
Terms for subject Automobiles containing On | all forms | exact matches only
A/C compression on-time空调压缩机接通时间
ACON=A/C on空调接通
add-on assembly辅助装置
add-on assembly附加组件
add-on cab附加驾驶室
add-on cooler附加冷却器
add-on device附加装置
add-on device加装器件
add-on ECU辅助电子控制模块
add-on equipment附加设备
add on heater附加加热器
add-on part后加件
add-on parts附加零部件
add-on parts汽车后加件
add-on system汽车添加系统
add-on unit添加的机组
add-on unit辅助装置
add-on unit附加组件
Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design车辆设计安全问题咨询委员会
Advisory Committee on Vehicle Performance车辆性能咨询委员会
aerodynamic add-on device空气动力附加设施如导风板
aerodynamical add-on device空气动力附加设施如导风板
aligning moment on tire轮胎回正力矩
American On Line美国在线公司 (CO.)
anti-run-on device防不熄火阀
anti-run-on valve防不熄火阀
area on cuts and sections剖面区域
auto unlock on exit下车时自动开锁
axial force on blade wheel叶轮的轴向力
ban on overtaking交通标志禁止超车
ban on passing交通标志禁止超车
barrel on periphery活塞环桶面
battery on float浮充态蓄电池 (charge)
bedding on rubber cushions安装在橡胶垫上
body on primer涂装车身涂装后的白车身
bolt on【动】用螺栓拧紧
bolt-on eccentric用螺栓固定的偏心轮
bolt-on fender用螺栓连接的翼子板
bolt-on kit螺栓连接的组件
bolt-on mudguardwing用螺栓连接的翼子板
bolted-on attachment用螺栓连接
brake on制动接通
brake on curve弯道制动
brake on differential shaft差速器制动器
brake on/off制动器通/断开关
brake on/off switch制动通断开关
braking on curve弯道制动
braking on stability limit车辆稳定极限内制动
burn on【动】焊上
bypass spin-on type filter旋装旁通式机油滤清器
car roll-on/roll-off semi-trailer train乘用车滚装半挂式列车
car roll-on/roll-off vessel乘用车滚装船
cash on delivery交货货到付款
cash on shipment现款装货
clamp-on digital multimeter钳式数字万用表
clamp-on pickup夹钳式传感器
clip-on connector夹装式连接器
clip-on diagnostic sensor夹钳式诊断传感器
clip-on engine for bicycle助动车夹装式发动机
clip-on fastener夹装式固定件
clip-on fastener夹式固定件
clip-on front spoiler夹装式前扰流器
clip-on rear spoiler夹装式后扰流器
clip-on spoiler夹装式扰流器
clip-on weight车轮夹装式平衡重
clip-on wheel weight夹装式车轮平衡重
clutch on-off离合器接合 -分离
coefficient of weight on front wheel前轮质量分配系数
coil on plug装在火花塞上的点火线圈
coil on plug笔式点火线圈
coil-on-plug ignition system直接装在火花塞上的点火系统
container-on-flat car平板式集装箱运输车
container-on-flat car平板车装运集装箱
container-on-flat car平板车装运集装箱法
continued on下接
coolant run-on pump冷却液泵
creep of the tiretyre on rim轮辋上轮胎的蠕动
cruise control on/off switch巡航开关
cruise/control on/off switch巡航/控制开关
cured-on-solid tiretyre粘结式实心轮胎
current on break断路中断电流
current "on" time通电时间
decibels on A-weighted scaleA 级分贝
defect on paintwork漆缺陷毛病
defined point on the chip breaker断屑前面定义点
delivery on arrival到达交付
displacement on demand按需用的发动机排量可用1/2或1/4的排量工作
displacement on demand按需用的发动机排量
double-bend screw-on universal valve轮胎螺纹固定的双弯通用型气门嘴
drive on【动】驶上
drive-on hoist驶上举升机
drive-on-type ramp抬高角块
driving on snow-icing road冰雪路行车驾驶
driving on wet road湿路行车驾驶
ease up on the accelerator放松加速踏板
electronic on-board apparatus车载电子装置
engine on发动机起动运转
engine on开动发动机
European Union On-board Diagnostic欧盟车载诊断装置参阅 OBD
fire extinguisher equipped on vehicle随车灭火器
fit on套上
fit on【动】装上
free on board离岸价船上交货
free on board离岸船上交货价格
free on rail火车上交货铁路运费由发货者付
free on truck货车上交货价格
free on truck车上交货价格
full flow spin-on type filter旋装全流式机油滤清器
full mark on the gauge量油尺上的油加够标记
graphical symbols for use on equipment设备用图形符号
