
Terms for subject Textile industry containing On | all forms | exact matches only
accrued interest on loan应计未付借款利息
accrued interest on note payable应计未付证券利息,应计期票利息
accrued taxes on income应计所得税款
actually on board实际在船上
advance on document凭单预付
advance on document凭单信托预付
Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation经济技术合作协定
Agreement on Government Procurement政府采购协议
Agreement on International Commodity Trade国际商品贸易协定
Agreement on International Service Trade国际服务贸易协定
Agreement on Rules of Origin原产地规贝协定
Agreement on Service Trade服务贸易协定
Agreement on Textile and Clothing纺织品与服装协定世界贸易组织
Agreement on the Exchange of Commodities易货贸易协定
allowance on sales销货折让
amount of funds on the deposit资金存量,基金存量
arrival on time准时到达
athletic slip-on sneakers无带扣运动鞋
attaching set-on centre plait缝合中间褶裥
automatic casting-on and welting自动起口和折口
ban on export禁止出口
ban on import禁止进口
ban on maritime voyages海禁
batt-on-base needle felt有底布针刺毡
bill on demand见票即付
bill on demand即期汇票
bill on maturity到期票据
bill on maturity到期后付款汇票
calculated on the basis of original price按原价计算
cargo on board飞机上货物
cargo on board船上货物
carry-on bag大手提袋
carry on baggage手提行李
ceiling on loan贷款限额
ceiling on remittance of royalties使用费汇款的最高限额
ceiling on wage工资最高限额
ceiling on wage最高工资
certificate on damaged cargo验残证书
certificate on hatch and cargo舱/货鉴定证书
certificate on packing包装证书
clause on early termination中止条款
clip-on bow tie夹式蝶结
clip-on bow tie夹扣蝴蝶领结
clip-on rigid plastic shield硬塑料夹式眼睛罩
clip-on sunglasses夹式太阳眼镜
clip-on tie夹式领结
clip-on tie夹式领带
clip-on wire mesh shield夹紧线网眼眼罩
cloth pressing-on roller压布辊
collar on collar超重衣款式
collision on land陆地碰撞
commerce on an individual trader basis个体商业
committee on finance财政委员会
consultancy on business商业咨询
consultancy on business企业咨询
consultancy on business业务咨询
consultancy on international business国际商务咨询
consultancy on international financing国际金融咨询
consultancy on international financing国际融资咨询
consultancy on international insurance国际保险咨询
consultancy on international investment国际投资咨询
consultancy on international trade国际贸易咨询
consultancy service on law法律咨询事务所
Convention on Intellectual Property知识产权公约
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims海损赔偿责任限制公约
Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitration Awards外国仲裁裁决执行公约
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea国际海上避碰公约
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability产品责任准则公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Award外国仲裁裁决承认与执行公约
Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purpose关税估价公约,海关货品估价公约,货物课税估价公约
crease in putting on贴布折皱
crease on two ends of pocket mouth袋口角起皱
creases on two ends of pocket mouth袋口角起皱
creases on two ends of pocket mouth〔检〕袋口角起皱
credit on real estate地产信用
critical add-on value临界加重值
current price on market市场价
current price on market行市价
current price on market行市
cut-on center plait裁剪中央裥
cut-on centre plait裁剪中央裥
cut on fold对折裁剪
cut on fold折叠裁剪
cut-on shirt front裁剪衬衫前片
cut-on the bias斜裁
data on children's steepwear儿童睡衣阻燃试验数据
decoration ribbon on cap帽墙带
defective sewing on pockets口袋缝接不良
deferred payment on export出口分期付款
deferred payment on export出口延期付款
deferred payment on import进口分期付款
deferred payment on import进口延期付款
