's expectations符合希望
answer one's expectations不负所望
as best as one can尽量
as best as one can尽最大努力
as best as one can尽可能
as best one may极力设法
as best as one may尽最大努力
as best as one may尽量
as best one may尽最大努力
as best as one may尽可能
as one man一致地
As one of the natural fibers, jute is grabbing more and more attention for its unique advantages黄麻作为天然纤维的一种,因其独特的优势越来越受到关注
at any one time在任何一个时刻
at one协力地 (with...)
at one一致地
at one协力
at one和…一致 (with...)
at one blast一吹〔喷,气,直〕
at one blow突然地
at one blow一下子
at one blow一击
at one burst发奋一下
at one clap一齐
at one clap一下子
at one clip一次
at one feed
at one fling一举
at one fling一口气
at one go一举
at one go一次
at one go一气
at one go一口气
at one go-off一气
at one go-off一举
at one push —-一下子
at one push —-一口气
at one push —-
at one's own choice任意
at one scoop一下子
at one scoop一舀〔铲,次〕就
at one sitting一次
at one sitting一口气
at one stroke
at one stroke一举〔击,次〕
at one fell swoop一举
at one fell swoop一下子
at one-third of the height在高度的三分之一处
at one time同时
at one time一度
at one time曾经
at one time过去有一个时期
at one time一次
at one time or another总有一个时候
at one time or another在这一或那一时间
at one word立刻
at one word马上
at with one bound—跃〔跳〕
back to square one使积滞
back to square one问题等回到原来的状态没有解决
bar one除一个之外
bar one有一例外
Barton one club巴顿一梅花开叫
be all one to对…来说无所谓
be all one toM 对 M 完全一样
be all one to对…完全一样
be at one一心
be best of one's ability尽量
be contrary to one's expectation不料
be inclined or leaning to one side
be one-third the size ofM 大小〔尺寸〕 是 M 的 1/3
be one too many for优于
be one too many for胜过
be united as one团结一致
beat one使某人莫名其妙
beat one使某人感到迷惑
become one成为一体
before one has finished迟早含有不赞同、责备的意思
before one's eyes眼前
Before you reach for the cough syrup, try one of these natural remedies在你使用咳嗽糖浆之前,试试这些天然疗法的其中之一吧
bend one's head低头
bend-over one-arm rowing屈体单臂划船
bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂
book one第一册
break one's journey中途下车
by ones and twos三三两两地
by ones and twos一次一两个
Can I book one for the 2 nd?我能预订10月2日的房间吗?
Can you install a car seat in one of those cars? I have a 3-year-old son with me您能在其中一辆车中为我3岁的儿子加一个车座吗?
carry all before one获得重大成功
carry everything before one获得重大成功
carry everything before one所向披靡
carry the world before one迅速全面地成功
carry with one获得…的支持赞同在记忆中保留某事,某人
chapter one第一章
chest-high one-arm downward extension胸前单臂下屈伸
chest-high one-arm sideward extension胸前单臂侧屈
class one高个组身高 1.75 米以上
close an one's accounts with与…结清账目
come to oneˈs autumn自食其果
come to oneˈs autumn过了中年
come up to one's expectations符合希望
come up to one's expectations如愿以偿
come up to one's expectations不负所望
concentrate one 's attention on把注意力集中到
concentrate one's mind on意守
count from one to ten从一数到十
defense to double of one no trump opening无将开叫加倍防守
defense to one no trump opening防守无将开叫
do all one can尽力
do one a favour答应…请求
do one a favour帮…忙
Do you have a vegetarian meal? I'm glad to have one你们有素食餐吗?我想要一份
Do you have anything for this one and a half years old baby?请问有一岁半儿童能吃的食物吗?
Do you want separate bills or just one single bill?您想分开结账还是一起结账?
Do you want to buy a one-way ticket or a round trip ticket?您想买单程票还是往返票?
