
Terms for subject Business containing On | all forms | exact matches only
absolute control on大权独揽
accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing根据平等协商原则
accords on depositing money in each other相互存款协议
accounting based on equipment and machinery按设备或机台核算
accounting based on legal requirements按会计法规进行的会计核算
accounting based on person or post按个人或岗位核算
accounting based on saving coupon or quota paper按节约券或限额证核算
accounting based on task按单项任务核算
accounting form based on summary of original vouchers汇总记账凭证核算形式
accounting form based on vouchers for bookkeeping记账凭证核算形式
accounting on a cash basis现金收付制
accounting on a division or group basis部组核算制
accounting on accrual basis收支应计会计制
accounting on accrued-expenditures basis应计支出会计制
accounting on cost basis成本基础会计制
accounting on obligation basis责任发生会计制
accounting on the accrual basis权责发生会计制
accounting on the accrual basis应收应付会计制即在会计核算中不以款项的实际收付,而是以应收应付为标准进行核算
accounting on the cash basis收付实现会计制
accounting on the cash basis现金收付会计制即以款项实际收付为核算标准
accrued interest on bonds sold应计售出债券利息
accrued interest on loan应付借款利息
accrued interest on mortgage应计抵押债务利息
accrued interest on note payable应计未付期票利息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付证券利息
accrued service charge on development credit开发信贷应计手续费
additional mark-on再加价
additional mark-on额外加成
administrative committee on coordination行政协调委员会
administrative restrictions on sample design样本设计中行政管理限制
advice on product for export出口商品通知单
agreement on commerce通商协议
agreement on general terms and conditions of business一般交易条件协议书
agreement on licensing许可证协议
Agreement on Multilateral Monetary Compensation多边货币补偿协定
agreement on reinsurance分保协议
agreement on scientific and technical cooperation科学技术合作协定
amalgamated on a large scale and some were reorganized as "big collectives"城镇私人企业合并升级
annual report on auditing and inspecting年度审计检査报告
annual report on exchange restrictions外汇管制年度报告
annual return on net fixed asset固定资产年净收益
assembling on provided parts来件装配
assets not registered on account books账外资产
auditing for cash on hand and in bank库存现金与银行存款审计
available on the day当日有效
available on day of...…日内有效
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts约定平均贷款和贴现利率
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行约定平均贷款和贴现利率
average discount rate on treasury bills国库券平均贴现率
average number of days on transit of trade remittance collected via bank银行托收货款平均在途天数
average rate of profit on capital资本平均利润率
average rate of profit on investment平均投资利润率
average rate of return on capital平均资本报酬率
average rate of return on investment平均投资报酬率
average return on investment平均投资报酬
average social profit rate on capital平均社会资本利润率
average social profit rate on funds平均社会资金利润率
average social profit rate on investment平均社会投资利润率
average social rate on wages平均社会工资盈利率
average social return rate on investment平均社会投资报酬率
average unit of labour on a worldwide basis世界劳动平均单位
average up-to-date number of man-hours to be spent on a product产品平均先进工时定额
average wage expended on a product产品平均工资支出量
balance as on 1st January上年度结存
balance as on 1st January1月1日结存
balance of payments on current account国际收支经常项目收支状况
balance on account账面余额
balance on capital account国际收支资本账户余额
balance on current account经常账户差额
balance on current account and long-term capital经常项目和长期资本往来差额
balance on current accounts国际收支经常项目差额指国际收支平衡表中的经常项目的收支。经常项目也称商品和劳务往来账目
balance on goods, service and remittances货物、劳务与汇款的平衡
balance on hand账面结存
balance on liquidity按清偿能力计算的国际收支差额
balance on non-monetary transactions非货币性往来国际收支差额
balance on order提出订货时储存量
balance on order订货平衡
balance on trade account贸易收支差额
banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票