dependence on import进口依存度
distribute on commission经销
do business on one's own自营商业
double fold or half width creased rolled on cardboard双幅卷板
double jersey with polypropylene and cotton on each face丙盖棉针织物
draft on demand要求即付的汇票
drain on cash现金外流
drain on cash现金耗竭
drop on demand喷墨印花
dummy try-on在模特上穿试身
dummy try-on服装试样
dummy try-on在假人上穿粗缝衣服试身
dummy try-on疏缝试衣装
dummy try-on服装试穿 (在假人上穿粗缝衣服)
duty on buyer's account关税由买方负担
dye on the beam卷染
embroider on cutted piece绣片
expenditure on gross domestic product国内生产总值支出
expenditure on gross national product国民生产总值支出
export on consignment出口寄售
fall on叠色
fall-on print叠色印花
fall-on printing叠色印花
flat stitched-on pocket平贴袋
flocking on nonwoven fabric非织造静电植绒布
free on board离岸交货价
free on board airport飞机场交货价
free on board airport飞机场交货
free on board and commission离岸价格加佣金
free on board and stowed离岸价格加理舱费,船底交货价
free on board and trimmed离岸价加平舱费
free on board destination目的地交货价
free on board factory工厂交货价
free on board factory工厂交货
free on board in harbor起运港船上交货价,起运港船上交货
free on board liner terms班轮上交货价,班轮上交货条件,班轮上交货
free on board plane飞机上交货
free on board plane飞机上交货价
free on board plant工厂交货
free on board plant工厂交货价
free on board port of shipment发货港船上交货价,离岸价格
free on board price value船上交货价,离岸价格
free on board quay码头交货
free on board quay码头上交货价
free on board railroad cars火车上交货价,火车上交货
free on board shipping point起运点交货价,起运点交货
free on board stowed理舱费在内的船上交货价
free on board, stowed and trimmed船上交货加理舱平舱价格
free on board train火车上交货
free on board truck卡车上交货
free on board value离岸价格
free on board value船上交货价
free on board works工厂交货
free on board works工厂交货价
free on rail火车上交货
free on road汽车上交货
free on road汽车上交货价格
free on road汽车上交货价
free on ship船上交货
free on ship船上交货价
free on steamer轮船上交货
free on steamer轮船上交货价
garment on hanger衣服挂装走货
gathers on a band在平带上抽褶
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关税及贸易总协定,关贸总协定
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税及贸易总协定 (GATT)
General Agreement on Tariffs&Trade关税及贸易总协定
goods on approval试用物品
goods on consignment-out寄售货物
goods on consignment-out寄销品
goods on consignment-out寄售商品
goods on the spot现货
goods-out on consignment寄销货物
government expenditures on goods政府对货物支出
hold on lease租借
injury suffered on the job工伤
insignia on cap帽徽
interest on a loan借款利息
interest on capital股息
interest on debenture公司债利息
interest on government bond公债利息
interest on government securities公债利息
interest on loans放款利息
interest on loans借贷利息
interest on overdraft透支利息
interest rate on loans贷款利率
interest rate on loans放款利率
International Scientific and Technical Committee on Laundering国际洗涤科学与技术委员会
item on display展品
item on display展览项目
knitted iron-on针织黏合衬
knitted-on portion加编部分
knitted-on protion加编部分
lay duty on imports对进口货课税
lift on吊装
lift on/lift off吊装
lift on/lift off shipment吊装
load on carrier装船
load on carrier装车
load on top最大负载
load on top最大负荷
loan on collateral担保借款
loan on collateral证券担保贷款
loan on collateral security证券抵押放款
loan on collateral security抵押贷款
loan on credit信用借款
loan on credit信用放款
loan on credit信用贷款
loan on favorable terms优惠贷款
loan on guarantee担保放款
loan on interest有息放款
lockstitch on buttonhole〔工〕锁扣眼
lockstitch on buttonhole锁扣眼
loops on the top服装缺陷
make an inventory of stock on hand盘点,盘存,盘货