graphical symbols for use on sign标志用图形符号
grip on ice轮胎冰面附着力
grip on snow轮胎雪地附着力
hand-brake on驻车制动已拉紧
hand-brake on indicator驻车制动指示灯
handling on a circular course车辆动力学圆周行驶性能
hang-on part附加零件
hang-on part发动机罩、车门等车身的铰接件
hang-on part车辆添加部分
hang-on system车辆附加装置
head-on collision车辆迎头正面碰撞
head-on collision with fixed wall正面固定障壁碰撞试验
head-on crash车辆迎头正面碰撞
head-on impact车辆迎头正面碰撞
head-on wind迎,顶
heavy duty on-board diagnostics Child/Partial参数识别缩写重型车载诊断装置儿童/部分
hexagon bolt with slot on head带槽六角头螺栓
hit on obstruction上障碍物
hook on挂起
hook on将…挂
ignition on点火电路接通
ignition-coil on-time点火线圈接通时间
indicative mark on package包装储运标志
inductive clamp-on pickup夹式感应传感器
information on road conditions道路行车信息
instrument cluster on tank摩托车油箱上的组合仪表
International Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair国际汽车碰撞修理工业代表会议
International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation汽车技术与自动化国际专题讨论会
International Symposium on Automotive-Technology & Automation汽车技术与自动化国际专题讨论会美SAE 组织的
keep vehicle on the road把汽车保持在适于使用状态
key on engine off但发动机不运转此术语常用于发动机诊断的静态测试上
key on engine off但发动机不运转
key on engine off钥匙在"ON"接通位置
key on engine running且发动机运转
key on engine running钥匙在
key on engine running钥匙在 "ON"接通位置
knock on collision正面碰撞
knock-off/on nut敲击拆装式螺母
laps on a test track在试验跑道上的圈数
lay on输送液,气
lay on foam座椅预置式泡沫
legislation on exhaust emissions废气排放立法
light on灯被接通
light on开灯
light on reminder灯光提示装置例如当点火开关处于关闭或锁止位置时,如果灯光忘记关闭可听到报警声
lights-on buzzer灯光报警蜂鸣
lights-on reminder灯光报警提示
load on the axle底盘轴负荷
lubrication on dry sump principle干油底壳润滑法
maintenance on demand视情按需维护
method of vehicle maintenance on universal post汽车维护定位作业法
MIL ON Run Distance诊断仪字符故障指示灯点亮后运行距离
motorcar on hire出租汽车
multiples on-board diagnostic多路车载诊断装置
National Commission on Safety Education国家安全教育委员会
National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances国家交通法律统一委员会
no stepping on surface禁止蹬踏
off-on servo继电器随动系统伺服机构
on a level一样高
on a level相齐
on a level在同一平面上
on a level footing在同等条件下
on account of
on-and-off road高通过性的
on-and-off road车辆公路与越野两用
on-and-off road car高通过性轿车
on-and-off road car公路与越野两用汽车
on-and-off road tire混合花纹轮胎
on-board analysis就车分析
on-board bar豪华乘用车车内酒吧
on-board camera赛车车载摄像机
on-board charger车载充电器
on-board computer车载计算机电脑
on-board computer车载计算机
on-board consumer车内用电器按大众公司概念,是指音响、电热后风窗等,参阅 start-up consumer
on-board diagnosis车载诊断装置
on board diagnosis车载诊断
on-board diagnostic车载诊断装置
on-board diagnostic车载诊断装置的
on board diagnostic车载诊断装置
on board diagnostic generation 2第 2 代车载诊断装置
on board diagnostic status车载诊断装置状况
on-board diagnostic system车载诊断装置
on board dynamics road information system车载动态道路信息系统
on-board energy source车载能源
on-board flashlight工作灯
on-board flashlight车载手灯
on-board kitchen长途客车车上厨房
on board measurement车载诊断装置
on-board monitor车载监视器指PCM中的监视器,一种软件
on-board/ onboard车载的
on-board pocket lamp工作灯
on-board pocket lamp车载手灯
on-board power supply battery车内电源蓄电池在大众双蓄电池系统中用于车内用电器的电源
on-board readiness车载设备备用状态
on-board reductant delivery柴油机排气后处理车载还原剂供给装置
on-board refilling vapor recovery车载加油时蒸气回收装置
on-board refueling vapor recovery车载加燃油蒸气回收
on-board refueling vapor recovery车载加油蒸气回收装置