banking on-line system银行联机系统
bargain on期待
bargain on想便宜地得到
bargain on预料
bargain on spot现付交易
basic data on economy经济基本数据
basic data on wholesale and retail trade批发与零售商业基本数据
bill on demand见票即付汇票
bill on deposit汇票抵押证券
bill on deposit以汇票担保的证券
bill on maturity到期付款汇票
bill on presentation提示后即付汇票
bill payable on a stated date定期付款票汇
bill payable on demand即期汇票
bill payable on demand见票即付票据
bill payable on fixed date定期付款汇票
bill receivable discounted on accounts of customers代客贴现应收票据
borrow money on credit信用借款
borrow money on jewels贵重饰物抵押借款
borrow on overdraft透支借债
bought on account赊购
bought on account赊账
bound on error误差界限
bounds on test检验界限
buy goods on arrival购买新到商品
buy on a large scale大量购买
buy M on credit赊购 M
buy on tally赊买
buy on the installment分批买进
buy on the installment plan分批采购计划
buy on tick赊买
buy on trust赊买
calculated on gross profit按毛利计算
calculated on the prices of the indicated years按当年价格计算
calculation based on batch quantity按批量计算
calculation based on shift or group output按班组产量计算
calculation of interest on balance of exchange汇兑余额利息计算
calculation of interest on banking account银行存款利息计算
calculation of return on capital goods资本货物报酬计算
cargo on deck舱面货物
cargo on pallet托盘货
cargo on pallets托盘装运货物
cargo on skids垫条包装货物
carry on the books过账
carry on the books记账
carrying-on activity进行中的生产活动
carrying on an improper business不正当营业
carrying on business营业
carrying on improper business不正当经营
caution money paid on contract按合约支付的保证金
caution money paid on contract按合同支付的保证金
ceiling on remittance of royalties使用费汇款最高限额
ceiling on wages最高工资限额
centralized accounting based on branch store books集中记账、分店核算
certificate on cargo weight and measurement货载衡量证书
certificate on damaged cargo货物验残证明书
certificate on hatch and/or cargo舱、货鉴定证明书
certificate on packing包装检验证书
checking up on the projects under construction清理在建项目
clocking on上下班记时
cloud on title产权缺陷
collateral on leasehold租约押金
comments on对…的意见
comments on签署意见
common-law restraint on trade贸易上的习惯法限制
conference on data system language数据系统语言会议
Conference on International Container Traffic国际集装箱运输会议
conference on specialized trade专业生产会议
Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea海上货物运输会议
consultancy on enterprise企业咨询
consultancy on financial business金融业务咨询
consultancy on international enterprise management国际企业管理咨询
consultancy on international financial management国际财务管理咨询
consultancy on international market information国际市场信息咨询
Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods国际货物销售契约公约
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1958关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约海牙,1958年
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sale of GoodsThe Hague 1955关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约海牙,1955年
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods关于国际货物买卖时效期的公约纽约,1974 年
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other StatesWashington, 18 March 1965关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约华盛顿,1965 年 3 月 18 日
Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform RegulationThe Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsThe Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合同统一法的公约海牙,1964年
conversion privilege on preferred stock优先股转换特权
conversion privilege on preferred stock优先股的兑换特权
conveyance on sale卖据
cooperation based on division of labour分工协作
cooperation on the basis of specialization专业化协作
coordination based on specialization专业化协作
current price on market市场现价
current price on market市价
current yield on funds本期资金收益
data on inventories库存数据
data on location, site, locational conditions and civil engineering关于建厂地区、厂址、当地条件和土木工程的资料