make an opening for pen on flap胸袋插笔口
make an opening for pen on flap胸袋插笔口
make up on hooks钩架包装
mandatory restrictions on export指令性出口管理
mandatory restrictions on export强制性出口管理
mandatory restrictions on import指令性进口管理
mandatory restrictions on import强制性进口管理
mark on标价加码数
mark on加成
mark on成本外加数
mark on标高售价
mark up on cost成本加价
merchandise on approval试销货
merchandise on approval试销品
merchandise on approval试销商品
metal slip-on有金属装饰的套穿鞋 (shoes)
model law on patent专利法范本
National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement国家辐射防护和检测委员会
net gain on exchange汇兑纯益
net profit on net sale ratio净销售净利润比
net profit on sale销售净利润
net profit on sale销货纯利
net profit rate on sale销售纯利率
no cargo on board船上未载货
no risk till on board装船前不承担风险
note on demand见票即付票据
note on demand即期票据
on a customs clearance basis以结关为准
on application申请
on application承索即送
on application申请就给
on application函索即寄
on application索取
on application承索
on application函索即寄
on board endorsement B/L已装船背书提单
on cash现金交易
on commission以委托代办方式
on commission委托代销
on cones筒子纱
on consignment代销
on consignment托销
on credit赊欠交易
on credit traffic记账运输
on deck货装舱面
on deck在甲板上
on deck B/L舱面提单
on deck cargo舱面货
on deck cargo甲板货
on deck risk舱面货物险
on deck risk甲板险
on deck shipment货装舱面
on demand根据买方通知发货
on demand根据需要
on departure起航
on departure离港
on duty上班款式
on file存档
on file归档
on hand inventory现有库存
on hand inventory现有存货
on hand inventory现存量
on hire survey交船检验
on lay服装镶嵌物
on lending转借
on lending贷出
on-line color continuity monitor在线色连续监控系统
on-line color continuity monitor颜色在线连续监控系统
on-line color metric metering system在线测色系统
on-line console联机控制台
on-line console在线控制台
on-line control在线监控
on-line decision联机决策
on-line detection在线检测
on-line quality control在线质量监控
on-line quality control联机质量控制
on-line quality monitoring system在线质量监控系统
on-line quality supervision在线质量监控
on-line to textile literature纺织文献联机检索
on-location dyeing地毯定位喷染
on-location dyeing定位喷染
on margin凭保证金额度
on market在市场上
on market按市价
on market按行市
on my own靠我自己
on net按净值
on net按净价
on offer供出售
on open account记账交易
on open account赊账交易
on rail铁路交货
on sale拍卖
on sale上市
on sale待售
on sale贱卖
on sale大减价
on sale出售
on sale甩卖
on sale廉售
on sale出售
on sample凭样本
on shade近似色
on share分摊盈亏
on signed lines签单责任额
on-site benefit直接收益
on-site income直接收入
on spot现场交货
on spot当地交货
on strap赊账
on strap凭信用
on stream在运转中
on term定期付款
on term定期
on test现场试验
on test当场检查
on test就地检査
on the berth船只停泊准备装卸货物
on the grain顺着织物纹理
on the grain顺应织物纹理
on the high side价格偏高
on the market出售中
on the money平值期权
on the spot现场
on the spot transaction现场交易
on-the-dot registration准确对花
on tick赊购
on tick赊账
on-top skirt上层裙用于欧洲民族风格的多层裙设计
on track火车交货
on tramp terms按不定期货轮条件
on trial试用
on weight of cotton按棉的重量计
on weight of fabric按织物重量计算
on weight of fiber按纤维重量[计算]
paid on shipment装船时支付
pattern on pattern重叠花样
pattern on pattern双重花样
pattern on pattern织物的重叠花样
pattern on pattern上下衣花样相配
payable on arrival of steamer船到付款
payable on demand见票即付
payable on demand交票即付
payable on receipt收到后即付
payable on receipt收到后付款
pick-on-pick moire匹克匹克云纹绸
pick-on-pick moire匹克匹克波纹绸
premium on capital stock股本溢价
premium on currency通货溢价
premium on currency升水
premium on price交易所升水
premium on price溢价
print on直接印花法
print on cutted piece裁片印花
print on print重叠式印花
