
Terms for subject International trade containing On | all forms | exact matches only
accounting on the accrual basis应收应付会计制
accrued interest on bonds应付未付债券息
accrued interest on mortgage应付抵押息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付证券息
actually on board以船上为界
adjudicate on the merits就案件的事实作出判决
advance money on a contract预付定钱
advance money on security有证券担保的垫款
advance money on security垫付保证金
advance secured on merchandise以商品抵押的预付款
advice on production for export出口商品通知单
agreement on有关……的协议 (about, for, upon, concerning)
agreement on有关… 的协议〔合同〕
agreement on…方面的协议
agreement on……方面的协议 (about, for, upon, concerning)
agreement on buying option优先购买权协议
agreement on commerce通商协定
agreement on cultural cooperation文化合作协定
agreement on economic aid经济援助协定
agreement on postal service邮政协定
agreement on tele-communication service电信协定
agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation交换本币现钞及携出入定额协定
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration1962 年关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定 (Paris, 17 December 1962)
alteration on entries in the register变更注册事项
annual report on auditing and inspection年度审计报告书
apparent damage on discharge卸货时明显损坏
average payable on each package逐件计算海损
balance of payment on basis of official reserve transaction按官方储备结算的国际收支
balance of payments on current account流动项目收支
balance on basis of official reserve transactions按官方储备结算的国际收支差额
balance on goods and services货物和服务的平衡
balance on net liquidity basis按净清偿能力计算的国际收支差额
ban on export import禁止出口进口
banking arrangement on accounting procedure银行结算手续议定书
bargain on spot即付交易交易所买卖之一,当场交易
bargain on spot当场交易
bargain on spot即付交易
bargain on term期货交易
barge carried on ocean-going ship远洋船只载运的驳船
barges on board载驳货船子母船
bill drawn on a letter of credit根据信用证付款的汇票
bill drawn on a letter of credit押汇票
bill on demand即期汇票见票即付
bill on deposit以汇票为抵押证券
bill payable on a stated date定期付款汇票
borrowing on non-concessional terms非减让性借款
brokers on the London Stock Exchange伦敦证券市场经纪人
buy goods on arrival批货
buy on credit餘购
buy on credit餘帐
buy on credit赊买
buy on margin押金购买
buy on tick除购
carriage of cargo on deck舱面载运
carriage of cargo on deck甲板运输
carriage on deck舱面载运
carriage on deck甲板上载运
carry on business营业
carry on business经商
ceiling on loans贷款限额
clean on board bill of lading清洁装运提单
clean on board freight prepaid ocean bills of lading已装船运费预付洁净海运提单
C.O.D. cash on delivery货到付款
collision on land陆上碰撞
come on bid带有津贴性质的递价
conference on international economic co-operation国际经济合作会议
conference on law of the sea海洋法会议
Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit Barcelona Convention自由过境公约和法规巴塞罗那公约1921年
Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports国际海港制度公约和规则1923年
Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern关于有国际利害关系的通航水道制度公约和规则 (1921.4.20)
Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes汇票及期票统一法公约
Convention on a Uniform Law for Cheques支票统一法公约
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售契约公约
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic Facilitation Convention便利国际海上运输公约便利运输公约1965年
Convention on International Civil Aviation国际民用航空公约
Convention on International Combined Transport of Goods国际货物联运公约
Convention on International Multimodal Transport国际多式联运公约1980. 5. 24
convention on nomenclature for the classification on goods in customs tariff关税税则商品分类公约
Convention on Road Signs and Signals路标和讯号公约1949.9.19
Convention on Roads Traffic公路交通公约1949. 9. 19
Convention on the Code of Conduct for Liner Conference班轮公会行动守则公约
Convention on the Combined Transport of Goods货物联运公约 (TCM convention)
Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways内河货物运输合同公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road国际公路货物运输契约的公约公路货运公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road国际陆运货物公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road国际公路客货运输合同公约
Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards Geneva, 19271927 年日内瓦关于执行外国仲裁的公约1927年
Convention on the High Seas公海公约国际条约集 1958-1959, p. 169. 1958 . 4 . 29
Convention on the International Regime of Railways国际铁路系统公约
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea年国际海上避碰规则 (1972, 1972. 10. 20)
Convention on the International Right of Correction国际更正权公约
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Form in the case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 19581958 年海牙关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约1958. 4. 15