Don't try everything at one time, please. And don't eat too much there不要一次什么东西都吃。而且不要吃太多
dot and carry one逢十进一
dot and carry one加法打点进位
dtrike one's flag舰队司令等降旗离职
dtrike one's flag降旗表示投降〔致敬〕
Each cheque you write will cost one dollar您每开一张支票就要花一美元
Each one of us has some risk for becoming depressed我们每个人都有一定程度的抑郁风险
earn one point with two techniques半胜合一胜
Economy fare for one way trip from New York to Shanghai is $800从纽约飞往上海的经济舱票价为800美元
empty a glass at one gulp一口气喝完一杯
Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处
fifteen hands one inch十五手宽一英寸
fire in one's belly积极性
fire in one's belly推动力
fire in one's belly孢负
fix one's eyes on
for all one knows恐怕是
for all one knows大半
for all one knows据…所知
for one比方说
for one作为其中之—
for one举例说
for one至少
for one例如
for one作为其中之一
for one's sake为某人好
for one thing举一件事来说
for one thing举个例来说
for one thing理由之一是
for one thing有一个理由
for one thing首先
for one thing一则
for one thing..., for another...首先…,再者〔其次〕…
for one thing... for another thing二则…
for one thing... for another thing一则…
for one thing... for another thing其二…
for one thing... for another thing其一…
force one's way in
forcing one no trump逼叫性一无将
four-three-two -one四三二一计点法
friction is the rubbing of one thing against another摩擦是一物和另一物相擦
from one side to the other从一头〔侧〕到另一头〔侧〕
get one's dander up发脾气
get one's dander up发怒
harp on one string老调重弹
harp on one string反复讲〔写〕同一题目
have all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷
have fight in one有战斗力
have fight in one有斗志
have one eye on边做边注意
he spoke too fast, no one knew what he said他说得太快,谁也不知道他讲了些什么
hear of one+补充语听说…怎么样
height of one diffusion unit扩散单位高度
hit one's books用功
hit one's books做功课
hold one's service保持发球权
How about buy one and get one free?买一送一怎么样?
I did not order this one and please change it to lettuce salad这个不对,麻烦换成萬苣沙拉
I had a stomach problem one time after I ate some snacks一次吃完小吃以后,胃就有问题
I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著
I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?
I have never seen such a shameless guy. He asked me for 100 dollars for only a one kilometer's ride!我从来没见过这么无耻的人。一公里的路程竟然要我一百美兀
I like that oval-shaped one我喜欢那个椭圆形的
I like the smell of pineapples. I'd like one我喜欢菠萝的味道,要一个
I like this one. It goes with my skinny jeans我喜欢这件,它很配我的紧身牛仔裤
I live, as sure as one lives的的确确
I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩
I prefer the red ones. It graces your dress我觉得红色那对更配,戴上它让你的裙子看起来更优美
I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one昨天,我看到海滩上有人租冲浪板,我想租一个
I think the leopard print one looks nice我想那个豹纹的看起来很不错
I want one more bolt我还需要一〔五〕个螺栓
I want one more five more bolts我还需要一〔五〕个螺栓
I want ten one hundred dollars and the rest in change, please我要十张100美元的,其余的换成零钱
I want the figured Dacron one我要提花涤纶那款
I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点
I will take the yellow one我要买黄色的这个
I would like one fried egg, sunny side up and the sausage on the side我要个荷包蛋,只煎一面,另外还要点香肠
I'd like to extend my reservation for one more night我想将预订再延长一晚
I'd like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section我一定要一个靠窗的座位,在无烟区
If I buy more than one, will you reduce the price?要是我多买一点能便宜点吗?
If not, I'll send someone down to get one from the pharmacy如果没有,我马上派人到药店买一个过来
If you want to make one, you need the satin如果你想做一件旗袍,就要买缎子
I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
I'll just find out for you, sir. Hello, are you still there? Unfortunately, Mr. Chen is not available at the moment. Would you mind holding for one minute?先生,我替你找一下。你好,还在吗?很不巧,陈先生现在不在,你介不介意稍微等一分钟?
I'm checking out now, and I'd like to get a taxi to the airport. Could you get one for me, please?我现在要退房,并且需要一部计程车到机场。麻烦你帮我叫一辆,好吗?