deal on credit赊账买卖
debt on bill借据
debt on bill借款单据
debt on short notice透支借款
decide on a verdict定案
decide on the basis of documents evidence根据书面证据判决
decide on the basis of the relevant documents根据书面证据裁决
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立国际经济新秩序宣
Declaration on Trade1979贸易宣言1979 年
default on obligations undertaken违约
deferred gross profit on installment sales分期销售递延毛利
deferred interest on trade credit同行业放款递延利息
deferred payment of interest on notes receivable应收票据上的延付利息
deferred profit on installment sales分期收款销售的递延利润
dependence of energy on temperature能量对温度的相依性
direct intervention on the foreign exchange market对外汇市场直接进行干预
direct measure on price and income直接影响物价与收入的措施
direct on-line processing直接联机处理
direct on-the-job satisfaction直接职务上的满足
direct tax on consumer直接消费税
direct taxes and charges on corporation公司直接税
disbursements on loans, grants, and grantlike loans贷款、赠款及类似赠款的拨款额
disposal of treasury shares on cost basis按成本定价出售库存股票法
distribution on industry acts产业分布法案
distribution on manufacturing expense按制造费用分配
distribution on number按数量分配
distribution on number or quantity按数量或质量分配
distribution on quantity按数量分配
distribution on the basis of labour按劳分配
distribution on the basis of need按需分配
drain on cash项金消耗
drain on foreign exchange reserve外汇储备枯竭
drain on money金钱消耗
drain on the company's earnings公司收入大幅度减少
drain on the reserve储备枯竭
draw on one's fund提取资金
draw on one's funds提取资金
draw on the reserve动用储备
draw on the reserves动用储备
draw on the reserves预支准备金
drive-on / drive-off loading开上开下船舱装货
drug on the market滞销货
earnings on investment投资收益
effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin成本或市价原则对毛利的影响
effect of measurement error and offset error on the operation characteristic测量误差与偏移误差对运算特性的影响
effect on the market对市场的影响
effect on the price对物价的影响
effect on the sale对销售的影响
embargo on commerce禁止通商
embargo on gold禁止黄金出口
embargo on ship禁止通航
employee training expense for medical treatment due to on job injury职工因公负伤就医路费
employees on payroll在册职工
expected rate of return on investment期望投资收益率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资收益率
expenditure on administration行政管理费用
expenditure on armament军费
expenditure on capital account资金账户支出
expenditure on capital accounts资本账户支出
expenditure on gross national product国民生产总值的支出
expenditure on new plant and equipment新厂房和设备支出额
expenditure on person用人费
expenditure on revenue account收益账户支出
expenditure on revenue accounts收益账户支出
expense and receipt on balance收支相抵
expense for surveying on damaged cargo受损货物检验费用
expense in carrying on business营业费用
expense on bond公司债券发行费
expense on bond issuing公司债券发行费
expense on deposit保证金费用
expense on issue of share股票发行费用
expenses and receipts on in balance收支平衡
expenses and receipts on in balance收支相抵
fines on staff职工罚款
five-day week on an alternative week basis隔周休息两天工作制
flow-on funds analysis资金流量分析
foot up on account结算账目
general agreement on commodity商品总协定
general agreement on multinational companies多国公司总协定
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs关税及贸易总协定
general check-up on the financial work财务大检查
general conference on weights and measures度量衡通用会议
general overhead of office on cost一般管理费用
general principle on auditing审计通贝
general tax on retail turnover一般零售营业税
generalization on cost-volume-profit analysis成本—数量—利润分析法则化
global information and early-warning on food and agriculture世界粮食情报与预警系统
global information and early-warning on food and agriculture世界粮农情报
guidance on self-restraint自我克制引导
harbour duties on goods货物港口税
hire on找到职业
hold on lease租赁
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?如果我们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?