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sales of Goods The Hague, 19551955 年海牙关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约1955 . 6. 15
convention on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Title in International Sales of Goods the Hague, 19581958 海牙关于国际货物买卖上都有权移转所适用的法律公约1958 . 4. 15
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods1974 年纽约关于国际货物买卖时效期限的公约 <-> (1974, 1974. 6)
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 19581958 年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约1958. 6. 10
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters承认及执行外国民事和商务判决公约
Convention on the Regime of Vessels in Foreign ports外国港口船舶管理制度公约
Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels, with annexed Protocols 1965年内河航行船舶注册公约,附议定书
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States关于解决各国和其他国家的国民之间的投资争端的公约
Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 19301930 年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约1931.3.19
Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques Geneva, 19311931 年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约1931.3.19
Convention on the Unification of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约1912年
Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes货物课税估价公约
Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked States内陆国家过境贸易公约
convention on uniform fiscal incentives统一财政奖励措施协定
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Hague, 19641964 年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约1964 . 7. 1
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 19641964 年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约
credit for export on a consignment basis寄售出口信贷
current price on market行市、市场价
deal on credit赊帐买卖
deal on credit信用交易
decide on the basis of documentary evidence根据书面证据判
decide a case of arbitration on the basis of the relevant documents根据书面证据裁决仲裁案件
decide on upon the merits就案件的是非曲直作出判决 (of the claim)
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言
dependence on import依赖进口
deviation to take on fuel绕航加添燃料
Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Laws海商法外交会议
direct measures on prices and incomes直接影响物价与收入的措施
direct tax on consumers直接消费税
direct taxes and charges on corporations公司直接捐税
direct taxes and charges on persons个人税及税外负担
direct taxes and charges on persons个人直接捐税
disbursements on loans贷款拨付
disbursements on loans, grants, and grantlike loans赠款及类似赠款的贷款的拨款额
disbursements on loans, grants, and grantlike loans贷款
distribution on gross profit按毛利分配
distribution on manufacturing cost按制造成本分配
distribution on number or quantity按数量分配
distribution on selling price按售价分配
do business on one’s own account自营商业
draw on one’s credit凭信用借款
draw on one's credit凭信用借款
due on demand活期
duty on alcoholic liquor饮料税
duty on goods passing from one province to another内地常关税
duty on value added增值税
effect insurance on your side在你处投保
effect of lessened imports on economic activity减少进口对经济活动的影响
effect on insurance对保险的影响
embargo on arms shipment武器禁运
embargo on gold禁金出口
embargo on the export of gold禁止黄金出口
endorsement on sea protest海事报告及附件
entry of judgement on an award承认仲裁裁决的法院判决
European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration国际商事仲裁欧洲公约
European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Geneva, 21 April 1961 1961年关于国际商事仲裁的欧洲公约
European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration Strasbourg, 20 January 1966 1966年斯特拉斯堡关于制定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约
exceptions noted on the bill of lading提单批注
exclusion of liability on the bill免除汇票上的责任
expenditure on fund deposit经费存款
expense for surveying on damaged cargo受损货物检验费
expenses for surveying on or of damaged cargo受损货物检验费用
export agent on a commission basis在佣金基础上的出口委托商
export on a deferred payment basis延期付款出口
fee on game keeper's licence狩猎许可税
fees for survey on ship船舶检验费
flag-on-convenience vessel方便船
flow of repayments on loans偿还贷款的流入
Flow-on Funds Analysis资金流量分析 (Money-Flow Analysis)
free on airport机场交货价
free on application自由申请
free on board船上交货价某地
free on board船上交货价
free on board and trimmed包括平舱费的离岸价格
free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价
free on board destination目的地交货价 (FOB destination)
free on board destination目的地交货
free on board liner terms按班轮条件船上交货价
free on board per mv...某某轮装运的船上交货价 (F.O.B.per mv...)
