
Terms for subject Nautical containing On | all forms | exact matches only
accommodation chamber on deck甲板居住舱
additional survey on WIG craft地效翼船的附加检验
air pipe heads installed on the exposed decks露天甲板上的空气管头
America On Line美国在线
America On Line美国在线服务公司
anti-guided missile system on passenger plane客#反导系统
ballistic missile technology on railway maneuvering铁路机动弹道导弹技术
barges-on-board ship载驳母船
based on vapour pressure空泡数
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their DisposalBasel Convention《控制危险废料越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》
bearing load on sea bottom满载座底负荷
bearing-only tracking BOT on under water target水下目标纯方位角跟踪
bearing-only trackingBOT on under water target水下目标纯方位角跟踪
bend test on seam焊缝弯曲试验
blade thickness on axial line轴线上叶厚
blending on board船上混和
bow on船头向前
bows on船头向前
cavitation number based on actual cavity pressure实压力空泡数
centralized monitoring and control station on bridge桥楼上的集中监测控制站
code on noise levels on board ships舱室噪声级规则
Committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods联合国危险品运输专家委员会
communication light on topmast桅顶通信灯
company audit on site公司现场审核
Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议
control system on MGO viscosity低硫油 MGO 黏度控制系统
Convention on Psychotropic Substance精神药物公约
1958 Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards1958 年联合国《承认及执行外国仲裁决议公约》
data on environmental fate and effect under aerobic and anaerobic conditions需氧和厌氧情况下的环境后果和影响资料
data on mammalian toxicity哺乳动物的毒性资料
date on which a ship was built船舶建造日期
doors packing, construction and insulation of the fire door, boards, penetrations particularly cables and pipes in fire bulkheads, bulkheads, fireshields and fireproofing, rope door sealants, sprayed on insulation防火门的填料、构件和隔热、地板、板材、贯穿件特别是防火舱壁的电缆和管线、舱壁、防火屏蔽、密封胶绳门、喷涂保温
driven-on/driven-off ship滚装船
emergency towing arrangements on tankers液货船应急拖带装置
engine on outside of boat舷外机
engineer on duty当值轮机员
engineering analysis on fire safety消防安全工程设计
engineering analysis on fire safety operation消防安全操作工程分析
fall on board of攻击某人某事
fall on board of撞着别船
felt under septum plates on top of hull bottom船底上隔板下的毛毡
floating on even keel正浮
free on board-named port of destination指定目的港的船上交货
free on board-named port of shipment指定目的港的装运港船上交货
free on wharf码头交货价
freeboard on fresh water淡水干舷
General Agreement on Trade in Service服务贸易总协定
general harmful substances distribution on board ship常见有害物质在船舶上的分布
2010 Guidelines for survey and certification of antifouling systems on ships2010 年船舶防污底系统检验和发证指南
Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic防止和制止从事国际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南
guidelines on the prevention of stowaway incidents and the allocation of responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway cases防止偷渡者进入和寻求成功解决偷渡案件责任分配指南
heating surface area on a boiler锅炉的传热面积
heel on turning回转横倾角
ILO133 Convention concerning crew accommodation on board ShipILO第133号船员舱室补充规定公约 (Supplementary Provisions)
ILO92 Convention concerning crew accommodation on board shipILO 第 92 号船员舱室公约 (revised 1949)
ILO68 Convention concerning food and catering for crews on board shipILO 第 68 号船员膳食与餐桌公约
IMO subcommittee on safety of navigationIMO 航海安全委员会 (NAV)
initial survey on WIG craft地效翼船的初次检验
inspection certificate on damaged cargo验残检验证书
instruction on how to survive in the survival craft海上获救须知
instructions for on board maintenance维护保养手册
interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship"船上天然气燃料发动机装置安全暂行指南"
International Certificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials国际有害物质清单证书
