
Terms for subject Swimming containing On | all forms | exact matches only
breaststroke on the back反蛙泳
breaststroke on the back蛙式仰泳
climb up on top of the water浮到水面
float on the back仰卧滑行
floating on the back仰卧漂浮
glide on back仰卧滑行
glide on stomach俯卧滑行
glide on surface of water水面滑行
head-on resistance迎面阻力
head-on resistance迎头阻力
kick on a board扶板打腿
kick on the board扶板打水
land flat on the chest胸部拍水
land flat on the chest游泳时胸部拍水
on the downbeat向下打水
on the downbeat正在向下打水
on the upbeat向上打水
on the upbeat向上踢水
press downward on the board向下压板
release from double grip on wrist溺者用两手抓住救护者手腕的解脱法
release from grip on each wrist溺者两腕被抓解脱法
revolving on the surface水面旋涡
revolving on the surface水面漩涡
training on a kicking board扶板打腿练习
training on a kicking board扶板打板练习
workout on the house随便游
workout on the house随意游