free on board plane飞机舱内交货价
free on board port of shipment装货港离岸价格 (FOB port of shipment)
free on board shipping point起运点交货价
free on board stowed清理费在内的离岸价格 (FOB stowed)
free on board stowed and trimmed包括清理及乎仓费在内的离岸价格
free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费和平舱费在内的船上交货价
free on board train火车上交货价
free on board trimmed包括平仓费在内的船上交货价
free on board truck火车敞车交货价
free on board truck卡车上交货价
free on plane飞机上交货价
free on quay码头交货价
free on rail火车上交货价
free on rail... named departure point指定起运地点
free on rail... named departure point铁路交货
free on steamer启运港船边交货
free on truck敝车交货价
free on truck卡车上交货价
freight and insurance on international国际间商品运输及保险费
freight on board船上交货价格
freight paid on shipment装船时付运费
freight payable on delivery到货付运费
freight payable on delivery交货付运费
gain on exchange外汇收益
gain on realization of assets变产收益
gains or losses on sales出售盈亏
GATT general agreement on tariff & trade关税贸易总协定
general agreement on commodity arrangements商品安排总协定
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关税及贸易总协定
general tax on retail turnover营业税
global information and early-warning on food and agriculture世界粮农情报机构
goods carried on deck舱面货物
goods carried on deck甲板货
goods carried on deck舱面货舱
goods carried on deck舱面载运货物
goods on approval送阅之货
goods on approval包退包换货物
goods on approval供试用之货
goods on approval试用货物
goods on consignment-in承销商品
goods on consignment-out寄销商品
goods on hand财产目录
goods on hand盘存
goods on order已订未交货物
goods on order订购货品
goods on order已订未交换货品
goods on order订购货物
goods on ration定量供应的商品
goods out on consignments托人代售品
goods out on consignments寄销品
goods out on consignments寄销
goods set aside on behalf of the buyer为买方分别开的货物
goods-in on consignments承销品
goods-in on consignments承销
goods-out on consignment寄售品
goods-out on consignment寄销
government current expenditure on goods and services政府对商品和劳务的经常开支
gross profit on sales销货毛利
gross profit on sales销售毛利
hold back on purchases拒绝购买
hold on by lease租借
impact on inflation对通货膨胀的冲击影响
improvements on leased property租赁财产改进工程
instrument payable on demand见票即付款的票据
International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision Brussels, 10 May 1952 1952年布鲁塞尔关于碰撞事件民事管辖权若干规则的国际公约
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 19711971 年设立国际油污损害赔偿基金公约
inventory on consignment寄销存货
investigation on fiscal operations财务调查
keep on继续进行
keep on an "even keel"保持同一水平
Keep on deck装在甲板
keep on deck甲板装运
lay ban on export禁止出口
lay duties on imports对进口 货抽税
lay on征税
lay on抽税
lay tax on对…征税
lending focus on rural development集中于农村发展的放款
liability on the instrument票据上的责任
liability on or for these loans货款的债务
lift on/lift off吊上吊下 (Lo/Lo)
lift-on/lift-off shipment吊上吊下装运
lift-on/lift-off system吊上吊下法
lift-on/lift-off system吊装法吊上吊下法
lift-on/lift-off system吊装法
lift the embargo on解禁
lift the embargo on开入…进口出口
limit on bank-note issue限制钞票发行额
limit on unit liability按单位的责任限制
load on carrier装载上车
loan on bills汇票抵押贷款
loan on bills票据抵押贷款
loan on collateral证券担保债款
loan on collateral security抵押放款 (or loan on security)
loan on deeds契据抵押贷款
loan on notes票据抵押贷款
loan on security担保借款
loan raised on the security of the vessel以船舶为担保品的借款
loaning rate on stocks股票抵押贷款利率
loans made on behalf of customers or other banks代放款项
loans on actual estate不动产抵押放款
loans on collateral证券担保债款