profit on alienation转让收益
profit on exporting出口利润
profit on foreign exchange transactions外汇交易利润
profit on goods sales销货利润
profit on goods sales货物销售利润
profit on importing进口利润
profit on operation营运利润
profit on redemption of securities有价证券偿还差益
profit on securities sold有价证券出售利润
profit or loss on exchange外汇损益,汇兑损益
profit rate on costs成本利润率
profit rate on exports出口利润率
profit rate on foreign exchange外币汇兑利润率
profit rate on funds资金利润率
profit rate on investment投资利润率
profit rate on production生产利润率
puckering on shoulder绺肩
raise money on抵押借款
rate of return on equity股本收益率
rate of return on invested capital投资收益率,投入资本所得率
rate of return on investment投资收益率,投资报酬率,投资回报率,投资利润率
rate of return on sales销货报酬率
ready stock on hand现货
reconciliation of cash on deposit银行存款调整
refused on delivery拒绝引渡
refused on delivery货到拒收
report on merchandise movement商品进销存报告
report on merchandise movement商品流动报告
report on the budget预算报告
retire on a pension领养老金退休
retire on pension领养老金退休
round neckline slip on圆领套裙
round neckline slip on圆领连衣裙
round neckline slip-on圆领套裙
sabat on鸭嘴式盔甲套鞋
saving on labor time节约工时
screw-on earring旋合固定的耳环
seasonal effects on sales季节对销售的影响
seasonal effects on sales销售季节性影响
seat on the exchange交易所成员
seat on the exchange交易所会员资格
sell on account赊售
sell on account赊卖
sell on account赊销
sell on commission经销
sell on credit赊卖
sell on credit赊销
sell M on credit赊售 M
sell on credit赊售
sell on the spot现货销售
sell on trust赊销
selling on consignment basis委托销售
selling on consignment basis寄销
selling on floating terms出售在途货物
set-on pocket贴袋
setting on集圈
sewing on belt loop sewing machine钉裤带环缝纫机
sewing on label钉商标
sewing-on pocket贴袋
sewing on snaps钉按扣
sewn-on pocket贴袋
sewn-on strip缝带
shipped on board已装船
shipped on board B/L已装船提单
shipped on deck货载于甲板上
shirt on shirt双重穿衬衫方法叠穿在领、袖等部位显露不同效果
shirt on shirt双重穿衬衫方法
shirt on shirt双重穿衬衫法
shirt on shirt on shirt三重穿衬衫方法
shirt on shirt on shirt三重穿衬衫法
singlefold of full width rolled on cardboard单幅卷板
skirt on skirt裙外裙
speculation on the rise and fall买空卖空
stamp on goods货物印记
stud-on fishing leggings拷纽可脱卸捕鱼裤
surcharge on wages附加工资
take on风行
take on服装式样流行
take on board装上飞机
take on board装上船
tape attaching on body大身缝带
tape attaching on folded body大身褶边缝带
threads on card or board线圈
threads on cones宝塔线
tie on系上
tie-on cape披肩罩
tone on tone同色但深浅搭配不同的服装
tone on tone同系配色指同一色相不同色调的配色
tone on tone同系配色
tone on tone同色深浅搭配服装
tone-on-tone check同色深浅格纹
tone-on-tone dyeing同色深浅效应的染色
tone-on-tone effect同色深浅效果
tone-on-tone print同色深浅印花
tone on tone print同色深浅印花
tone-on-tone stripe同色深浅条纹
trading on curb场外证券交易
trading on margin account部分付款交易
training on the job在职培训
transfer on rotating basis轮换
transfer tax on stock股票过户税
transfer tax on stock证券交易税
transportation on goods货物运输
transportation on goods商品运输
transportation on purchases购货运输费用
transportation on sale销货运费
try on试穿
trying on试戴
trying on试穿
twist on twist同向复捻
twist on twist同向加捻
value on exchange市场价值
value on exchange交换价值
variation on product costs产品成本差异
verge on a total loss接近全损
water retention on air-dry weight湿基轧余率
weight on board装载重量
withholding tax on dividends预扣股息税
withholding tax on interest利息预提税
write number on carton填箱号
yield on the current price通货价格收益
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