I'm sorry, you can only have one. You need to pay for the extra one对不起,您一次只能有一包。多的要另外付费
I’m the sales manager of Audi. This is one of our newest hi-tech vehicles我是奥迪公司的销售经理,这是我们公司最新的高科技汽车
incident with one another相互关联
7 into 15 goes twice and one over七除十五得二剩一
it is just 15m from one pole to another从一杆到另一杆距离正好15m
it is possible to have one hundred million telephone channels operating simultaneously让一亿条路同时通话是可能的
It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心
it's all one toM 对M都是一样〔没有什么不同〕
I've been waiting in the baggage claim area for one hour, but still can't find my luggage我在行李认领处等了一个小时了,却还是找不到行李
I've bought the ticket. We'll go to Rome. The plane ticket is not cheap, and we spend so much money on ticket just for one beautiful meal我已经订好机票了,去罗马。飞机票可不便宜呢,我们花那么多钱买机票,就为了好好吃一顿
kill two birds with one stone一举两得
kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕
1000 kilograms makes one ton1000 千克等于 1 吨
know what one is about做事有把握
know what one is about一切都应付自如
last but one倒数第二
last but one倒数第二〔三〕
lay one's course制订计划
lay one's course直驶
lay one's finger on触犯
lay one's finger on干涉
lay one's finger on正确明白指出错误,痛处
lay one's finger upon干涉
lay one's finger upon触犯
lay one's finger upon正确明白指出错误,痛处
lean one way or another朝各个方向倾斜
lean one way or another左右倾斜
lengthened one-card double menace加长单张双胁张
Let me check to see if we have one available我看看有没有您需要的车型
Like poetry and novel, drama is one of the most important literary genres像诗歌和小说一样,戏剧是最重要的文学流派之一
Lining is a brand for sportswear, created by Li Ning, one of the most famous gymnast in the world李宁是一个运动装品牌,由世界最著名的体操运动员之一李宁创立
informal little treasured one宝贝
lose one's bearings晕头转向
lose one's head冲动
lose one's way迷路
lower one's flag舰队司令等降旗离职
lower one's flag降旗表示投降〔致敬〕
make one
make one' marble good讨好
make one' marble good改善自己地位
make one' marble good留下好印象
make one's fortune发财致富
make up one's mind做决定
make up one's mind决心
many-one function table一函数表
Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel李小姐被认为是酒店里最好的女调酒师
miss one's figure算错
miss one's figure铸成大错
miss one's figure失算
much at one结果,价值,影响,见解等几乎相同
My wife left her shoulder bag on a number one-o-one bus. Has anyone turned it in yet?我太太把单肩包掉在101公交车上了。有人捡到送去你们那里了吗?
neck-back one-arm extension颈后单臂屈伸
nest one on top of another把一个套〔码〕在另一个的顶上
next but one相邻第二个
next but one隔一个
next but one第三个
next but one相隔一〔二,三〕个
no better than one should be不规矩
no better than one should be行为不正
no one but只是
no one but只不过是
no one could lift it没有人能单独把它举起来
no one has ever seen it从来也没人见过它
no one wanted to buy.