make a draft on a bank往银行提款
make a profit on在... 上头赚钱
mandatory restrictions on exports强制出口管制
manipulation on stock exchange证券交易投机活动
mark on up加标增高标价
measures providing exemption on bloc成批豁免办法
merchandise outward on consignment出口寄销商品
message on the state of the union国情咨文
method of fixed percentage on cost按成本的固定百分比折旧法
mortgage on a house from a bank用房屋向银行抵押借款
motorcars on hire岀租汽车
motorcars on hire出租汽车
National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems国际货币金融问题国家咨询委员会
national council on compensation insurance国家赔偿保险协会
negotiable on the stock exchange可在证券交易所流通
net profit on sales销售净利
net profit on sales销货纯利
note on demand即付票据
offer on sale or return许可退货的开价
offer on sale or return准许退货要约
offer suggestions on materials handling methods对于材料装卸方法提出建议
on an exchange basis在交换的基础上
on application to. <-> ..承索即寄向... 索取
on application承索即寄
on arrival of vessel船到交货
on barter basis按易货方式
on bound人境的
on bound驶人的
on bound驶入的
on bound入境的
on cargo weight & measurement货载衡量
on carriage集装箱运输陆地承运人
on carriage集装箱运输陆地运输阶段
on carriage charges额外运输里程费用
on-carriage period集装箱运输陆地运输阶段期
on cash现金买进
on credit信用交易
on credit赊欠买卖
on credit赊账
on credit account信用赊账
on equal terms以平等地位
on-farm storage facilities农场仓储设施
on-farm water management农田水利管理
on hire survey起租检验
on hold tank验舱
on lease在出租中
on-lending aid转借援助
on load cargo装货
on mortgage拿房屋作抵押
on mortgage拿房屋等作抵押
on negotiated terms按议定条件
on net按净计算 (on)
on offer在出售中
on offer出卖
ON、O/NO order number订单号数
on or about...于或约于...
on one’s own terms按照自己的定价条件
on passage在途中
on passage在运输途中
on passage途中
on premises sales当场拍卖
on probation试用
on rail已装火车上
on rail铁路交货
on request根据买方通知发货
on shipment一次装运
on site inspection现场检验
on site inspection现场视察
on site verification现场核査
on-site verification现场核查
on term定期付
on the average平均数
on the barrelhead付现
on the berth在泊
on the berth待装船
on the block拍卖中的
on the block出售中的
on the drawing boards设计中的
on the high low side价格偏高
on the market上市
on the nod赊购
on the node餘购
on the spot collection就地收购
on the usual trade terms按一般交易条件
on-the-spot collection就地收购
on-the-spot inquiry现场调查
on-the-spot inquiry实地调查
on-the-spot investigation现场调查
on-the-spot investigation实地调査
outstanding on loans业已贷出
parties liable on a bill of exchange汇票上的债务人
party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange对票据上的义务已告解除的票据当事人
payable on a fixed day定期付款
payable on demand未兑即付
payable on demand见票付款
piggy-back-trailer on flat car平板车运输
piggy-back-trailer on flat car猪驮式集装箱运输
post office: cash on delivery通过邮局:交货付现
premium on a lease租赁费
premium on an issue溢价发行
premium on bonds payable应付债券溢价
premium on bonds, redeemed债券收回溢价
premium on capital stock股票溢价
premium on capital stock股票升水
premium on insurance保险费
pressure on the money market金融市场压力
priority on insolvency of the issuer开证者包括开证银行破产时的优先受偿
Protocol on Arbitration Geneva, 1923 1923年日内瓦关于仲裁条款的议定书
quotas on output and sales产量及销售限额
quotation on a foreign market国外市场报价
raise money on以... 作抵押筹措款项
raise money on拿..... 作抵押借款
rate of return on invested capital投入资本所得率
rate of return on new investment新投资所得率
rate of ships on operating line船舶上线率
rate on interchange货物交换比率
receivable on account of subscribed capital认缴资本账户项下应收款项
receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources认缴款项及补充资金账户应收款项
registered mortgage on the vesels经登记的船舶抵押