If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
improvement on fixed asset rented in租入固定资产改革工程
improvement on leased property租赁财产改良工程
information-on-demand service商业金融信息公司
information on traffic flow业务量信息
input-output graph on a regional basis地区间投入产出图表
instrument payable on demand见票即付票据
inventory of raw material on hand库存原材料盘点
investigation on fiscal operation财务调查
issued on loan借出
issued on loan已借出
items on hand现有项目
keep a tab on记…的账
keep a tab on监视
keep a tab on记录
keep a tight control on revenue and expenditure统收统支
keep on an even keel保持同一水平
laborer working on his own个体劳动者
lay duty on import对进口货课税
lay in on the line付钱
lay on the line筹足款项
lay on the line出钱
layout of building enterprises on a regional basis施工生产区域化
length on summer load water line夏季满载吃水线长度
lie on one's hand商品滞存某人手中
lie on one's hands没有脱手
lift-on and lift-off system吊上吊下装卸法
lift-on and lift-out shipment吊装
lift on/lift off吊装式
lift-on/lift off method吊装法
lift-on/lift off system吊上吊下装卸法
lift on/lift out吊装式
lift-on/lift-off charge吊装费
lift-on/lift-off containership吊上吊下集装箱船
lift-on/lift-off system货物吊装法
lift-on/lift-off system吊上吊下装运法
lift the embargo on...对…解禁
lift the embargo on...允许…出口
lift the embargo on开放…出口
lift the embargo on对…解除禁令
loaning rate on stock股票抵押贷款利率
make a discount on打折扣
make a draft on bank向银行提款
make a profit on在…上获利
make a raid on围捕
make a raid on搜查
man-on-the street sampling方便性选样
management based on production and marketing产销型管理
management on a commission basis委托管理
management on a lease basis租赁经营
management on small scale小经营
management on the sales force销售人员管理
man-hour converted on a comparable basis折可比产品用工
mark on加价
mark on标高销售价
marketing on consignment委托营销
meager allowance during medical treatment for on-job injury工伤医疗期间伙食补贴
merchandise and physical asset held on behalf of others代管商品及物资
merchandise inventory on hand at year end年终商品盘存
merchandise inventory on hand at year's end年终现有商品库存
merchandise on consignment托售品
merchandise on consignment for further processing委托加工商品
merchandise purchase based on physical inventory盘存计购
merchandise purchased on behalf of others代购商品
merchandise sale based on physical inventory以存计销
merchandise shipped on installment sales分期取款发运货物
method of checking on productive capacity生产能力核定法
method of fixed percentage on cost按成本固定百分比折旧法
method of least-squares-on-restriction无约束最小平方法
monetary loss on noncurrent monetary asset非流动货币资产的货币亏损
net gain on exchange汇兑纯收益
net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
net loss on pilot run failure试制失败净损失
net loss on sale销货纯损
net loss on sales销货损失净额
net mark-on percentage净增价百分率
net mark-on percentage净加息率
net mark-on percentage净增百分比
net profit on net working capital ratio净流动资本净利润比率
net profit on tangible net worth ratio有形净值净利润比
net profit rate on investment投资纯利率
note on demand即付票据见票即付
note on the debt债务说明
note payable on demand即期应付票据
offer on sale or return许可退货的发价
offer on sale or return可退货的发价
officer on agreement签约聘任的职员
officer on contract签约聘任的职员
officer on duty借班公务员职员
officer on probation试用职员
officer on trial试任职员
official journal on patent专利公报
overage and shortage on inventory taking盘存盈亏
paid on delivery交货时付款
party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange已解除票据上义务的当事人
party liable on a bill of exchange汇票负责方
payable on arrival of steamer船舶到达时付款
persons on part-time兼职人员
premium on bond债券溢价
premium on bond payable应付债券溢价
premium on bond purchased购入债券溢价
premium on bond receivable应收债券溢价
premium on bonds证券溢价即证券买卖价超过其面值
premium on bonds purchased购入债券溢价
premium on bonds redeemed债券回收溢价
premium on capital stocks股票盈利
premium on capital stocks股本溢价
premium on exchange汇兑升水
premium on exchange汇兑溢价
premium on foreign exchange外汇溢价