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships辐射性核燃料 INF 规则
key on用键固定接通
kind of explosion-protected construction used for electrical equipment on board ships船上电气设备所用防爆结构的类型
lift on / lift off system吊装装卸
lift-on/ lift-off system吊装装卸
locking device on door门的锁紧装置
longitudinal members on transverse section横剖面上的纵向构件
materials found on board ships that the ship recycling facility should be prepared to handle included in Part III of the inventory of hazardous materials拆船设施应做好准备进行处理的船上可见材料有害材料清单第 III 部分中所包括者
noise source on board ship船上噪声源
oil tanker delivered on or after 1 February, 2002在2002 年2月1日或以后交船的油船
oil tanker delivered on or after 1 January, 2010在2010 年1月1日或以后交船的油船
oil tanker delivered on or after 6 July, 1996在 1996年 7 月6日或以后交船的油船
oil tanker delivered on or before 1 June, 1982在1982 年6月1日或以前交船的油船
on-board diagnostic车载诊断系统
on board W/L已装船提单
on-bottom stability of a unit平台的座底稳性
on-line information在线信息
on-load release有载脱开
on/ off hire survey租赁契约前后检验
on sale贱价抛售
on sale廉价出售
on-scent commander现场指挥
on the berth正泊着准备装卸
on the bow在正前方船头左右45°弧内
on the starboard beam在左〔右〕舷正横方向
on the stocks在准备〔计划〕中
on the stocks在建造中
periodical survey on WIG craft地效翼船的定期检验
personnel on board船上人员载员
planned maintenance scheme survey on ship's machinery船舶机械计划保养系统检验
propeller effect on turning螺旋桨偏转效应
put on all sail竭尽全力
put on all sail扯起所有的帆
ratio of dependence on foreign trade对外贸易依存度
remaining on board留在船上
removing rust on an aerial platform高空除锈作业车
renewal survey on WIG craft地效翼船的换证检验
Research Platform on North and Baltic Seas北海和波罗的海研究站
roll on-roll off ship滚装船
roll on/roll off system滚装装卸 (Ro/Ro)
roll-on/roll-off vessel滚装船
rudder-stop on deck甲板舵角限位器
SCART on启用欧洲标准的音视频信号输出
securing device on door门的紧固装置
ship delivered on or after 1 August 2010在 2010 年8月1日或以后交船的船舶
ship delivered on or before 31 December 1979在1979 年12月31日或以前交船的船舶
side bend test on seam焊缝侧弯试验
single convention on narcotic drugs麻醉品单一公约
slip-on buckle arrestor滑动式屈曲限制器
slip-on joint滑套接头
study on coping with image crisis形象危机应对报告
Sub-committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases散装液体和气体分委员会
Sub-committee on Dangerous Goods Solid Cargos and Container危险品、固体货物和集装箱运输分委员会
Sub-committee on Fire Protection消防分委员会
Sub-committee on Flag State Implementation船旗国履约委员会
Sub-committee on Radio Communication and Search and Rescue无线电通信与搜救分委员会
Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation航行安全分委员会
Sub-committee on Ship Design and Equipment船舶设计和设备分委员会
Sub-committee on Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety稳性、载重线和渔船安全分委员会
Sub-committee on Standard of Training and Watch-keeping培训和值班标准分委员会
substances prohibited to incinerate on shipboard船上禁止焚烧的物质
Taylor's propeller coefficient based on thrust power推力功率系数
technical code on control of emission of hydrogen oxide from marine diesel engines船用发动机氮氧化物 NOx 排放控制技术规则
tensile test on round tensile specimens圆棒形拉伸试样的焊缝拉伸试验
tensile test on seam焊缝拉伸试验
tensile tests on cruciform-tensile specimens十字型拉伸试样的焊缝拉伸试验
test procedure guide on liquid tank and lightness test液舱及密性试验程序导则
testing on board船上试验
The United National Framework Convention on Climate Change联合国关于气候变化框架公约 (UNFCCC)
training manual on life-saving appliances救生设备培训手册
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons不扩散核武器条约 (NPT)
unit resting on the seabed座底式平台
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development地球问题首脑会议
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC《联合国气候变化框架公约》。
United Nations office on drugs and crime联合国毒品与犯罪署
very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。
visa on arrival落地签证
World conference on free trade area世界自由贸易区大会