rely on a claim for purpose of set-off援引债权作为抵销
rely on a claim for the purpose of set-off凭借债权作为抵消
rely on a lack of conformity以货物不符为理由
render an award on documentary evidence根据书面证据所作的裁决
report on water desalination盐水淡化计划报吿
require the goods to arrive on/before货物要求在……日前到达
reserve for improvement on property改建准备
reserve for loss on doubtful accounts呆账损失准备
reserve for loss on doubtful accounts疑账损失准备
right to rely on lack of conformity因货物不符合合同而提出主张的权利
rights on a bill of exchange汇票上的权利
royalty interests on leaseholds租赁权的收租利益
royalty on books版税
royalty on withdrawal出油产地使用费
rule on one's own jurisdiction法院就自己的管辖权作出裁决
saving on saving accounts储蓄账户方式储蓄
scare on the stock交易所恐慌
seat on the exchange交易所席位
sell on commission经售
sell on credit除售
serve a formal legal document on the defendant将正式文件送达被告
shipment on order照单装运
shipped B/L or on board B/L装船提单
shipped on board B/L装运提单
shipped on board B/L已装运提单
shipped on deck装载在甲板上
shipped on deck货载在甲板上
signing on or off of crews雇佣和解雇水手的契约
sit on price quotations坚持原价
speculation on foreign exchange外汇投机
speculation on the rise and fall of the market买空卖空
split on触礁
split on分析
split on upon a rock遭遇意外灾难
squeeze on profit压缩利润
stamp on goods货物上的印记
survey report on examination of damage on shortage检验残损证明书
survey report on export inspection and standardization外销检验及标准化调查报告
survey report on inspection of tank hold船舱鉴定证明书
survey report on quality品质鉴定证明书
survey report on weight重量鉴定证明书
take on an enterprise创办事业
take on board装载上船
take on enterprise创办事业
take on new business开办新业务
take on new order接受新订单
take up loan on securities以有价证券作为抵押获得贷款
take up loan on securities抵押有价证券
tariff on tapering scale按递远递减比例计算的运价表
tariff on uniform basis划一的或按里程计算的运价表
tariffs on electricity电费率
tax deferral on income earned by foreign subsidiaries税收延付优惠外国子公司所得税的税收优惠
tax on征税
tax on consumption消费税
tax on luxuries奢侈品税
tax on profit财产税
tax on profit营业税
tax on revaluation重估价税
tax on superfluity奢侈税
tax on the reception from public enterprises公共企业收入税
tax on transaction交易税
tax on undistributed profit未分利益税即未分派剎益应付税
tax on undistributed profit未分利润税即未分派利润应付的税
tax on value added增值税
tax per head on slaughtered animals屠宰税每头
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft于见票时应即予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts于见票时应即予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
the Uniform law on International Sale of Goods国际贸易买卖统一法
the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物买卖合同成立统一法
throw on the market投入市场
ticket available on day of issue only限当日通用的票
tie on tag label系挂标牌
trade on cash system现金交易
trade on equity举债经营
trading on the equity债权人营业 (financial leverage)
trading on the equity举债经营
trading on the equity举债营业
transportation on sale销货运输
turnover on stock exchange股票交易所周转量
UN Conference on the law of the sea联合国海洋法会议
unextinguished discount on funded debt摊余债券折价
value on在信用证业务上
value on charge通行价
value on charge市价
verge on total loss船只或货物接近全损
weight on board装载重量 (shipped)
Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures简化国际贸易程序工作队
Working Party on shipping and Ocean Freight Rates船运和海洋运费率工作队
Working Party on Trade and Payments贸易和支付问题工作队
world leader's declaration on population世界领袖人口宣言
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