premium on repayment债券还本溢价
premium on the price交易所升水溢价
premium wage on piece rate计件超额工资
pressure on the market市场压力
priority on insolvency of the issuer开证者破产时的优先受偿
quota loan on foreign exchange retention留成外汇额定贷款
quotation on foreign market国外市场行情
quotation on market市场行情
ready stock on hand现有存货
ready stock on hand现有库存存货
realize on the consignment变卖寄售货物
reciprocity based on equality平等互利
recreation appropriation for staffs on fully-paid long leave离休干部活动经费
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans还本付息
report on expenses费用决算报告
report on infringement of regulations违犯规章报告
report on the budget预算咨文
require the goods to arrive on/before要求货物在某日或前运达
reserve arising on consolidation综合账产生的溢价
retired on full pay留全薪退职
royalties on books版税
royalty interests on leaseholds租赁权收租利益
royalty on withdrawal石油产地使用费
salaries or wages on time basis计时工薪
savings on saving account在银行开立储蓄账户储蓄
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
seasonal peaks on inventory季节性库存高峰
seasonal peaks on sales销售季节性高峰
sell on floating cargo出售路货
sell on floating terms按路货条件岀售
sell on floating terms路货条件出售
sell on trust赊售
set off against goodwill on consolidation抵消综合账商誉
shipment on cash现金装运
silicon on sapphire青玉色硅石
social premium on investment投资社会溢价
statutory limits on debts法定债务限额
statutory restrictions on company loans法定公司贷款限制
stress on practical results讲求实效
substitution on theorem代换定理
surcharges on salaries and wages附加工薪
survey report on examination of damage or shortage损害及短量检验报告
survey report on export inspection and standardization外销检验及标准化报告
survey report on quality品质检测报告
survey report on weight重量检测报告
take on a board装载上船
take on a new business开办新业务
take on an enterprise创办企业
take on enterprise创办企业
take on extra work雇用临时工
take on extra workers雇佣临时工
tariff on tapering scale按递远递价比例计算的运费率
tariff on uniform basis统一运价表
tax on acts行为税
tax on added value增值税
tax on aggregated income综合所得税
tax on bourse交易所税
tax on capital资本税
tax on commerce商业税
tax on deposit存款税
tax on dividends股息税
tax on exchange交易税
tax on export sales出口产品销售税
tax on goods and property货物及财产税
tax on gross profit basis毛利税
tax on house房产税
tax on import进口税
tax on income and profits所得利润税
tax on income from movable capital动产收入税
tax on landed property地产税
tax on licenses执照税
tax on mine矿山税
tax on natural resources自然资源税
tax on net profit basis纯利税
tax on operation营业税
tax on profit利润税
tax on revaluation重估税
tax on revaluation重新估价税
tax on revenue收益税
tax on sale of property买卖产业税
tax on sales销售税
tax on stalls摊点税
tax on sundry杂税
tax on superfluity奢侈品税
tax on the above-norm bonus超额奖金税
tax on trade交易税
tax on transfer of goods货物转让税
tax on transfer of technology技术转让税
tax on turnover交易税
tax on turnover营业税
tax on urban building城市建筑税
tax on urban building城市房产税
tax on write-up重估增值税
tax on write-up账面增值税
tax per head on slaughtered animal每头屠宰税
taxes on business征收营业税
taxes on enterprise征收企业税
technical information on patent专利技术信息
test on means方法检验
test on means检验手段
ticket available on day of issue only当日通用票
trade on commission委托贸易
trade on the spot境外贸易
trade with payment on open account记账贸易
trading on equity产权交易
trading on the equity借债经营即发行债券筹资经营
transfer on a ratting basis轮换
transfer on current account本期账户转账
transfer on exchange settlement account外汇清算账户转账
transfer tax on stocks股票过户税
transfer tax on stocks证券交易税
turnover on stock exchange股票交易所营业额
value based on the weighted sum权定值
value on...签发
value on...付款人…
value on change交易所价
verge on a total loss船只、货物接近全损
view on human nature人性观
violation of regulation on foreign exchange control违反外汇管制规定
workers and staff on the regular payroll在编人员
worst-on-worst operating conditions坏上坏的操作条件
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