on-board system read车载系统读取
on-board transmitter车载式无线电发射机
on-board unit随车部件
on-board unit车载组件
on-board vehicle diagnosis车载诊断装置
on-board vehicle diagnosis随车车载诊断
on-board weighting车载载重计量系统
on-call service交通按招呼随叫随到服务
on-call stop随叫随到传呼,按乘客要求停车车站
on-call stop公交呼站
on-car balancing轴/车轮就车平衡
on-centre feel驾驶人路感
on chip navigation插卡式导航
on corner在转弯处
on demand一经要求
on demand AWD按需全轮驱动
on duty值班
on floor type空调器上置地板式
on hand现货
on hand销售用语有现货
on-highway gear变速器公路行驶档
on-highway load公路行驶规定的载荷
on-highway reduction分动器高速档
on-highway reduction越野车道路减速
on-highway speed车辆公路行驶速度
on-highway speed变速器公路行驶档
on-highway tire道路用轮胎
on-highway vehicle道路行驶的车辆
on-levy flag待扣标志
On-Line Automotive Service Information System福特在线汽车维修信息系统
On-line Automotive Service Information System福特汽车维修在线信息系统
on-line computer联机线内,在线计算机
on-line painting在线喷漆
on-line real time processing在线实时处理
on-line station线内车站
on-line time车辆上线时间
on-line vehicle pre-allocation module线上预配车模块
on-line vehicle status tracking线上车辆状态跟踪
on-load factor负载因数
on-load voltage蓄电池负载电压
on-location test在工作位置上的试验
on-location test场试验
on-off action开关通断作用
on-off control通-断控制
on-off cycle"接通-断开"开闭,"工作-停止"循环
on/off road非越野/越野
on/off road pattern轮胎混合花纹
on-off solenoids开关电磁阀
on-off switch通断双位开关
on-off valve通-断两位阀
on-position of a relay继电器工作状态接通位置
on pressure接通压力
on request【动】请求
on-road efficiency运行效益
on-road test道路试验
on-road test车辆路试
on-schedule bus run rate客车正班率
on-site analysis现场分析
on-site dispatch现场调度
on-site implementation现场实施
on-site power installation固定式动力装置
on-site service现场服务
on-state voltage晶体管通态导通电压
on the car检查就车不拆下,在车上检查或维修
on the car balancing就车平衡
on the car type发动车检査方式
on the car type就车在车上检查试验方式
on-the Job training在职培训
on the lead lap竞赛领先圈
on the miter成 45°角的
on the way在路上
on the wood加速踏板踩到地板上
on-the-dolly panel beating带垫块车身敲击用来敲平车身凹坑的钣金技术
on-the-road service路上使用
on-the-shelf part库存闲置备件
on-the-spot repair就地在使用地点修理
on-time bus dispatch rate发车正点率
on top以高速档
on top全速地
on top领先
on top居首位
on top在上边
on top开足马力
on torque拧紧转矩
on tow拖曳
on tow汽车牵引
on track跟随前车
on trailer在拖车上
on up grades上坡处
on using在用
on-vehicle diagnostic equipment车载诊断设备
on-vehicle disc brake lathe就车制动盘车床
on-vehicle inspection车上就车检查
on-vehicle material随车设备
on-vehicle service在车上维修
operating on road车辆运行
OVER SPEED ON显示器字符超速报警激活
parking on hills坡道山路停车
parking-brake on手制动未松
parking-brake on驻车制动器正工作
pay on receipt收货后付款
payment on delivery交货货到付款
phenomenon on braking course制动过程中的现象
point of pivot on road转向节主销延长轴线与路面的交点
point on the agenda议事日程上的要点
polygon on eccentric偏心多边形
power on打开节气门
power on踏下加速踏板
power on/off电源接通/断开
power on up shift加档时功率
pressed-on solid tiretyre压配式实心轮胎
pump commanded on for diagnostics参数识别缩写用于诊断泵指令接通
put on brake制动
put on brake【动】使处于制动状态
put on springs在下面加上弹簧
put on springs【动】装钢板弹簧
put on the blinkers闪光灯闪亮
put on the blinkers转向信号灯打开闪光灯
put on the brights【动】打开前照灯
quick onoperatedstart起动
quick on start快速起动
quick on start system五十铃快速起动系统
radio on-off control无线电收放机开关
radio on-off switch无线电收放机开关
rate of on-time runs发车正点率
reel on绕上
reel on【动】卷上
repair on technical condition视情修理
roll-on/roll-off semi-trailer train乘用车滚装半挂式列车
roll-on-roll-off ship直接驶入的运车船