nod one's head点头
not change by one iota丝毫也不变
not... if one can help it就不…
not... if one can help it如果能避免〔有办法〕
not make chalk of one and cheese of the other大公无私
not make chalk of one and cheese of the other公平待遇
not make chalk of one and cheese of the other一视同仁
not make one single concession不作任何一点让步
not one jot or tittle没有一点
not one jot or tittle根本〔丝毫〕没有
not one jot or tittle丝毫〔一点〕也没有
number one个人利益
number one第一号〔流〕
number one自己
Number one一号
number one
OK, this one has a 30 GB hard disc, 17, 000, 000 pixels and a 3-inch LCD screen好,这款相机有30G的硬盘,1700万像素,还有一个三英尺的显示屏
on more scores than one为了种种理由
on one occasion有一次
on one occasion曾经
on one occasion一度
on one's own initiative主动
on one's person随身
on one? s way在路上
on one side在一旁〔边〕
on ones account由于…的原因
on ones account为了
on ones own account自行负责
on ones own account为了…本身的缘故
on ones own account独立地
on ones own account独自
on the one hand...另一方面…
on the one hand...一方面…
on the one hand, on the other hand...一方面…,另一方面…
once one is one一一得一
only one唯一
only one fare单一票价
only one particle was observed to be released发现释放出来的只有一个粒子
opening moves to demonstrate one’s skills出手
opening one no trump bid一无将开叫
partial-one半选" 1 " 的
Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure请您至少在飞机起飞前一小时到达机场
please enter my subscription for one year toM 请检收
please enter my subscription for one year toM 寄去 M 的一年订费
price one's goods out of the market厂商定价过高漫天要价以致减少没有销路
printed one side only仅单面印刷
program language/one程序设计语言-1
read 0.01 as point aught one把 0,01 读作零点零一
recover one's property发现某人的财物
Reith one over one里斯一盖一叫法
require additional force from one side or the other需要从某一侧再加一-个力
roll into one合而成为一个
roll into one合成一体
rule of N-minus-oneN 减一法则
rule of X-plus-one加一法则
send one's regards to向某人问好
settle one's account结账
shift one's position变换位置
shoulder level one-arm curl平肩单臂弯举
sister-in-law who is a sister of one's wife
six of one and half a dozen of the other差不多
six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两
six to one相差悬殊
six to one六对一
Skinner responses to one no trump opening斯金纳应叫一无将开叫
some one某个
some one某人
some one有人
square one同等情况
square one起点
stance on one leg独立步
such a one这样一个人
surfaced on one side and two edges一面两边刨光的木板
surfaced on two sides and one edge两面一边刨光的木板
sweep all before one所向无敌
sweep all before one大获全胜
sweep all before one得到彻底的成功
sweep everything before one大获全胜
sweep everything before one得到彻底的成功
Take one pill with a glass of water用水服,服用一片
take one's time不着急
take one step ahead进一步
take one thing with another考虑各种情况
take the problems one by one把问题逐个地研究〔处理〕
taking one thing with another平均计算
taking one with another大概
taking one thing with another总的看来
taking one with another大体上
taking one thing with another大概
taking one with another大体〔总的〕看来
talking one... with another平均计算
talking one... with another大概
talking one... with another大体看来
tell one from the other对两者加以辨别
tell one's own story本身就很清楚
tell one's own story不言自明
ten to one十之八九
ten to one非常可能
ten to one十有八九
ten to one很有可能
ten-in-one ration十人一天的配给食物
the absent one缺席者
the all and the one整体
the all and the one全部
The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒
The black one is fine. Please bring me some rock sugar黑咖啡就好,不过给我点冰糖
The Caspian Sea is one of the smallest sea in the world里海是世界上最小的海之一
the chances are ten to one that十之八九是…
The doctor said you have got the flu. She will prescribe some medicine for you. You'd better stay in bed for one or two days医生说您感冒了,她会给您开药,并建议您最好在床上休息一两天
the evil one魔鬼
the evil one恶魔
the first but one第二〔三、四〕
the last but one倒数第二除去一个之后的最后一个
the little ones孩子们
The metro card is non-registered. You should apply for a new one一卡通是不记名的。你得再办一张
the one...唯一的
the one..., the other...前者…,后者…
the one M the other前者是 M 后者是 N (N)
the one..., the other...一个是…,另一个是…
the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun being at one focus而太阳在它的一个焦点上
the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun being at one focus每一个行星的轨道都是椭圆形的
the pole is thicker at one end by 5cm杆子的一端粗了 5 厘米
the pole is too short by one yard这根杆长差一码
the proportion of four to one四与一之比 4:1
The town of Jingde, one of the four famous towns in ancient China, is famous for chinaware景德镇因瓷器而闻名,为中国古代四大名镇之一
The trip is the greatest one I have, and the guide picked us up by herself这次旅行是我最棒的一次旅行,导游亲自去机场接机
the two monomers give up two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom between them这两个单体共同给出两个氢原子和一个氧原子
The United States is currently shifting from being a nation of immigrants of mainly European descent to one of immigrants from other parts of the world美国目前正从一个主要由欧洲移民组成的国家变为一个多元移民的国家
The vaccine provides effective immunity within one week for 95 % of persons vaccinated该疫苗可使 95%的接种者在一周内产生有效免疫力
The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory within one month, and it has a five-year guarantee这个手表如不合意可在一个月内更换,同时享有五年的保修期
There are a variety of styles of the beddings. You could choose any one that matches your room这里有各种风格的床上用品,您可以选择适合您家的一款
There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA, and Master Charge are some of the most popular ones可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、维萨卡及万事达卡,等等
There are so many eating utensils on the table. Which ones do I use first?桌上有这么多餐具。我要先用哪些餐具?
