
Terms for subject Environment containing On | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research联合国粮农组织海洋资源研究咨询委员会
Advisory Committee on Oceanic Meteorological Research联合国海洋气象研究咨询委员会
Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea英国海洋石油污染咨询委员会
American Conference on Government Industrial Hygienists美国政府工业卫生学家会议
American Council on the Environment美国环境委员会
arrangement for a deposit on packaging Agreement to provide refunds or payments in exchange for used bottles or packaging materials包装定金的安排 (对使用过的瓶子或包装材料有偿回收的协议。)
British Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea英国海上石油污染咨询委员会
Committee on Air and Water Conservation美国石油学会空气与水资源保护委员会
Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences美国地球和环境科学委员会
Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination政府机构间辐射研究与政策协调委员会
Committee on International Programs in Atmospheric Sciences大气科学国际规划委员会
Committee on Mineral Resources and the Environment矿产资源和环境委员会
Committee on Pollution Abatement and Control美国消除和控制污染委员会
Committee on Safety and Fire Protection安全防火委员会
Committee on Water Resources水资源委员会
Committee on Water Resources Research水资源研究委员会
Council on Environmental Quality美国环境质量委员会
data on the state of the environment No definition needed环境状况数据 (无需定义。)
EC directive on biocides Directive regulating the placing of biocidal products on the market欧共体关于生物性农药的指示 (指示规范生物农药产品在市场上的配售。)
EC directive on packaging EC Directive proposed on 15 July 1992 aiming at harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste; the directive covers all packaging placed on the market欧共体关于包装材料的指示 (欧共体发表于1992年7月15日的指示,旨在协调各个国家对包装材料的管理和包装材料浪费在内的措施。指示包括所有进入市场的包装材料。)
EC directive on waste disposal EC Directive whose main object concerns waste prevention, recycling and transformation into alternative energy sources欧共体关于废弃物处理的指示 (欧共体的指示,其主要目标包括废弃物的预防、回收,以及将其转化成替代能源。)
EC directive on water protection Directive concerning the use and management of water resources for a rational economical and social development and the protection of the related environmental features欧共体关于水资源保护的指示 (指示关于根据合理的经济和社会发展利用和管理水资源,以及对相关环境特征的保护。)
EC regulation on eco-management and audit欧洲共同体关于生态管理和审查规划的规定
EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicity欧洲共同体关于现有化学品的规定 (规定旨在确定和控制现有化学品所产生的风险。根据这一方案,主要目标是对现有化学品的基本信息进行收集,包括其用途和特点,环境归宿和途径,毒性和生态毒性。)
effect on health对健康的影响
effect on man No definition needed对人的影响 (无需定义。)
effect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environment环境影响效果 (自然或者人为的扰动对构成环境的物理、化学或生物组件的影响结果。)
environmental legislation on agriculture A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and land农业环境法规 (政府为规范任何对生态完整性以及人体健康造成威胁的农场和牲畜产品而定的必须遵守的规则和法体,特别是在农药、肥料以及土地的使用方面。)
experiment on rapidly intensifying cyclones over the atlantic大西洋气旋快速强化实验
Framework Convention on Global Climate全球气候框架公约
global investigation on pollution of marine environment联合国全球海洋环境污染调査
Inter-agency Committee on Indoor Air Quality美国室内空气质量部门间委员会
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change政府间气候变化专家小组
International Committee on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与地球污染国际委员会
International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment国际海洋环境工程会议
International Conference on Marine Pollution国际海洋污染会议
International Conference on Waste Oil Recovery and Reuse国际废油回收和重新利用会议
International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry国际环境生物地球化学专题讨论会
intervention on land Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving ground areas or the earth's surface干预土地 (致力于或参与涉及陆地地区或地球表面的麻烦或困扰问题的解决。)
Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution联合国海洋污染科技问题联合专家组
leave on social grounds让社交场地开放
legislation on pollution Rules concerning the limits of pollutant emissions污染法 (有关限制污染物排放的法律。 (源自: DIZAMB))
National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health美国国家职业安全与卫生咨询委员会
National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement美国国家辐射防护与测量委员会
on-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications network在线服务 (提供通信网络活动连接的服务。)
on-site wastewater treatment A process in which used or spent water is treated at the point of origin or where it was produced, by using a septic tank or some other system to remove or reduce the impact of constituent wastes on human health and the environment现场废水处理 (在来源点或产生地的废水处理过程,通过使用化粪池或其它一些系统以消除或减少废物成分对人类健康和环境的影响。)
regulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening规管最大允许限度 (由政府或国际组织或条约建立的一种规则或规定,规范在环境中或在可摄取的物质中有害物质的标准,如果超过这一标准人们会受到健康威胁。)
report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that region环境状况报告 (指定地区的生态系统和自然资源情况和完善程度的书面说明。通常由政府官员或负责保护该地区人民健康和环境的单位提供。)
restriction on competition Article 85 of the EEC Treaty prohibits all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. All such arrangements are automatically null and void under Article 85, unless exempted by the Commission pursuant to Article 85. The text of Article 85 is as follows: "1. The following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market: all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market, and in particular those which: (a) directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions; (b) limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment; (c) share markets or sources of supply; (d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage; (e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contracts竞争限制 (EEC条约的85 1. 篇禁止承包方和决策方之间的所有以下协议,这些协议可能影响成员国的交易并且结果是阻止、限制或扭曲了一般市场的竞争。在85 2.篇规定所有这样的协议自动无效,除非由委员会按照85 3.中的规定赦免。85篇的内容是:"1. 以下一些不适合一般市场的情况应当被禁止:承包方和决策方的所有协议,这些协议可能影响成员国的交易并且结果是阻止、限制或扭曲了一般市场的竞争。特别是:a.直接或间接的固定购买超过卖出的价格或有任何交易条件;b.限制或控制生产、市场、技术发展或投资;c.共享供给的市场或资源;d.和其他贸易方进行同等的交易时使用了不同的条件,因此给他们带来了竞争劣势;e.和有附带责任的其它方确定合同,按照他们的本性或商业使用来说,和这个合同的主体没有关系。")
restriction on use A limitation on the utilization of land or some other property, often inscribed in a deed or lease document使用限制 (对使用土地或其他财富的限制,通常写在租赁文件或契约中。)
Special Committee on Problems of the Environment环境问题专门委员会
tax on capital A government imposed levy on the wealth or assets gained by an individual, firm, or corporation for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefit资产税 (政府实行征收或个人、公司或企业获得的资产或财富,为提高税收来支付服务或改善广大市民利益的目的。)
tax on consumption A sum of money demanded from businesses by a government, usually based on a percentage of total sales of select goods and services, and generally passed on to consumers with each individual purchase消费税 (政府要求企业的一笔钱,通常基于对选择商品和服务销售总额的百分比,且通常转嫁到消费者的每一个人购买中。)
trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures贸易对环境的影响 (贸易对环境的影响可以是直接的,如濒危特种、自然资源、自然产品(如热带木材)的贸易。也可以是间接的,如森林砍伐、栖息地丧失和因采矿、能源生产、石油泄漏、全球气候变暖等而引起的污染,以及交通运输基础设施的增加。)
traffic on water The movement of boats and other vessels over any water route or area水上交通 (小船和其它船只在任何水路或水域中的运动。)
United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源大会
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment联合国人类环境会议
United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources联合国资源保护和利用科学会议
Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety上游石油工业安全特别工作组
Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies替代能源战略专题讨论会