roll-on-roll-off ship车辆渡轮
roughness on tyre cavity胎里凹凸不平
rules of freight transportation on highways公路汽车货物运输规则
rules of transportation of dangerous goods on highways公路危险货物运输规则
running on汽油机点火开关关断后继续运转
running on empty燃油表针指零时仍可行驶里程
rusted-on nut生锈锈死螺母
sampling test on term定期抽样试验
scheduled transportation service on fixed route班车运输
screw on拧上
screw on【动】旋进
screw-on front spoiler车身螺纹旋紧的前扰流板
screw-on part车身螺纹旋紧的零件
screw-on spoiler车身螺纹旋紧的扰流板
screw-on universal valve拧装式气门嘴
selected point on the cutting edge切削刃选定点
selector on steering column转向柱式变速杆
selector on steering column在转向管柱上的变速杆
shifter on left side变速器/摩托车左侧变速杆
shifter on right side变速器/摩托车右侧变速杆
shift-lever on left side摩托车左侧变速杆
shift-lever on right side摩托车右侧变速杆
shrink on热装
shrink on热压冷缩配合
shrink-on plastic tubing热套冷缩塑料管
slam on the brake紧急制动
snap-on cap快速弹簧扣盖
snap-on cap钮盖
snap-on connector搭扣式快速连接器
snap-on fastener搭扣式快速连接器
soldered on焊的
solid tire on pneumatic type rim充气式轮辋实心轮胎
speed control on/off巡航定速开/关
spin-on cartridge lubricating oil filter旋装式机油滤清器
spin-on filter旋装式滤清器
spin-on filter for lubricating oil旋装式机油滤清器
spin-on lubricating oil filter旋装式机油滤清器
spin-on oil filter旋装式机油滤清器
spin-on type机油滤清器旋装式
stability of steer-off motion on a straight ahead driving转向系统撒手稳定性
start off on a trip汽车出发
start off on a trip程开始
static load on coupling device作用在连接装置上的静负荷
step on the accelerator踩加速踏板
step on the brake踩制动踏板
step on the gas【动】加速
stepping-on measurement踏板等的可踏长度
stick-on wheel weight车轮/平衡重粘合的重块
stick-on weight粘贴式配重
straight on方向不变地
straight on径,笔直地
stress on suspension车轮悬架应力
stuck on卡在接通位置
supplementary device on towing vehicle for towed vehicle牵引车上用于挂车的附加装置
survey on vehicle随车调查
switch on发动机
switch on【动】接通
switch-on delay接通延迟
switch on dim light前照灯接近光
switch on distance light前照灯接远光
switch-on/switch-off ABS通断式防抱死制动系统
switch-on/switch-off all-wheel drive传动系统短时全轮驱动
switch-on/switch-off catalytic converter通断式催化转化器
switch-on/switch-off four-wheel drive短时四轮驱动
switch on the engine【动】发动机起动
switching on闭合
symposium on engine engineering发动机技术讨论会
system on a chip单片系统集成在芯片上的系统
system on-chip集成电路块上的系统一块代表整个系统
taper on periphery工作面锥度
temperature stability on drift温度飘移稳定性
test of braking on curve弯道制动试验
test of stability of steer off motion on a straight ahead driving直线行驶撒手稳定性试验见 GB/T 12549-90 中 9.1.9
test on sand汽车砂地试验
thrust on spring由钢板弹簧传递的牵引力
time on接通时间
time on run运行时间
time on test试验持续时间
tip formation on contacts触点尖形凸起的形成产生
tire center on road轮胎接地中心
tire grip on the road轮胎地面抓着力
torquing on the line紧固件在装配线按规定扭矩拧紧的
tractor on pneumatics轮式拖拉机牵引车
tractor on rubber橡胶轮式拖拉机
trailer on flat car平板車上的拖車
trailer on flatcar平板式挂车
transportation on schedule准时定时,按预定计划运输
turn on打开
turn on【动】接通
vehicle on-board radar车载雷达
vehicle on-board radar车载雷达系统
vertical load exerted by the drawbar on the tractor牵引车牵引杆竖向载
vertical load on the fifth wheel半挂牵引车牵引座竖向负荷
weight on the车桥分配重量
weight on the车桥承重载荷
weight on the axle底盘荷重
weld-on installation构件的焊接安装
weld-on kit做好焊接准备的整套设施
wet on wet湿碰湿
wet-on-wet application湿对湿应用
wet-on-wet method湿喷漆法无预烘干、沿湿的车身表面喷漆的方法
with split pin hole on shank螺杆带开口销孔
with wire holes on head头部带孔的