there is no one that does not know this没有一个人不知道这点
there is not one of us but wishes to help you我们中间没有一人不愿意帮助你
There's no one named Anna here这儿没有叫安娜的
there's only one way to do it做这事只有一种方法
These shirts are two for one这些衬衣买一送一
these tools may come in handy one day这些工具有一天可能有用处
thimble uncovers one millimeter in two turns活动套筒每转两圈就露出1毫米
this machine does not run so smoothly as that one这台机器并不像那台运转得那么平稳
this machine is not so new as that one这台机器不如那台新
this motor is no heavier than that one这部马达并不比那部重
this problem is one of great difficulty这个问题是个大难题
this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点
Those silk scarves are lovely. Can I see the red and yellow ones?那些丝巾真漂亮,我能看看红色和黄色的吗?
to one side靠_边〔侧〕
to one tenth to twentieth scale按 1/10 ~ 1/20 的比例尺
to take just one example例如
to take just one example只举一个例子
Today is one pig-out day今天是个大吃大喝的日子
Today, pizza is one of the top 3 foods eaten by Americans现在,比萨是美国人的三大食品之一
try one's best尽力
Try this one, please. How is it?试一下这双,怎么样?
turn one's blind eye to对…睁只眼闭只眼
turn one's blind eye to装做未看见
turn one's head回头
turn something over in one's mind琢磨
two diamond artificial response to one no trump opening约定性二方块应叫一无将开叫
Two dollars for a ticket. It's a one-price ticket两美元一张。票价一样
two over one二盖一
two over one overcall二盖一争叫
two over one response二盖一应叫
Two slices of whole wheat bread and one cup of coffee两片全麦面包和一杯咖啡
understand one another互相了解〔谅解〕
up to one's eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
vary one's tactics变换打法
Walking along the Rambla one can see the world-famous opera house El Liceu, the food market of La Boqueria and the Royal Square沿兰布拉大街行走,你会看到举世闻名的丽萨奥歌剧院、伯克利亚食品市场和皇家广场
Waltz, which is one of the earliest social dances in Europe, was also named round dance华尔兹是西方社交舞中起源最早的一种舞蹈形式,亦称圆舞
wave one's hand挥手
we are much at one on this point在这点上我们的意见大致相同
We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
We'll be delayed for one hour, due to the congestion of the airport因为机场拥挤,我们的班机将会延误一个小时
Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you如果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧
We're paying on the one card我们用一张信用卡付账
Whether one looks at films, videos or books, the genre is clearly on the rise无论是电影、视频还是书籍,这类题材的作品无疑是在增长中
Which one looks better on me?我穿哪个更好看?
with all one's might使劲
with all one’s strength全力
with one随身
with one accord一致地
with one assent—致通过
with one consent—致同意
with one heart一心
with one scoop一下子
with one scoop一舀〔铲,次〕就
with one voice一致地
with one voice异口同声地
with respect to one another彼此之间相对
work at one's utmost奋斗
Would you like some dress shoes, or just casual ones?您想买配礼服的鞋还是便鞋呢?
Would you like to try our one-pound super hot and spicy hamburger?要不要尝尝我们店的一磅超级热辣汉堡包?
Would you mind holding for one minute?您不介意稍微等一分钟吧?
Yeah, my wife likes that one, too. Personally, I prefer action movies是呀,我老婆也喜欢那部电影。我个人比较喜欢动作片
You must check in at least one hour before你必须至少提前一小时办理登记手续
You must tell the embassy about it and they will issue you with a new one你应该向大使馆报告,他们会发给你一本新护照
You should compare among several airlines before making the final decision. Find the one which suits your circumstance most在决定之前,应该对比不同的航空公司。发现最适合你的那一个
You'd better give me a blue one and a red one最好给我一件蓝色的,一件红色的
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